Restatement of Financial Statements | 3 Restatement of financial statements Accounts Receivable During the quarter ended June 30, 2021, in conjunction with performing its quarter-end The impact of these errors was (i) a decrease of accounts receivable of $28.9 million, $29.5 million and $5.6 million as of December 31, 2020, December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2019, respectively, (ii) a decrease of goodwill of $9.6 million, $3.7 million and $2.6 million as of December 31, 2020, December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2019, respectively, and (iii) a decrease of revenue of $5.7 million and $26.4 million for the years ending December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 respectively. Repairs and Maintenance While performing its review of the interim financial statements for the quarter ended June 30, 2021, management identified costs associated with certain replacement components on equipment when repaired were capitalized and recorded in property and equipment in the Company’s consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and prior periods. Management determined the costs of the replacement components should have been expensed as repairs and maintenance, rather than capitalized. This analysis resulted in a reduction to the carrying value of property and equipment (and the associated amounts of accumulated depreciation), as well as an increase in repairs and maintenance costs and decreases in depreciation expense and loss on disposal of property and equipment, which are included in operating expenses. These are considered errors in accordance with ASC 250, and are material to prior periods and required the consolidated financial statements to be restated. The impact of these errors was (i) a decrease of property and equipment, net, of $16.6 million, $11.8 million and $7.3 million as of December 31, 2020, December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2019, respectively, (ii) an increase in the cost of operations of $8.5 million and $6.6 million for the years ended December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively, (iii) a decrease in depreciation expense of $3.4 million and $2.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively, and (iv) a decrease to the loss on disposal of property and equipment of $0.2 million and $0.04 million for the years ended December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively. The tax impact of the above-noted changes, along with other previously uncorrected immaterial misstatements to certain balance sheet and income statement accounts, are included in the total adjustments described in the tables below. The cumulative impact of these items was a decrease in shareholders’ equity of $54.6 million and $38.1 million at December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively. Line items in the restated consolidated balance sheets As at December 31, As at December 31, 2020 Adjustment 2020 - Restated Accounts receivable 91,126,923 (28,868,166) 62,258,757 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 3,942,268 489,379 4,431,647 Current assets 139,465,179 (28,378,787) 111,086,392 Security deposits and other assets 4,876,208 (44,160) 4,832,048 Property and equipment 79,929,574 (16,216,065) 63,713,509 Goodwill 360,603,613 (8,994,052) 351,609,561 Total assets 718,684,541 (53,633,064) 665,051,477 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 34,233,142 62,114 34,295,256 Deferred tax liability 826,566 866,445 1,693,011 Total liabilities 578,952,991 928,559 579,881,550 Deficit (26,759,151) (53,373,408) (80,132,559) Equity attributable to shareholders of Akumin Inc. 134,205,883 (53,373,408) 80,832,475 Non-controlling 5,525,667 (1,188,215) 4,337,452 Total shareholders’ equity 139,731,550 (54,561,623) 85,169,927 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 718,684,541 (53,633,064) 665,051,477 Line items in the restated consolidated statement of operations and comprehensive income (loss) Year ended December Year ended December 31, 2020 Adjustment 31, 2020 - Restated Service fees - net of allowances and discounts 243,981,183 (5,656,864) 238,324,319 Total revenue 251,282,849 (5,656,864) 245,625,985 Cost of operations, excluding depreciation and amortization 197,803,388 7,831,218 205,634,606 Depreciation and amortization 20,459,767 (3,399,616) 17,060,151 Operational financial instruments revaluation and other (gains) losses (3,907,666) (221,807) (4,129,473) Total operating expenses 216,439,403 4,209,795 220,649,198 Income from operations 34,843,446 (9,866,659) 24,976,787 Other financial instruments revaluation and other (gains) losses 22,078,745 308,082 22,386,827 Loss before income taxes (23,419,915) (10,174,741) (33,594,656) Income tax provision (benefit) (5,751,070) 6,312,625 561,555 Net loss and comprehensive loss for the period (17,668,845) (16,487,366) (34,156,211) Non-controlling 2,728,539 (144,219) 2,584,320 Net loss