Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Statement of Earni
- Consolidated Statement of Compr
- Consolidated Statement of Comp4
- Consolidated Statement of Cash
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Balance Sheet (Par
- Consolidated Statement of Share
- Consolidated Statement of Shar9
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Discontinued Operations
- Assets and Liabilities Held for
- Supplemental Financial Informat
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Business Acquisitions
- Goodwill and Intangible Assets
- Restructuring Plans
- Incentive Stock Program
- Debt and Lines of Credit
- Financial Instruments, Derivati
- Litigation and Environmental Ma
- Post-Employment Benefits
- Taxes on Earnings from Continui
- Segment and Geographic Area Inf
- Quarterly Results (Unaudited)
- Summary of Significant Accoun26
- Summary of Significant Accoun27
- Discontinued Operations (Tables
- Assets and Liabilities Held f29
- Supplemental Financial Inform30
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi31
- Business Acquisitions (Tables)
- Restructuring Plans (Tables)
- Incentive Stock Program (Tables
- Debt and Lines of Credit (Table
- Financial Instruments, Deriva36
- Post-Employment Benefits (Table
- Taxes on Earnings from Contin38
- Segment and Geographic Area I39
- Quarterly Results (Unaudited) (
- Summary of Significant Accoun41
- Summary of Significant Accoun42
- Summary of Significant Accoun43
- Summary of Significant Accoun44
- Summary of Significant Accoun45
- Discontinued Operations - By Di
- Discontinued Operations - Summa
- Assets and Liabilities Held f48
- Assets and Liabilities Held f49
- Supplemental Financial Inform50
- Supplemental Financial Inform51
- Supplemental Financial Inform52
- Supplemental Financial Inform53
- Supplemental Financial Inform54
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi55
- Business Acquisitions - St. Jud
- Business Acquisitions - Alere I
- Business Acquisitions - Revenue
- Business Acquisitions - Alere P
- Business Acquisitions - Tendyne
- Goodwill and Intangible Assets
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset62
- Restructuring Plans (Details)
- Restructuring Plans - Restructu
- Incentive Stock Program - Gener
- Incentive Stock Program - Restr
- Incentive Stock Program - Optio
- Incentive Stock Program - Expen
- Incentive Stock Program - Opt69
- Debt and Lines of Credit - Sche
- Debt and Lines of Credit - St.
- Debt and Lines of Credit - Loan
- Debt and Lines of Credit - Seni
- Debt and Lines of Credit - Prin
- Debt and Lines of Credit - Avai
- Financial Instruments, Deriva76
- Financial Instruments, Deriva77
- Financial Instruments, Deriva78
- Financial Instruments, Deriva79
- Financial Instruments, Deriva80
- Litigation and Environmental 81
- Post-Employment Benefits - Bene
- Post-Employment Benefits - Expe
- Post-Employment Benefits - Assu
- Post-Employment Benefits - Asse
- Post-Employment Benefits - Fund
- Taxes on Earnings from Contin87
- Taxes on Earnings from Contin88
- Taxes on Earnings from Contin89
- Taxes on Earnings from Contin90
- Taxes on Earnings from Contin91
- Segment and Geographical Area I
- Segment and Geographical Area93
- Segment and Geographical Area94
- Segment and Geographic Area I95
- Quarterly Results (Unaudited)96