Revision of stock compensation expense | Note 11 – Revision of stock compensation expense During the second quarter of 2022, the Company identified certain adjustments required to correct balances within stock-based compensation, which is included in operating expenses in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations, related to employees, directors and consultants (see Note 7 – Equity Compensation Plan) recorded during the three-month periods from June 2021 to March 2022. The Company had incorrectly calculated the amortization of the stock-based compensation for the periods from June 2021 to March 2022. The error discovered resulted in an understatement of the stock-based compensation expense for the periods June 2021 to March 2022 summarized as follows: Schedule of stock based compensation As previously reported adjustment As if restated Three months ended 6/30/2021 Gross profit (loss) (74,264 ) (369 ) (74,633 ) Operating expenses 1,238,394 24,253 1,262,647 Operating loss (1,312,658 ) 24,622 (1,288,036 ) Net loss (1,315,083 ) (24,622 ) (1,339,705 ) Additional paid in capital 9,929,130 24,622 9,953,752 Accumulated Deficit (5,726,594 ) (24,622 ) (5,751,216 ) Six months ended 6/30/2021 Gross profit (loss) (226,148 ) (369 ) (226,517 ) Operating expenses 2,187,905 24,253 2,212,158 Operating loss (2,414,053 ) 24,622 (2,389,431 ) Net loss (2,210,194 ) (24,622 ) (2,234,816 ) Additional paid in capital 9,929,130 24,622 9,953,752 Accumulated Deficit (5,726,594 ) (24,622 ) (5,751,216 ) Three months ended 9/30/2021 Gross profit (loss) 126,983 (1,173 ) 125,810 Operating expenses 858,099 77,034 935,133 Operating loss (731,116 ) 78,207 (652,909 ) Net loss (710,663 ) (78,207 ) (788,870 ) Additional paid in capital 9,837,157 78,207 9,915,364 Accumulated Deficit (6,123,934 ) (78,207 ) (6,202,141 ) Nine months ended 9/30/2021 Gross profit (loss) (99,165 ) (1,542 ) (100,707 ) Operating expenses 2,732,681 101,287 2,833,968 Operating loss (2,831,846 ) 102,829 (2,729,017 ) Net loss (2,607,534 ) (102,829 ) (2,710,363 ) Additional paid in capital 9,837,157 102,829 9,939,986 Accumulated Deficit (6,123,934 ) (102,829 ) (6,226,763 ) Year ended 12/31/2021 Gross profit (loss) (83,257 ) (2,431 ) (85,688 ) Operating expenses 3,474,593 159,625 3,634,218 Operating loss (3,557,850 ) 162,056 (3,395,794 ) Net loss (3,141,753 ) (162,056 ) (3,303,809 ) Additional paid in capital 9,873,345 162,056 10,035,401 Accumulated Deficit (6,658,153 ) (162,056 ) (6,820,209 ) Three months ended 3/31/2022 Gross profit (loss) (1,061 ) (1,507 ) (2,568 ) Operating expenses 1,127,111 98,961 1,226,072 Operating loss (1,128,172 ) 100,468 (1,027,704 ) Net loss (1,129,975 ) (100,468 ) (1,230,443 ) Additional paid in capital 9,924,394 262,523 10,186,917 Accumulated Deficit (7,788,128 ) (262,523 ) (8,050,651 ) Based upon an analysis of Accounting Standards Codification 250 “accounting Changes and Error Corrections (ASC 250), U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Staff Accounting Bulletin (“SAB”) No. 99, “Materiality” and SAB No. 108, “Considering the Effects of Prior Year Misstatements when Quantifying Misstatements in Current Year Financial Statements” (“SAB 108”), the Company determined this error was immaterial to the previously-issued condensed consolidated financial statements, and as such no restatement was necessary. Correcting prior-period financial statements for such immaterial misstatements does not require previously filed reports to be amended. Accordingly, the misstatement was corrected in the period ended June 30, 2022. For the nine months ended September 30, 2022, correction of this error increased our stock-based compensation expense, total operating expenses and net loss for periods through March 31, 2022 by $262,523. Loss per share increased in the nine months ended September 30, 2021 by $0.01. |