Further details in respect of the Offer (including details of eligibility) can be found on the announcements platform of ASX (www.asx.com.au).
Further information
General queries on the Offer may be directed to Megan Baldwin, PhD, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
(email: megan.baldwin@opthea.com; phone: +61 447 788 674).
Thank you for your continued support of Opthea and I trust you understand Opthea’s position on this matter.
Yours sincerely

Dr. Jeremy Levin
Board Chairman
Determination of eligibility of investors for the purposes of the institutional or retail components of the Entitlement Offer is determined by reference to a number of matters, including legal and regulatory requirements, logistical and registry constraints and the discretion of Opthea and MST. Each of Opthea and MST and each of their respective related bodies corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act) and affiliates and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, partners, consultants, contractors, agents and advisers disclaim any duty or liability (including, without limitation, any liability arising from fault, negligence or negligent misstatement) in respect of that determination and the exercise or otherwise of that discretion, to the maximum extent permitted by law.
This letter is not a prospectus or offering document under Australian law or under any other law. No action has been or will be taken to register, qualify or otherwise permit a public offering of the New Shares or New Options in any jurisdiction outside Australia. This letter is for information purposes only and does not constitute or form part of an offer, invitation, solicitation, advice or recommendation with respect to the issue, purchase or sale of any New Shares or New Options in Opthea.
The provision of this letter is not, and should not be considered as, financial product advice. The information in this document is general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, taxation position, financial situation or needs. If you are unsure of your position, please contact your accountant, tax advisor, stockbroker or other professional adviser.
This document may not be released or distributed in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer would be illegal. This document does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer would be illegal. The offer and sale of the New Securities have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), or the securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States, and the New Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States unless they are registered under the U.S. Securities Act and any applicable United States state securities laws (which Opthea is not obligated to do), or are offered and sold pursuant to an applicable exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States. No public offering of securities is being made in the United States.