c) without the prior written consent of WFOE, not agree to or procure the separation of Domestic Affiliates or merge with other entities;
d) without the prior written consent of WFOE, not dispose or procure the management of Domestic Affiliates to dispose of any assets of Domestic Affiliates, except that Domestic Affiliates may prove that the relevant asset disposal is necessary for their daily business operations, the value of the assets involved in the individual transaction does not exceed RMB 100,000, and the total amount does not exceed RMB 300,000 within one year;
e) without the prior written consent of WFOE, not terminate or procure the management of Domestic Affiliates to terminate any material agreement entered into by Domestic Affiliates, or enter into any other agreement that conflicts with the existing material agreements. The aforementioned “material agreements” refer to a single agreement with a total amount of more than RMB 100,000, a series of agreements with a total amount of more than RMB 300,000 within one year, or the Contractual Agreements and/or any agreements similar in nature or content to Contractual Agreements;
f) without the prior written consent of WFOE, not procure Domestic Affiliates to enter into transactions that may materially affect the assets, liabilities, business operations, equity structure and other legal rights of Domestic Affiliates (excluding the transaction produced in the normal or daily business processes of Domestic Affiliates and the amount of such single transaction does not exceed RMB 100,000 and the total amount does not exceed RMB 300,000 within one year, or has been disclosed to WFOE and for which the written consent of WFOE has been obtained);
g) without the prior written consent of WFOE, not procure or agree Domestic Affiliates to announce the distribution of or actually distribute any distributable profits and/or reasonable return, or to agree to the foregoing distribution;
h) without the prior written consent of WFOE, not procure or agree Domestic Affiliates to amend their articles of association;
i) without the prior written consent of WFOE, not lend or borrow of loans by Domestic Affiliates, or to provide guarantees or other forms of security, or to assume any material obligations outside of normal business activities; the aforementioned “material obligations” refer to any obligation under which any Domestic Affiliates are required to pay more than RMB 100,000, or to pay the total amount more than RMB 300,000 within one year, or that restricts and/or obstructs Domestic Affiliates from fulfilling their obligations under the Contractual Agreements, or restricts and/or prohibits the financial and business operations of Domestic Affiliates, or that may cause changes in the equity structure of Domestic Affiliates;
j) do their best efforts to procure Domestic Affiliates to develop their business and guarantee the legal and compliance operations, and will not carry out any actions or omissions that may damage the assets, goodwill or affect the validity of business licenses of Domestic Affiliates.
k) before transferring the equities of Domestic Affiliates to Domestic Affiliates Equity Purchaser, all the documents necessary for owning and maintaining the equities of Domestic Affiliates shall be signed without affecting the Proxy Agreement for Shareholders and the Proxy Agreement for School’s Sponsor and Directors;