Exhibit 99.1

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Time Weighted performance provides performance of the Fund based on Net Asset Value (NAV). Performance returns assume the reinvestment of all dividends. 1 Net Investment Income is the ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets and includes the waiver of incentive fees pre - listing. The ratio reflects an annualized amount. 2 NAV/Share is as of 5/31/2022. Performance assumes reinvestment of all dividends. P a l m e r S q u a r e C ap i t a l M a n a g e m e n t L L C ww w .p a l m e r s q u a r ec a p . c o m P a g e 4 For Accredited Investor Use Only. Not for Redistribution. i P a l m e r S q u a r e C a p i t a l B D C I n c . Palmer Square Capital BDC, Inc . ("Palmer potential for capital appreciation depend U nli k e m a n y o the r B D C s , w h o f o c u s o n i broadly - syndicated senior debt (first lien) . emphasizes flexibility, while still targeting S q u a ng o n v e s t i The a n a re BDC") will seek to maximize total return n market environments . ng in small/mid - sized companies, the Palm P a l m e r S q u a r e B DC w il l emp l o y P a l m e r Sq ttractive yield . , c o m e r Sq u a re ’ s prised of current income, with added u a r e B DC i s pr im ar i ly f o c u sed o n disciplined investment strategy which Fund Level Metrics (5/31/2022) Portfolio Credit Quality (5/31/2022) Portfolio Allocation (5/31/2022) Net Investment Income 1 8.05% BB 3% Bank Loans 96% A verage Price $93.87 B 86% CLO Equity 2% Debt to Equity Ratio 1.67x CCC 7% CLO Debt 1% N A V / Sha r e 2 $18.08 Please see Notes and Disclosure. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Fund Performance Metrics as of 5/31/2022 (net of fees) Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inception of the Palmer Square BDC is 1/23/2020. Time Weighted performance provides performance of Cumulative Return Since Inception the Fund based on Net Asset Value (NAV). Dollar Weighted performance provides Palmer Squa r e BDC - Dollar W eighted 8.29% th e actual 50 % o f who ne t o f fe e per s e capital formanc e of wa s calle d 1/2 a n initia l inve 3/202 0 and sto r i n the 50 % called Fun d sinc e inc 3/17/2020. eption, Palmer Squa r e BDC - T ime W eighted 3.61% Monthly Performance Net of Fees as of 5/31/2021 - Dollar Weighted Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD 2022 0.85% - 1.33% - 0.25% 0.10% - 7.43% - 8.03% 2021 1.89% 0.78% - 0.58% 0.63% 0.97% 0.29% - 0.24% 0.53% 1.17% 0.19% - 0.39% 1.07% 6.48% 2022 - 15.54% 7.40% 7.46% 1.13% 4.25% 1.89% 0.35% - 0.40% 3.30% 2.30% 10.58%