Exhibit 10.5
本人,[ ](身份证号码:[ ]),为[ ](身份证号码:[ ])之合法配偶。本人在此无条件并不可撤销地同意[ ]于201[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日签署下列文件(下称“交易文件”),并同意按照交易文件的规定处置[ ]持有的、并登记在其名下的安徽奥凯发油脂科技股份有限公司(“内资公司”)的股权:
The undersigned, [ ] (ID card No. [ ] ), is the lawful spouse of [ ] (ID card No. [ ]). I hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree to the execution of the following documents (hereinafter referred to as “Transaction Documents”) by [ ] on August [ ], 2015, and the disposal of the equity interests of Anhui Aokai Fa Grease Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Domestic Company”) held by [ ] and registered in [ ] name according to the Transaction Documents:
| (1) | 与[ ](下称“WFOE”)及内资公司签署的《股权质押协议》; |
Equity Interest Pledge Agreement entered into between [ ] (hereinafter referred to as the “WFOE”) and Domestic Company;
| (2) | 与WFOE及内资公司签署的《独家购买权协议》;和 |
Exclusive Option Agreement entered into between the WFOE and Domestic Company; and
Power of Attorney executed by [ ].
本人承诺不就[ ]持有的内资公司股权主张任何权利。本人进一步确认[ ]履行、修改或终止交易文件并不需要本人另行授权或同意。
I hereby undertake not to make any assertions in connection with the equity interests of Domestic Company which are held by [ ]. I hereby further confirm that [ ] can perform the Transaction Documents and further amend or terminate the Transaction Documents absent authorization or consent from me.
I hereby undertake to execute all necessary documents and take all necessary actions to ensure appropriate performance of the Transaction Documents (as amended form time to time).
本人同意并承诺,如本人由于任何原因获得[ ]持有的内资公司的任何股权,则本人应受(经不时修订的)交易文件以及WFOE和内资公司之间于201[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日签署的《独家业务合作协议》的约束,并遵守作为内资公司的股东在(经不时修订的)交易文件和《独家业务合作协议》下的义务,且为此目的,一旦WFOE提出要求,本人应签署格式和内容基本与(经不时修订的)交易文件和《独家业务合作协议》相同的一系列书面文件。
I hereby agree and undertake that if I obtain any equity interests of Domestic Company which are held by [ ] for any reasons, I shall be bound by the Transaction Documents and the Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement entered into between the WFOE and Domestic Company as of [ ] [ ], 201[ ] (as amended from time to time) and comply with the obligations thereunder as a shareholder of Domestic Company. For this purpose, upon the WFOE’s request, I shall sign a series of written documents in substantially the same format and content as the Transaction Documents and Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement (as amended from time to time).
| ________________________ 姓名/Name: [ ] 日期:201[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日 Date: [ ] [ ], 201[ ] |