7. As of June 30, 2021, Party C and Party D owed Party B RMB 6,860,590.56 yuan.
8. As of June 30, 2021, Party E owes Party C RMB 4,970,731.15.
9. Refer to the exchange rate of the People's Bank of China: 2017-12-31 6.5342
10. Refer to the exchange rate of the People's Bank of China: 2018-12-31 6.8632
11. Refer to the exchange rate of the People's Bank of China: 2019-12-31 6.9618
12. Refer to the exchange rate of the People's Bank of China: 2020-12-31 6.524
13. Refer to the exchange rate of the People's Bank of China: 2021-06-30 6.4566
The transaction offset agreement
1. After the five parties negotiated and agreed, the domestic and overseas claims and debts of the five parties A, B, C, D, and E will be offset, and the domestic and overseas claims and debts will finally be combined and offset.
2. As of December 31, 2017, Party A owed Party C a combined RMB2,274,000.14, equivalent to US$348,015.08.
3. As of December 31, 2018, Party A owed Party C a combined RMB2,416,576.09, equivalent to US$352,106.32.
4. As of December 31, 2019, Party A owed Party C a combined RMB 1,894,139.33, equivalent to US dollars: US$272,076.09.
5. As of December 31, 2020, Party C owes Party A a combined RMB 211,734.71, equivalent to US$32,450.26.
6. As of June 30, 2021, Party C owes Party B a combined RMB 6,946,417.48, which is equivalent to US$1,075,863.07.
The method of settlement of contract disputes
Disputes arising in the course of the performance of this contract shall be settled by friends of both parties through negotiation, or by a third party to mediate. If negotiation or mediation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with the People’s Court of Shanghai Putuo District in accordance with the law.
This contract takes effect from the date the five parties sign it. This contract is in five copies, each party holds one copy, and the text of the contract has the same legal effect
(Signature page follows)