attributable to common shareholders (20,397,384) (16,343,147) (36,740,531) Net loss per share - basic and diluted (0.29) (0.23) (0.52) Line items in the restated consolidated statement of cash flows Year ended December Year ended December 31, 2020 Adjustment 31, 2020 - Restated Net loss for the period (17,668,845) (16,487,366) (34,156,211) Depreciation and amortization 20,459,767 (3,399,616) 17,060,151 Deferred income tax expense (benefit) (5,430,254) 6,130,090 699,836 Financial instruments revaluation and other (gains) losses 18,171,079 86,275 18,257,354 Changes in accounts receivable (8,259,697) 5,184,977 (3,074,720) Changes in prepaid expenses, security deposits and other assets (138,395) 411,115 272,720 Changes in accounts payable and accrued liabilities 9,038,102 (1,168) 9,036,934 Cash flows from operating activities 26,690,553 (8,075,693) 18,614,860 Purchase of property and equipment and intangible assets (13,420,375) 8,075,693 (5,344,682) Cash flows from investing activities (17,082,798) 8,075,693 (9,007,105) Line items in the restated consolidated balance sheets As at December 31, As at December 31, 2019 Adjustment 2019 - Restated Accounts receivable 82,867,225 (29,541,709) 53,325,516 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 3,927,949 1,073,083 5,001,032 Current assets 110,184,090 (28,468,626) 81,715,464 Security deposits and other assets 1,967,053 (216,750) 1,750,303 Property and equipment 75,938,590 (11,761,795) 64,176,795 Goodwill 358,802,534 (3,135,530) 355,667,004 Total assets 683,000,517 (43,582,701) 639,417,816 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 26,262,225 63,283 26,325,508 Derivative financial instruments 951,702 (308,082) 643,620 Deferred tax liability 6,256,820 (5,263,645) 993,175 Total liabilities 525,937,015 (5,508,444) 520,428,571 Deficit (6,361,767) (37,030,261) (43,392,028) Equity attributable to shareholders of Akumin Inc. 152,519,353 (37,030,261) 115,489,092 Non-controlling 4,544,149 (1,043,996) 3,500,153 Total shareholders’ equity 157,063,502 (38,074,257) 118,989,245 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 683,000,517 (43,582,701) 639,417,816 Line items in the restated consolidated statement of operations and comprehensive income (loss) Year ended December Year ended December 31, 2019 Adjustment 31, 2019 - Restated Service fees - net of allowances and discounts 244,841,400 (26,391,696) 218,449,704 Total revenue 247,436,303 (26,391,696) 221,044,607 Cost of operations, excluding depreciation and amortization 187,802,601 5,534,129 193,336,730 Depreciation and amortization 15,587,200 (2,095,831) 13,491,369 Operational financial instruments revaluation and other (gains) losses 1,017,401 (37,473) 979,928 Total operating expenses 207,961,967 3,400,825 211,362,792 Income from operations 39,474,336 (29,792,521) 9,681,815 Other financial instruments revaluation and other (gains) losses 1,805,816 (308,082) 1,497,734 Income (loss) before income taxes 15,363,155 (29,484,439) (14,121,284) Income tax provision (benefit) 3,735,548 (6,533,107) (2,797,559) Net income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) for the period 11,627,607 (22,951,332) (11,323,725) Non-controlling 2,199,629 (593,604) 1,606,025 Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders 9,427,978 (22,357,728) (12,929,750) Net income (loss) per share - basic and diluted 0.14 (0.34) (0.19) Line items in the restated consolidated statement of cash flows Year ended December Year ended December 31, 2019 Adjustment 31, 2019 - Restated Net income (loss) for the period 11,627,607 (22,951,332) (11,323,725) Depreciation and amortization 15,587,200 (2,095,831) 13,491,369 Deferred income tax expense (benefit) 2,092,504 (3,511,985) (1,419,481) Financial instruments revaluation and other (gains) losses 2,823,217 (345,555) 2,477,662 Changes in accounts receivable (25,243,156) 25,656,280 413,124 Changes in prepaid expenses, security deposits and other assets (3,657,429) (1,355,327) (5,012,756) Changes in accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,369,580 (1,948,040) (578,460) Cash flows from operating activities 12,581,077 (6,551,790) 6,029,287 Purchase of property and equipment and intangible assets (12,447,634) 6,551,790 (5,895,844) Cash flows from investing activities (231,107,615) 6,551,790 (224,555,825) Line items in the restated consolidated statement changes in equity Accumulated Deficit Non-controlling Total Shareholders’ As at January 1, 2019 (15,789,745) 4,107,499 118,895,463 Adjustment (14,672,533) (450,392) (15,122,925) As at January 1, 2019 - Restated (30,462,278) 3,657,107 103,772,538 As at December 31, 2019 (6,361,767) 4,544,149 157,063,502 Adjustment (37,030,261) (1,043,996) (38,074,257) As at December 31, 2019 - Restated (43,392,028) 3,500,153 118,989,245 As at December 31, 2020 (26,759,151) 5,525,667 139,731,550 Adjustment (53,373,408) (1,188,215) (54,561,623) As at December 31, 2020 - Restated (80,132,559) 4,337,452 85,169,927 |