| 14 Westrock Code of Ethics July 2022 HARASSMENT-FREE WORKPLACE We maintain a workplace that is free from harassment, intimidation and other inappropriate or unprofessional behavior. Harassment can take many forms, but generally involves verbal or physical behavior that is intimidating, threatening or demeaning to employees, including degrading or humiliating jokes, unwelcome sexual advances, and offensive verbal, visual, or physical conduct. This includes displaying or distributing offensive or insulting material of any kind, including inappropriate pictures, cartoons, jokes or symbols of hatred, in any work location or facility (e.g., offices, branches, break rooms, vehicles, computers or other work location or property). Harassment is contrary to our commitment to treat everyone with dignity and respect and to build trusted partnerships. If you believe you are experiencing any form of harassment, intimidation or other inappropriate or unprofessional behavior, or are witnessing any of these behaviors, report your concerns. MANY FORMS OF HARASSMENT All employees have a duty to report harassment, even if A male supervisor is always rubbing female teammates’ shoulders and making suggestive comments about their bodies. I know it makes them uncomfortable, but they are afraid to say anything because he’s their supervisor. I mentioned this to my manager and he just laughed it off and said I was being too sensitive. What should I do? they are not the victim of the harassment. Report the incident to your manager, your Human Resources representative, the Company’s Legal Department, or through the Ethics Hotline. In addition, you could encourage the female employees to report the conduct themselves and remind them of the Company’s commitment to protect employees against retaliation. It is possible for employees to be harassed by peers and subordinates, as well as by managers or supervisors. Harassment can occur between people with similarities, such as the same sex, sexuality, race or ethnicity. Attempts by managers to date their subordinates raise a significant risk that their actions may be perceived as sexual harassment (in addition to a conflict of interest). Therefore, dating a subordinate is highly discouraged and, subject to applicable law, may be prohibited by local policy. A |