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Most recently, the Company’s board of directors have simply disregarded two valid requisitions for a board meeting. In the case of the second meeting, a time and date were chosen in response to comments from directors who failed to attend the first meeting. It was clearly communicated that this was intended to be a brief meeting to discuss an appropriate process for objectively considering a specific and time-sensitive proposal and other similar opportunities that might arise. Despite the fact that the meeting was scheduled during a holiday period in which people in Canada and the United States had been advised to avoid travel, and consequently most citizens were readily available to attend a telephone call or online meeting, no directors attended the second meeting. Our clients attribute this to the clear efforts of the Company’s Chief Executive Officer to frustrate these meetings, and thereby the effective functioning of the Company’s governance structure.
While our clients had hoped that they might find a way to effectively manage this issue through the engagement of the independent directors, that avenue has, unfortunately, been denied them through a determined campaign of disruption, with which the current board is complicit
Apart from the goal of considering the specific opportunity that our clients sought to discuss with the board, it has become apparent that, as currently constituted, the Company’s governance has become dysfunctional, and incapable of addressing the critical and urgent challenges facing the Company. As shareholders with a significant economic interest in the Company, our clients have determined to take all steps required to address this failing.
If the Company is to be saved, and at least some of the lost shareholder value recovered, urgent action is essential. We trust you agree that the Company’s shareholders are entitled to be heard, and heard in a timely fashion. For this reason we anticipate and look forward to your cooperation in scheduling the meeting as set out in the Requisition for no later than March 15, 2021.
To ensure that the Company’s board has the benefit of the complete record of our recent correspondence, we also ask for confirmation that our letter of December 29, 2020 and your response dated December 30, 2020 have been shared with them.
We also note that, on December 21, 2020, we submitted a request for a list of the Company’s shareholders in accordance with the OBCA, along with the required supporting affidavit. As you are aware, the OBCA requires the Company to respond within 10 days. That deadline has come and gone with no response, so we reiterate our request to receive these materials on a timely basis as required by the OBCA.
/s/ Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
| Aaron Sonshine, Bennett Jones |
| Jeff Kerbel, Bennett Jones |
| Joseph Blinick, Bennett Jones |