Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Corporate Information
- Adoption of New and Revised Acc
- Significant of Accounting Polic
- Operating Segments
- Critical Accounting Judgements
- Net Foreign Exchange (Loss)_Gai
- Income Taxes
- Current Assets - Cash and Cash
- Current Assets - Prepayments
- Non-Current Assets – Inve
- Right-of-Use Assets
- Lease Liabilities
- Contributed Equity
- Reserves
- Commitments
- Events Subsequent To Reporting
- Earnings per Share
- Significant of Accounting Pol_2
- Net Foreign Exchange (Loss)_G_2
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Current Assets - Cash and Cas_2
- Non-Current Assets – In_2
- Current Assets - Prepayments (T
- Right-of-Use Assets (Tables)
- Lease Liabilities (Tables)
- Contributed Equity (Tables)
- Reserves (Tables)
- Commitments (Tables)
- Earnings per Share (Tables)
- Corporate Information - Additio
- Summary of Accounting Policies
- Operating Segments - Additional
- Critical Accounting Judgement_2
- Net Foreign Exchange (Loss)_G_3
- Income Taxes - Summary of Recon
- Income Taxes - Summary of Rec_2
- Current Assets - Cash and Cas_3
- Current Assets - Cash and Cas_4
- Current Assets - Prepayments -
- Non-Current Assets - Investment
- Right-of-Use Assets - Summary o
- Right-of-Use Assets - Additiona
- Right-of-Use Assets - Lease Lia
- Lease Liabilities - Summary of
- Contributed Equity - Summary of
- Contributed Equity - Summary _2
- Contributed Equity - Additional
- Reserves - Summary of Reserves
- Commitments - Summary of Expend
- Events Subsequent To Reportin_2
- Earnings Per Share - Summary of