| 52 MINISO Interim Report 2024 (Expressed in thousands of Renminbi, unless otherwise indicated) (除特別說明外,以人民幣千元呈列) Notes to the Unaudited Interim Financial Report 未經審計中期財務報告附註 3 SEGMENT REPORTING (continued) (i) Segment results, assets and liabilities (continued) As at and for the six months ended June 30, 2024 於2024年6月30日及截至該日止六個月 Reportable segments 可呈報分部 MINISO brand 名創優品品牌 TOP TOY brand TOP TOY品牌 Total reportable segments 可呈報分部 合計 Other segment 其他分部 Total 合計 RMB’000 人民幣千元 RMB’000 人民幣千元 RMB’000 人民幣千元 RMB’000 人民幣千元 RMB’000 人民幣千元 External revenues 外部收入 7,324,665 428,920 7,753,585 5,158 7,758,743 Inter-segment revenue 分部間收入 6,804 5,648 12,452 278,467 290,919 Segment revenue 分部收入 7,331,469 434,568 7,766,037 283,625 8,049,662 Segment profit before taxation 稅前分部利潤 1,500,294 32,569 1,532,863 1,376 1,534,239 Finance income 財務收入 71,942 702 72,644 1,515 74,159 Finance costs 財務成本 (38,343) (2,252) (40,595) – (40,595) Depreciation and amortization 折舊及攤銷 (292,802) (33,053) (325,855) (2,598) (328,453) Other material non-cash items: 其他重大非現金項目: – credit loss on trade and other receivables -貿易及其他應收款項信貸虧損 (3,155) (432) (3,587) (19) (3,606) – impairment loss on non-current assets -非流動資產減值虧損 (3,752) (1,352) (5,104) – (5,104) Segment assets 分部資產 12,626,302 550,286 13,176,588 177,551 13,354,139 Additions to non-current assets during the period* 期內非流動資產增加額* 1,313,165 58,473 1,371,638 710 1,372,348 Segment liabilities 分部負債 5,478,947 366,821 5,845,768 52,986 5,898,754 Note: * The additions to non-current assets do not include additions to deferred tax assets, non-current trade and other receivables, non-current other investments, non-current term deposits and interests in equity-accounted investees. 3 分部報告(續) (i) 分部業績、資產及負債(續) 附註: * 非流動資產的增加不包括遞延稅項資 產、非流動貿易及其他應收款項、其他 非流動投資、非流動定期存款及以權益 法入賬的被投資公司的權益的增加。 |