continue on the post-business combination, the size of a potential PIPE Investment, and the timing of the transaction. Following this discussion, Mr. Pearlstein sent Mr. Platzer a non-binding letter of intent, placing an enterprise value of $900 million for Spire and proposing that two NavSight directors would continue on the post-combination board. The $900 million enterprise value proposed by NavSight was determined based upon 2.1x Spire’s fiscal year 2024 projected revenues, which represented a discount of approximately 30% to the average multiple of fiscal year 2024 projected revenues for ten recently announced SPAC transactions in the technology, software and aerospace sectors.
The first full paragraph on page 118 of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus/Information Statement is amended and restated in its entirety as follows:
On December 28, 2020, Messrs. Platzer, Coleman and Pearlstein held a teleconference to discuss the proposed non-binding letter of intent. Mr. Platzer requested that NavSight make changes to the post-business combination board membership so that only one NavSight director would be included in the membership of the post-business combination board, increase the size of the potential PIPE Investment, reduce the proportion of cash consideration, and raise the proportion of stock consideration. Additionally, Mr. Platzer asked that NavSight consider an overall increase in the enterprise value and include incentive earnout shares that would be triggered at certain stock prices. At the conclusion of the discussion, the parties agreed to jointly move forward with (i) completing additional due diligence, (ii) preparing of an investor presentation, (iii) holding an organizational call with Credit Suisse, and (iv) working toward the negotiation and signing of a non-bonding letter of intent, which would include an increase in the enterprise value of Spire.
The following is added at the end of the tenth full paragraph on page 131 of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus/Information Statement:
The February 2 LOI (as defined in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus/Information Statement) provided that Mr. Pearlstein would be the sole member of the Board to continue on the post-business combination board.
The last partial paragraph beginning on page 272 of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus/Information Statement is amended and restated in its entirety as follows:
With respect to the Transaction Multiple Comparable Methodology, NavSight management, with the assistance of Credit Suisse USA, LLC, selected ten recently announced SPAC business combinations in the technology, software, and aerospace sectors that NavSight’s management determined were relevant comparable companies (understanding that each selected company was not necessarily a direct competitor of Spire). Each comparable company selected by NavSight’s management had business models, go-to-market strategies, forecasted margins, and forecasted growth rates similar to Spire’s, as determined by NavSight’s management. While these companies may have had certain characteristics that were similar to those of Spire, the NavSight Board recognized that no company was identical in nature to Spire. The ten comparable companies selected by NavSight and included in the Transaction Multiple Comparable Methodology analysis were Aeva Technologies, Inc., Blade Air Mobility, Inc., indie Semiconductor, Inc., Innoviz Technologies Ltd., Luminar Technologies, Inc., Momentus, Inc., Ouster, Inc., Velodyne Lidar, Inc., Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc., WM Holding Company, LLC (collectively, the SPAC business combination targets, and the “Transaction Multiple Methodology Comparable” companies). NavSight management then reviewed with the NavSight Board, among other things, Spire’s proposed pro forma enterprise value as a multiple of estimated revenue for 2021 through 2024 as compared to the Transaction Multiple Comparable Methodology companies selected by NavSight.
The section of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus/Information Statement entitled “BCA PROPOSAL – Certain Engagements in Connection with the Business Combination and Related Transactions” is hereby amended and supplemented as follows:
The following is added at the end of the third full paragraph on page 131 of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus/Information Statement: