Includes 63,735 Class A OP units. The address of Felicitas SA1 Fund, LP is 65 N. Raymond Avenue, Suite 315, Pasadena, CA 91103.
Includes 116,848 Class A OP units. The address of Felicitas Secondary Fund, LP is 65 N. Raymond Avenue, Suite 315, Pasadena, CA 91103.
Includes 7,119 Class A OP units. Gregory J. Fisher and Margaret Fisher the joint trustees of the Fisher Family Trust DTD 12/07/1999, have shared voting and investment control over all of the shares held by this trust.
Includes 1,423 Class A OP units.
Includes 85,436 Class A OP units. The address of FreedKap 2015, GP is 3131 Eastside Street, Suite 120, Houston, TX 77098.
Includes 2,847 Class A OP units.
Includes 9,967 Class A OP units. Dan Ward, the sole trustee of the Gayla Ward Preservation Trust, has sole voting and investment control over all of the shares held by this trust.
Includes 7,119 Class A OP units.
Includes 9,967 Class A OP units. The address of Ghetti Enterprises, LLC is c/o John S. Ghetti, 7111 Donaldson Drive, Gonzales, LA 70737.
Includes 21,359 Class A OP units.
Includes 8,543 Class A OP units. The address of Gleeson Family Partnership, Ltd. is 7007 Prestonshire Lane, Dallas, TX 75225.
Includes 1,423 Class A OP units held in Ms. Hoxeng’s IRA account.
Includes 2,847 Class A OP units.
Includes 1,423 Class A OP units held in Mr. Kludjian’s IRA account.
Includes 1,423 Class A OP units held in Mr. Caughlin’s IRA account.
Includes 7,119 Class A OP units.
Includes 7,119 Class A OP units. The address of Gunn Energy Enterprises, LTD is 811 6th Street, Suite 100, Witchita Falls, TX 76301.
Includes 7,119 Class A OP units.
Includes 7,119 Class A OP units. The address of the Hamilton Potiowsky Family Partnership, Ltd. is 9950 County Road 3407, Brownsboro, TX 75756.
Includes 4,271 Class A OP units. The address of Happy Grandchildren, LP is 3922 Windsor Ave, Dallas, TX 75205.
Includes 1,423 Class A OP units. Harold E. Conklin, the sole trustee of the Harold E. Conklin Trust DTD 05/24/2010, has sole voting and investment control over all of the shares held by this trust.
Includes 7,119 Class A OP units.
Includes 4,271 Class A OP units.
Includes 5,695 Class A OP units.
Includes 2,847 Class A OP units.
Includes 14,239 Class A OP units. The address of HF Properties, Ltd. is 55 Waugh Drive, Suite 1111, Houston, TX 77007.
Includes 8,543 Class A OP units. The address of HMG Courtland Properties, Inc. is 1870 S. Bayshore Drive, Coconut Grove, FL 33133.
Includes 5,695 Class A OP units. The address of Holmes Family Grandchildren Limited Partnership is 55 Waugh Drive, Suite 1111, Houston, TX 77007.
Includes 5,695 Class A OP units. The address of HS II, Ltd is 55 Waugh Drive, Suite 1111, Houston, TX 77007.
Includes 14,239 Class A OP units. Douglas Miller, the sole trustee of the Ila F. Miller Trust FBO Douglas W. Miller, has sole voting and investment control over all of the shares held by this trust.