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accidental, actor, advocacy, altogether, Ant, Antminer, assortment, attack, attacking, attrition, authoritative, Balina, barter, belong, boosted, botnet, broker, budget, California, Canaan, Carolina, CEA, CEO, CFTC, chairperson, chance, clarity, clean, CN, CNEY, cold, complaint, compliant, concept, convention, coordinating, coupled, crossing, crypto, cryptoeconomy, cryptographic, Cumberland, cybercrime, dealer, decentralization, decentralized, deceptive, denial, desist, destruction, device, DGC, diagnosed, Diamond, dictate, disabled, discovered, disgorgement, dissolve, dramatic, dry, earth, Ebang, emanated, empower, encrypted, endeavor, enumerated, environmental, environmentally, Ethereum, everyday, exploitable, exploited, Exponential, faster, FDIC, feet, fell, flaw, fleet, fork, forked, Fox, fringe, Gaming, geopolitical, George, GitHub, gold, grace, grid, hard, hot, Hummer, Ian, ideal, ill, illegitimate, inaccessibility, incompatible, incorrectly, indefinite, infiltrate, inflationary, inoperable, Intel, intercompany, internationally, interstate, inventory, IP, irretrievable, irreversible, Jellico, Jiao, JM, Kentucky, kilowatt, kWh, laid, lawsuit, ledger, licensure, lighten, Likshuo, lobbying, Lobo, machine, mainstream, malware, marketplace, massive, Meta, MicroBT, microchip, miming, mind, miner, minted, missing, modification, Morgogo, move, moving, MSB, mutualize, nomenclature, noncash, nonfinanced, older, output, overcoming, patent, pending, Pharmaceutical, phenomena, phishing, plagued, possessor, precaution, presence, probabilistically, prosecutorial, protocol, quick, rainfall, rare, raw, rebroadcast, recordkeeping, registry, reject, Ren, replay, replicated, resale, resell, reveal, rich, roughly, Russia, scarcity, scrutinized, sea, Secrecy, seize, semiconductor, SHA, shoot, shortly, simultaneously, SIPC, Skyline, slowdown, solve, solved, solving, stability, steal, stolen, storm, Subtopic, supplier, SV, switch, Tantech, Tazewell, theory, tied, trouble, Ugland, uncontrolled, underregulated, underwent, unprecedented, unregistered, unwound, uphold, usability, USDT, valuer, variance, versa, viable, visionary, voidable, voltage, volunteer, wake, wallet, water, whitepaper, wire, worker, yield, Yongning, Zhejiang
abolished, abovementioned, absorb, abuse, accelerate, accident, Accountable, accretion, accrued, accusation, adapt, admission, affording, aforementioned, aforesaid, aiming, alleged, alleging, Alleviating, amending, amounting, ancillary, Android, Anhui, announcement, annum, answer, apparent, appeal, applicant, applying, appoint, approve, arbitral, arise, arm, Article, aspect, assembly, assign, assuming, attending, auction, audience, audio, autonomy, Avoidance, avoiding, backbone, backlog, band, bankruptcy, belief, beverage, billing, biology, bolstered, book, border, born, borrowed, borrower, branch, break, broadcasted, broadcasting, browser, browsing, bulletin, Cai, calamity, calling, cancelation, canceled, Canvassing, cap, capitalize, capitalized, capture, catalog, categorize, censored, censorship, Centre, cessation, challenge, challenged, chemistry, Chongchuang, chop, circular, cited, claiming, clarified, clarifying, classify, clearer, CMB, combine, commensurate, comment, commissioned, commit, communicate, communicating, comparison, compel, competence, competitor, complain, complement, compulsory, computational, conceivable, concluding, conference, conferencing, confiscated, confiscating, confiscation, conflict, consequential, conserve, consistency, constitutional, consulted, consuming, contact, contemplate, continually, continuously, contractually, convenient, convertibility, cooperate, cooperated, cooperative, copied, copying, copyrighted, correction, corruption, Council, counseling, counterpart, county, covenant, CSRC, cultural, customary, damaging, dealing, decided, declaration, decoration, deducted, defamatory, defending, deferring, deflation, delayed, Delegated, delinquent, deprived, deregister, deregistering, derive, designee, designer, desired, deter, deteriorated, deterioration, developmental, dignity, diminish, diminishing, diploma, diplomatic, direction, Disaggregation, disagreement, disciplinary, disclaimer, disclose, discontinuing, discrimination, disease, dismissal, dismissed, displayed, displaying, disposing, disregard, disrespectful, disrupted, dissatisfaction, dissatisfied, disseminated, dissemination, dissolution, distinguish, distracted, division, divorce, dodging, dominant, donated, donation, Dongguan, Double, download, downloading, drawdown, economical, edited, editing, EGC, EIT, elaborated, elaboration, elementary, eliminate, eliminating, emergency, emotional, emphasize, emphasizing, employer, encounter, encountered, Encouraging, encumbrance, ending, enforced, enforcing, enhancement, enhancing, enjoying, ensuring, entail, entertainment, entitlement, entrance, entrusted, equally, erode, escalating, evidencing, exam, excessive, exercising, exhibition, expensed, experiment, explained, explicitly, expropriate, extend, extra, faced, facilitating, fact, facto, false, favourable, fellow, Fengtai, FIFO, filling, film, fine, fined, FITE, flood, forecast, forma, formality, formula, Foshan, fragmented, franchising, friendly, fulfill, funding, furniture, gambling, gear, generation, geographical, govern, guard, Guiding, halted, handle, handled, Handling, Hanen, Harbin, Healthy, heavily, Hebei, Hefei, Hengqin, hereinabove, highlighting, hinder, HNTE, holiday, Hongye, housing, Huazhen, Hubei, Hunan, ICP, illegally, illustrative, image, immaterial, immoral, immovable, importation, impractical, improper, inaccurate, inadequacy, inappropriate, inbound, incident, inclusion, incompleted, inconsistency, inconsistently, increasingly, industrial, infection, inject, injunctive, injury, inside, insignificant, inspirational, instant, institute, instruct, instruction, insuring, integrate, integration, intense, intensify, intent, intentional, intentionally, interact, intermediate, internally, interoperability, interpretation, interpreting, intervene, introduce, intrusive, invalidated, invaluable, investigated, involuntarily, involuntary, iOS, irregularly, irrevocably, issuing, ix, Jiangsu, Jiaotong, Jingcheng, Jingchengying, Jingrui, Jinhongxing, join, Jun, Justice, KPMG, landscape, lawfully, leakage, leasehold, legitimate, lending, licensed, lifetime, lift, light, Liketou, linguistic, listened, literature, living, log, lump, Macao, mainland, managerial, mandated, Marcum, match, materialize, maternity, MCA, medical, Meifu, Meilianchou, Meilianhang, Meilianxing, Meilianzhong, Mengdian, mentioned, messaging, mezzanine, micro, middle, migrated, migration, MIIT, mild, Ministry, misappropriate, misappropriation, misleading, misrepresentation, misused, mix, MOC, modern, MOE, MOF, MOFCOM, Mongolia, movable, municipal, music, Nanchang, Nanjing, Nantong, narrow, NDRC, negligence, negotiate, negotiating, newspaper, Ningxia, nonresident, notify, NPC, obligator, obscene, officially, Olympiad, omnichannel, operative, oral, ordered, organize, outbound, outlook, overdue, Oversea, overtime, Oxford, PBOC, pegging, penalized, penalty, penetrate, pension, periodical, permission, persist, personality, personally, pertaining, pilot, planned, play, pledged, pledgee, pornography, pose, positive, positively, Postal, posting, postpone, practically, precedential, predictable, prejudiced, premise, preschool, prescribed, preset, prevalent, prevented, printing, privacy, procedural, produced, profitably, progression, prohibited, prohibiting, prominently, promise, promotion, promulgating, prone, proof, propose, prospect, protected, protracted, prove, Provisional, psychological, publication, publishing, punishment, purport, pursued, Qile, quarantining, radio, Railway, reaching, reacquired, reactionary, realizable, reapply, receiving, reciprocal, recommendation, recoup, recovering, rectification, rectified, rectify, Rectifying, redacting, redesign, refine, refined, reflecting, reforming, regulate, reinforced, reinvest, reinvestment, relief, relinquish, relocate, relocation, remit, remove, removing, renovate, renovation, reopened, repatriated, repatriation, repealed, reportable, reregister, residence, residency, residing, resolving, resort, responding, restricting, returned, revaluation, revocation, revoke, revoked, revoking, risen, roll, Room, round, Roundtrip, safe, SAIC, salary, sample, SAMR, SAPPRFT, SARFT, scheme, SCNPC, seal, seasonal, seasonality, secondary, secured, seemingly, Senate, sensitivity, sentiment, seventeen, shared, shot, Shui, shutdown, Sichuan, signature, Sikete, silent, Siming, Simplifying, slower, smooth, soliciting, spinoff, sponsor, sponsorship, spot, spouse, SPV, stage, stake, standardize, Standardizing, stating, statute, stipulate, stoppage, Street, Stricter, stringently, submitting, subscribe, subscribing, substantive, sudden, summer, supersede, superseded, superstition, supplemental, sustain, sustaining, Suzhou, swap, synergetic, synergy, tailor, tangible, targeting, telecommunication, television, template, Tengfei, Tentative, territory, tighten, tightened, timeframe, timeline, Topic, tour, tourism, Tranche, transferring, transitional, transmit, transmitted, transmitting, Transport, trip, true, tuition, tutorial, tutoring, ubiquity, unacceptable, unconditionally, underdeveloped, undergone, underpaid, underpayment, underperforming, undetected, undistributed, unemployment, unethical, unexpected, unfamiliarity, unified, uninsured, unlawful, unpredictably, unreliable, unsafe, unsatisfying, unsuccessful, unused, unwind, upload, upper, utilizable, validity, valuable, vehicle, veracity, video, vii, viii, violated, violence, virtually, vital, vocational, warning, Washington, web, WeChat, welfare, wholesale, wider, wilful, winding, witnessed, workforce, wound, Xiangfang, Xicheng, Xinlian, Xinlianyu, Xinyu, Yao, younger, Yunan, Zeng, Zhongrongxin, Zhongshan, Zhongshi
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 20-F Annual report (foreign)
- 4.10 Hosting Agreement Entered into by and Between Exponential Digital, Inc. and Meten Service USA Corp., Dated January 11, 2022
- 4.11 English Translation of the Mining Machine Rental Agreement Entered into by and Between Meten Holding Group LTD. and Lobo Group Limited, Dated October 4, 2022
- 4.12 Loan and Security Agreement by and Between Meten Holding Group LTD. and JM Digital Inc., Dated October 1, 2022
- 8.1 List of Principal Subsidiaries
- 12.1 Certification
- 12.2 Certification
- 13.1 Certification
- 13.2 Certification
- 15.1 Consent of Audit Alliance LLP
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