| OMB Number: ####-#### Estimated average burden hours per response: ##.# |
Form C: Filer Information
Filer CIK: | 0001779281 |
Is this a LIVE or TEST Filing? | ![]() ![]() |
Is this an electronic copy of an official filing submitted in paper format in connection with a hardship exemption? | ![]() |
Would you like a Return Copy? | ![]() |
Submission Contact Information
Name: | |
Phone Number: | |
Contact E-Mail Address: | |
Notify via Filing Website only? | ![]() |
Form C: Issuer Information
Issuer Information
Name of Issuer: | BREAK ROCK BREWING LLC |
Legal Status of Issuer:
Form: | Limited Liability Company |
Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Organization: | MASSACHUSETTS |
Date of Incorporation/Organization: | 10-27-2018 |
Physical Address of Issuer:
Address 1: | 949 ADAMS STREET |
City: | BOSTON |
State/Country: | MASSACHUSETTS |
Mailing Zip/Postal Code: | 02124 |
Website of Issuer: | |
Intermediary through which the Offering will be Conducted:
CIK: | 0001746059 |
Company Name: | MainVest, Inc. |
Commission File Number: | 007-00162 |
Form C: Offering Information
Offering Information
Amount of compensation to be paid to the intermediary, whether as a dollar amount or a percentage of the offering amount, or a good faith estimate if the exact amount is not available at the time of the filing, for conducting the offering, including the amount of referral and any other fees associated with the offering: | MainVest will be paid 6.0% of the final offering amount, upon the successful completion of the offering. MainVest does not receive compensation if the offering does not succeed. |
Any other financial interest in the issuer held by the intermediary, or any arrangement for the intermediary to acquire such an interest: | MainVest, Inc. owns no interest in the Company, directly or indirectly, and will not acquire an interest as part of the Offering, nor is there any arrangement for MainVest, Inc. to acquire an interest. |
Type of Security Offered: | Debt |
Price: | 1.00000 |
Price (or Method for Determining Price): | The Notes are being valued at their face value. We don't anticipate that we'll ever need to place a value on the Notes in the future. |
Target Offering Amount: | 50000.00 |
Maximum Offering Amount (if different from Target Offering Amount): | 107000.00 |
Oversubscriptions Accepted: | ![]() ![]() |
If yes, disclose how oversubscriptions will be allocated: | First-come, first-served basis |
Deadline to reach the Target Offering Amount: | 08-14-2019 |
NOTE: If the sum of the investment commitments does not equal or exceed the target offering amount at the offering deadline, no securities will be sold in the offering, investment commitments will be cancelled and committed funds will be returned.
Form C: Annual Report Disclosure Requirements
Annual Report Disclosure Requirements
Current Number of Employees: | 1.00 |
Total Assets Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Total Assets Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Accounts Receivable Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Accounts Receivable Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Short-term Debt Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Short-term Debt Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Long-term Debt Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Long-term Debt Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Revenue/Sales Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Revenue/Sales Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Cost of Goods Sold Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Cost of Goods Sold Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Taxes Paid Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Taxes Paid Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Net Income Most Recent Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Net Income Prior Fiscal Year-end: | 0.00 |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | ALABAMA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | ALASKA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | ARIZONA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | ARKANSAS |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | CALIFORNIA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | COLORADO |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | CONNECTICUT |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | DELAWARE |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | FLORIDA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | GEORGIA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | HAWAII |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | IDAHO |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | ILLINOIS |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | INDIANA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | IOWA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | KANSAS |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | KENTUCKY |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | LOUISIANA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | MAINE |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | MARYLAND |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | MASSACHUSETTS |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | MICHIGAN |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | MINNESOTA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | MISSISSIPPI |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | MISSOURI |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | MONTANA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | NEBRASKA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | NEVADA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | NEW HAMPSHIRE |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | NEW JERSEY |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | NEW MEXICO |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | NEW YORK |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | NORTH CAROLINA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | NORTH DAKOTA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | OHIO |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | OKLAHOMA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | OREGON |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | PENNSYLVANIA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | PUERTO RICO |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | RHODE ISLAND |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | SOUTH CAROLINA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | SOUTH DAKOTA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | TENNESSEE |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | TEXAS |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | UTAH |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | VERMONT |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | VIRGINIA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | WASHINGTON |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | WEST VIRGINIA |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | WISCONSIN |
Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities: | WYOMING |
Form C: Signature
Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 4(a)(6) and 4A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Regulation Crowdfunding (§ 227.100-503), the issuer certifies that it has reasonable grounds to believe that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form C and has duly caused this Form to be signed on its behalf by the duly authorized undersigned.
Signature: | JAMES SOUTHWOOD |
Title: | FOUNDER |
Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 4(a)(6) and 4A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Regulation Crowdfunding (§ 227.100-503), this Form C has been signed by the following persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated.
Signature: | JAMES SOUTHWOOD |
Title: | FOUNDER |
Date: | 06-13-2019 |