Land has the meaning given to it in item 5.
Landlord means the Landlord specified in item 1 and its successors and assignors.
Landlord’s Fixtures means the plant, equipment, fixtures, furniture, furnishings, Coverings, and light fittings in or on the Premises from time to time supplied by the Landlord.
Landlord’s Valuer means a valuer nominated under clause 3.6.
Laws means statutes, rules, regulations, proclamations, ordinances or by-laws present or future and includes applicable Australian Standards and Codes of Practice.
Maintenance Contracts means contracts for the maintenance, repair and service of the Tenant’s Fixtures and any Landlord’s Fixtures located in or exclusively servicing the Premises including contracts for the maintenance of air conditioning equipment and pest control.
Market Review Date means each of the dates in item 9.
NABERS means National Australian Built Environment Rating System or, if the National Australian Built Environment Rating System is discontinued or suspended, whatever national or international system used to rate buildings on the basis of their operational impacts on the environment is substituted for it.
NABERS Rating means the NABERS Rating of the Building from time to time, as advised by the Landlord to the Tenant.
notice means a notice, approval, consent, certificate, nomination, offer or other communication in connection with this lease.
Outgoings means the total of all amounts:
| (a) | paid by the Landlord; or |
| (b) | for which the Landlord is or may become liable, |
in any Outgoings Year in respect of the Building or the Land, and includes the items listed in schedule 2. The Outgoings exclude capital expenditure.
Outgoings Contribution means the amounts payable by the Tenant under clause 4.1.
Outgoings Year means each 12 month period ending on a date that the Landlord chooses and notifies to the Tenant, even if part of that 12 month period does not fall within the Term.
Parent of a person means the person directly or indirectly exercising the decision making power of the first mentioned person including:
| (a) | if the first mentioned person is a corporation, a person who: |
| (i) | controls the composition of the board of directors of the first mentioned person; or |
| (ii) | is in a position to cast, or control the casting of, more than one half of the maximum number of votes that might be cast at a general meeting of the first mentioned person; or |
| (iii) | holds or has a Relevant Interest in more than one-half of the issued share capital of the first mentioned person (excluding any part of that issued share capital that carries no right to participate beyond a specified amount in a distribution of either profits or capital); or |
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