Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Consolidated Statement of Opera
- Consolidated Statement of Compr
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Statement of Chang
- Consolidated Statement of Cash
- Corporate Information
- Basis of preparation
- Significant Accounting Policies
- New and amended IFRS standards
- Financial risk management
- Critical accounting estimate an
- Contract revenue and contract l
- Other income (expense)
- Employee expenses
- Expenses by nature
- Income tax expense
- Other current assets
- Non-current assets by geographi
- Property, plant and equipment
- Leases
- Intangible assets
- Financial instruments
- Deferred income taxes and tax c
- Accrued liabilities and other p
- Pension obligations
- Convertible loans
- Share-based compensation expens
- Share capital
- Commitments
- Contingent liabilities
- Related parties
- Loss per share
- Foreign currency exchange rate
- Events after reporting period
- Significant Accounting Polici_2
- Basis of preparation (Tables)
- Significant Accounting Polici_3
- New and amended IFRS standards
- Financial risk management (Tabl
- Other income (expense) (Tables)
- Employee expenses (Tables)
- Expenses by nature (Tables)
- Income tax expense (Tables)
- Other current assets (Tables)
- Non-current assets by geograp_2
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Leases (Tables)
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Financial instruments (Tables)
- Deferred income taxes and tax_2
- Accrued liabilities and other_2
- Pension obligations (Tables)
- Convertible loans (Tables)
- Share-based compensation expe_2
- Share capital (Tables)
- Commitments (Tables)
- Related parties (Tables)
- Loss per share (Tables)
- Foreign currency exchange rate
- Corporate Information - Narrati
- Basis of preparation - Going Co
- Basis of preparation - Share Sp
- Basis of preparation - Share Co
- Basis of preparation - Initial
- Basis of preparation - Overland
- Basis of preparation - Schedule
- Basis of preparation - Summary
- Significant Accounting Polici_4
- Significant Accounting Polici_5
- New and amended IFRS standard_2
- New and amended IFRS standard_3
- Financial risk management - Cas
- Financial risk management - Nar
- Financial risk management - Sch
- Critical accounting estimates a
- Contract revenue and contract_2
- Other income (expense) - Schedu
- Other income (expense)- Narrati
- Employee expenses - Schedule of
- Employee expenses - Narrative (
- Expenses by nature - Schedule o
- Expenses by nature - Narrative
- Income tax expense - Schedule o
- Income tax expense - Narrative
- Income tax expense - Schedule_2
- Other current assets - Schedule
- Other current assets - Narrativ
- Non-current assets by geograp_3
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Leases - Balance Sheet Classifi
- Leases - Narrative (Details)
- Leases - Right-of-Use Assets an
- Leases - Right-of-Use Asset Dep
- Leases - Schedule of Lease Liab
- Intangible assets - Schedule of
- Intangible assets - Schedule _2
- Intangible assets - Narrative (
- Financial instruments - Schedul
- Financial instruments - Sched_2
- Financial instruments - Sched_3
- Deferred income taxes and tax_3
- Deferred income taxes and tax_4
- Accrued liabilities and other_3
- Accrued liabilities and other_4
- Pension obligations - Narrative
- Pension obligations - Funded st
- Pension obligations - Schedule
- Pension obligations - Schedul_2
- Pension obligations - Schedul_3
- Pension obligations - Schedul_4
- Pension obligations - Schedul_5
- Pension obligations - Schedul_6
- Convertible loans - Narrative (
- Convertible loans - Schedule of
- Convertible loans - Valuation o
- Share-based compensation expe_3
- Share-based compensation expe_4
- Share-based compensation expe_5
- Share-based compensation expe_6
- Share-based compensation expe_7
- Share-based compensation expe_8
- Share capital - Schedule of Mov
- Share capital - Narrative (Deta
- Commitments - Schedule of Commi
- Commitments - Narrative (Detail
- Related parties - Narrative (De
- Related parties - Schedule of K
- Loss per share (Details)
- Loss per share - Schedule of Po
- Foreign currency exchange rat_2
- Events after the reporting date