| FF301 Page 4 of 7 v 1.0.2 (D). Any other Agreements or Arrangements to Issue Shares of the Issuer which are to be listed, including Options (other than Share Options Schemes) Not applicable (E). Other Movements in Issued Share 1. Class of shares issuable (Note 5 and 6) Ordinary shares Type of shares Not applicable Shares issuable to be listed on SEHK (Note 1, 5 and 6) Yes Stock code of shares issuable (if listed on SEHK) (Note 1, 5 and 6) 09896 Type of Issue At price (if applicable) Currency Amount Issue and allotment date (Note 5 and 6) General Meeting approval date (if applicable) No. of new shares of issuer issued during the month pursuant thereto (E) No. of new shares of issuer which may be issued pursuant thereto as at close of the month 1). Repurchase of shares 28 December 2022 0 -2,158,508 2). Repurchase of shares 21 December 2023 0 -2,248,600 Total E (Ordinary shares): 0 Remarks: 1. The above 2,158,508 shares are represented by a total of 708,400 ordinary shares repurchased from the SEHK on December 14, 19, 21, 2023 and a total of 362,527 ADSs repurchased from the NYSE on December 8, 11, 14, 18, 2023 and such shares are still pending cancellation as at February 29, 2024. 2. The above 2,248,600 shares are represented by a total of 1,230,200 ordinary shares repurchased from the SEHK on January 30, 31 and February 1, 2024 and a total of 254,600 ADSs repurchased from the NYSE on January 2, 3, 22, 24, 26, 29, 31, 2024 and such shares are still pending cancellation as at February 29, 2024. Total increase / decrease (-) in Ordinary shares during the month (i.e. Total of A to E) 0 |