Exhibit 99.3
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)
(NYSE Ticker: HKIB)
to be held on March 1, 2022
(or any adjourned or postponed meeting thereof)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an extraordinary general meeting (the “EGM”) of AMTD International Inc. (the “Company”) will be held at 23/F Nexxus Building, 41 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong on March 1, 2022 at 10:00 am (Hong Kong time), and at any adjourned or postponed meeting thereof, for the following purposes:
To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolutions:
THAT the name of the Company be and is hereby changed from “AMTD International Inc.” to “AMTD IDEA Group” effective immediately, and that any one director or officer of the Company be and is hereby authorized to take any and every action that might be necessary, appropriate, or desirable to give effect to the foregoing resolution as such director or officer, in his/her absolute discretion, thinks fit, including but not limited to, attendance on any filing or registration procedures for and on behalf of the Company in the Cayman Islands; and
THAT the Company’s Third Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association be amended and restated by the deletion in their entirety and by the substitution in their place of the Fourth Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A to reflect the change of the name of the Company, and that any one director or officer or the registered office service provider of the Company be and is hereby authorized to take any and every action that might be necessary, appropriate, or desirable to give effect to the foregoing resolution as such director or officer or the registered office service provider of the Company, in his/her absolute discretion, thinks fit, including but not limited to, attendance on any filing or registration procedures for and on behalf of the Company in the Cayman Islands.”
The board of directors of the Company has fixed the close of business on January 31, 2022 as the record date (the “Record Date”) for determining the shareholders entitled to receive notice of, and to vote at, the EGM or any adjourned or postponed meeting thereof.
Holders of record of the Company’s ordinary shares at the close of business on the Record Date are entitled to attend the EGM and any adjourned or postponed meeting thereof. Holders of the Company’s American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), each representing one Class A ordinary share, who wish to exercise their voting rights for the underlying Class A ordinary shares must act through The Bank of New York Mellon, the depositary of the Company’s ADS program.