Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Statement of Profi
- Consolidated Statement of Finan
- Consolidated Statements of Stoc
- Consolidated Statements of St_2
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Reporting Entity
- Basis of Accounting
- Summary of Accounting Policies
- Critical Accounting Judgements
- Application of New and Revised
- Segment Information
- Revenue
- Other Income
- Research and Development Expens
- Expenses
- Net Foreign Exchange (Loss)_Gai
- Income Taxes
- Earnings per Share
- Current Assets _ Cash and Cash
- Current Assets - Receivables
- Current Assets - Prepayments
- Non-Current Assets _ Investment
- Right-of-Use Assets
- Non-Current Assets - Prepayment
- Current Liabilities _ Payables
- Current Liabilities - Provision
- Non-Current Liabilities - Provi
- Contributed Equity
- Accumulated Losses and Reserves
- Financial Risk Management Objec
- Related Party Disclosures
- Commitments
- Contingencies
- Cash Flow Statement Reconciliat
- Key Management Personnel
- Share-Based Payments
- Events After the Balance Sheet
- Summary of Accounting Policies
- Application of New and Revise_2
- Revenue (Tables)
- Other Income (Tables)
- Research and Development Expe_2
- Expenses (Tables)
- Net Foreign Exchange (Loss)_G_2
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Earnings per Share (Tables)
- Current Assets _ Cash and Cas_2
- Current Assets - Receivables (T
- Current Assets - Prepayments (T
- Non-Current Assets _ Investme_2
- Right-of-Use Assets (Tables)
- Non-Current Assets - Prepayme_2
- Current Liabilities _ Payables
- Current Liabilities - Provisi_2
- Non-Current Liabilities - Pro_2
- Contributed Equity (Tables)
- Accumulated Losses and Reserv_2
- Financial Risk Management Obj_2
- Related Party Disclosures (Tabl
- Commitments (Tables)
- Cash Flow Statement Reconcili_2
- Key Management Personnel (Table
- Share-Based Payments (Tables)
- Summary of Accounting Policie_2
- Critical Accounting Judgement_2
- Application of New and Revise_3
- Segment Information - Additiona
- Revenue - Summary of Revenue (D
- Other Income - Schedule of Othe
- Research and Development Expe_3
- Expenses - Summary of Expenses
- Net Foreign Exchange (Loss)_G_3
- Net Foreign Exchange (Loss)_G_4
- Income Taxes - Summary of Incom
- Income Taxes - Summary of Recon
- Income Taxes - Summary of Rec_2
- Income Taxes - Summary of Recog
- Income Taxes - Additional Infor
- Earnings Per Share - Summary of
- Earnings Per Share - Additional
- Earnings Per Share - Summary _2
- Current Assets - Cash and Cash
- Current Assets - Cash and Cas_2
- Current Assets - Receivables -
- Current Assets - Receivables _2
- Current Assets - Prepayments -
- Non-Current Assets - Investment
- Non-Current Assets - Investme_2
- Non-Current Assets - Investme_3
- Right-of-Use Assets - Summary o
- Right-of-Use Assets - Additiona
- Right-of-Use Assets - Lease Lia
- Right-of-Use Assets - Lease L_2
- Non-Current Assets - Prepayme_3
- Current Liabilities - Payables
- Current Liabilities - Payable_2
- Current Liabilities - Provisi_3
- Non-Current Liabilities - Pro_3
- Contributed Equity - Summary of
- Contributed Equity - Summary _2
- Contributed Equity - Additional
- Accumulated Losses and Reserv_3
- Accumulated Losses and Reserv_4
- Financial Risk Management Obj_3
- Financial Risk Management Obj_4
- Financial Risk Management Obj_5
- Financial Risk Management Obj_6
- Related Party Disclosures - Sum
- Commitments - Summary of Lease
- Commitments - Summary of Expend
- Commitments - Additional Inform
- Contingencies - Additional Info
- Cash Flow Statement Reconcili_3
- Key Management Personnel - Sche
- Key Management Personnel - Addi
- Share-Based Payments - Summary
- Share-Based Payments - Addition
- Share-Based Payments - Summar_2
- Share-Based Payments - Summar_3