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abandon, accelerating, acceleration, accurately, adequate, adhere, advertisement, advertising, agent, alleged, analytical, app, arise, arising, arrangement, asserted, attract, bad, bank, behalf, Beijing, beneficiary, bespoke, billed, borrow, borrowing, Breach, building, callable, capable, care, central, CEO, certainty, chain, channel, chip, circumvented, clarify, CODM, collateralized, collectability, collection, collusion, commonly, comparability, comparable, Compared, competitive, complaint, consequential, consumption, content, context, contract, County, court, CPM, Crest, cumulative, customer, customization, dealt, decision, decline, decrease, decreased, delay, Delinquent, delivery, denominated, depreciation, desired, detailing, DI, direct, direction, disaggregated, disallowed, discretionary, display, disposition, distinct, District, documentation, dollar, domestic, dominated, download, duration, easier, economic, effectuating, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, EIT, eligible, embed, employee, enable, encountered, ender, enterprise, environment, EPS, equipment, error, estate, Excel, exhausted, expansion, expedient, expended, expenditure, experience, face, faulty, fewer, FIE, field, finite, fixed, flow, frequently, fulfil, fulfilment, fully, functional, game, goodwill, granted, greater, grow, GST, Guangdong, Guangzhou, Guoyu, Han, handling, hardware, high, highly, hiring, HK, HKD, HNTE, Hong, hosted, hosting, house, housing, Hu, implicit, imposed, impression, inadequate, incentive, incremental, individual, individually, inflation, influence, input, Instruction, intangible, integral, integrating, intelligence, intelligent, internationally, internet, inventory, investee, invoice, invoiced, issuer, iteration, joint, jointly, Kashi, Kong, Lab, largest, latitude, lawsuit, leading, legislation, lessee, licensed, licensee, life, lightweight, line, listed, litigation, local, located, macroeconomic, mainland, maintenance, maker, mandated, margin, match, medical, member, mentioned, methodology, mindset, mistake, Misuse, mobile, monitor, nil, NOL, noncontrolling, Nonrefundable, nontrade, obsolescence, offset, online, opinion, optimal, optimization, optimized, organization, output, outsourced, overdue, override, Parent, PBOC, penalty, pending, pension, people, percentage, platform, playing, point, portal, practical, PRC, preferential, prepaid, prescribed, prevail, primary, principle, profit, profitability, promise, promote, promotion, proportion, proportional, proprietary, Protection, Provence, publicly, publish, publishing, Qianhai, qualitative, quality, range, reach, real, rebate, recommendation, recover, recoverability, recoverable, reduction, reform, refundable, regular, regulation, regulatory, relevant, relief, remittance, renew, renewal, rental, replacing, reserve, residual, retail, reversal, reverse, reversed, RMB, ROU, running, salary, saleable, satisfaction, Scheme, SDIC, secure, securing, security, segment, senior, SGD, Shanghai, Shenzhen, shift, shorter, simple, Singapore, sluggish, smart, software, solution, speak, spent, statutory, strategic, streaming, substantively, suit, suitable, summary, support, supporting, Supreme, SZ, Tapuyu, taxation, taxpayer, Tech, technical, technique, technology, test, tested, testing, traffic, translated, translation, treat, treatment, type, typically, unasserted, unconditional, underpaid, underpayment, understand, undiscounted, unemployment, unfavorable, unified, unknown, unrestricted, USD, user, VAT, verified, video, VIE, violate, virtual, visual, Viwo, viwotong, vize, ViZeTong, Wangxin, Weidong, weigh, Weimu, Weiyixin, welfare, WFOE, whichever, Wisdom, withdraw, withdrawal, withholding, workload, Xiaofei, Xinjiang, Yitian, Yiyou, Younike, YY, Zheyi
absence, Abundant, acceptable, accessed, accomplished, accretion, acknowledge, activity, add, advantage, advisory, affecting, affiliate, affirmatively, allocable, amend, amendment, analyzed, appoint, approval, approve, approved, approving, approximate, area, Asian, assign, assistance, assume, assuming, attestation, attribute, auditing, auditor, aware, began, beneficial, binomial, blank, block, book, British, broad, Bulletin, buyer, cancelled, cast, categorized, cease, Certifying, charter, check, classify, close, combined, commence, commencing, commercially, common, communication, comparison, concentration, concert, Conditionally, conduct, confirming, consent, conserve, consisting, consult, consummate, consummating, contemplated, corporate, corroborated, create, curtailing, customary, deadline, decide, declared, deficit, depository, description, deterioration, deviation, difficult, diligence, dissenting, dissolution, Distinguishing, distributed, doubt, drawn, earliest, EDGAR, effected, effecting, emerging, endeavoring, enhanced, ensuring, entail, enter, entering, entitle, estimate, estimation, evaluate, exceed, exchanged, excluding, execute, executed, execution, existence, expanded, experienced, Explanatory, exposed, exposure, expressly, extended, extension, extinguish, facilitating, fairly, favor, feature, Federal, file, formal, formation, formulating, founder, fractional, frame, free, frequency, generating, golden, govern, governmental, greatest, growth, guaranteed, half, hereof, higher, holding, identification, identifying, implementing, important, impossible, improvement, inclusion, incorrect, incurring, indemnify, indemnity, independent, initially, institution, instrument, intercompany, invest, irrevocable, Jumpstart, jurisdiction, key, kind, lack, led, lender, lesser, letter, liable, limitation, liquidating, liquidation, literature, loan, loaned, mandatory, marketable, materialize, maturity, maximize, maximum, measuring, memorandum, merge, minimize, month, National, negotiate, negotiated, negotiation, nonbinding, note, objective, obligated, occurrence, offer, open, opportunity, opposed, opt, opted, orderly, overhead, owner, parachute, paragraph, participate, partly, paying, periodic, permanent, person, plan, pool, principally, pro, proceed, project, promissory, proper, propose, proposed, prove, proxy, purely, pursuit, qualify, questioning, rata, ratably, ready, recapitalization, reclassify, recruiting, redeeming, reducing, region, register, regularly, relate, released, relied, remeasured, remeasurement, remedial, remediate, remediation, remove, rendered, rent, reorganization, repaid, repay, repayment, representative, represented, restate, restated, restatement, retaining, revised, SAB, seek, sell, seller, separated, settle, significantly, situation, solicitation, source, SPAC, space, specifically, split, stage, structured, subsumed, sum, surviving, suspending, target, temporarily, tender, tendered, terminated, thereto, therewith, threshold, title, tradable, treasury, trust, trustee, ultimately, unable, unconsolidated, undertaken, underwriter, underwriting, undistributed, unenforceable, unrealized, upfront, vehicle, vendor, view, Virgin, volume, voluntary, vote, voted, waive, waived, waiver, waiving, Wilmington, winding
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