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abatement, ability, abroad, absolute, absorb, accelerate, accelerated, acceleration, accessibility, accessible, accommodate, accommodation, accrual, accuracy, accurate, accurately, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, ADA, adapt, add, adequacy, administered, ADR, advantage, advertising, advisory, affirmative, afford, affordability, affordable, aforementioned, aggressive, aggressively, aim, Airbnb, alliance, alter, altogether, amenity, American, amortization, amortizing, analyst, ancillary, announced, annum, app, appeal, appealing, approach, Arab, architecture, area, argument, arise, arising, armed, arrangement, array, arrival, art, Asia, assembled, assessor, assign, assigned, assigning, assignment, assumption, ASU, attack, attempt, attempted, attention, attract, attracting, attractive, attrition, atypical, automated, automation, average, back, bacteria, bad, Banker, bankruptcy, bargaining, Bay, began, begin, beginning, begun, behavior, behavioral, belonging, benchmark, beneficiary, beverage, billion, biometric, birthdate, block, bolster, bona, bonding, book, Bookable, booked, booking, booster, border, borrow, borrowed, borrowing, brand, branding, Brexit, bribery, bridge, bright, bring, bringing, broader, broadly, brought, browsing, budget, build, building, built, bulk, burdensome, CAD, calculate, calculated, calculation, calendar, California, callable, capacity, capped, capture, captured, card, carefully, catastrophic, CCPA, cent, center, central, CEO, certainty, Certified, CFO, chain, challenge, challenging, Chancery, channel, characterization, China, choice, choose, chosen, circumvent, circumvention, civic, civil, claim, claiming, clarifying, clarity, clause, cleaning, clear, cliff, climate, cloud, code, collateral, collateralized, Colorado, combat, comfort, commensurate, Commissioner, commonly, comparison, compelling, compensatory, compete, competition, competitive, competitor, complementary, compliant, complicate, complicated, composition, compounding, comprehensive, compromise, compromised, concentrated, concentration, concierge, concurrent, concurrently, condensed, conferencing, confidence, confidential, conflict, congestion, Connecticut, consecutive, consolidate, consolidated, consolidation, constantly, constructed, construction, constructive, construed, consumer, consuming, contamination, content, context, continental, contract, contracted, contractor, contrast, convenience, cope, copy, copyright, core, corroboration, corrupt, cost, costly, council, covenant, CPRA, create, created, creating, creation, CRFC, criminal, critical, cultural, cumulative, curated, cure, cured, currency, curtail, customer, cyber, cybersecurity, daily, damage, Davidson, deal, death, debarment, debit, debtor, decide, decided, decline, decor, dedicate, default, defense, deferral, deficiency, defraud, degree, delisted, delisting, Delta, demographic, Denver, Department, depend, dependent, depending, deploy, depreciation, desirability, desirable, desired, desk, destination, destruction, detect, detected, deter, deterioration, detrimental, develop, developed, developer, developing, development, devote, DGCL, dictate, differentiate, differentiated, difficult, difficulty, digital, diminish, directly, disabled, disadvantage, disaggregated, disagree, disagreed, disagreement, disaster, disbursement, discontinue, discontinued, discourage, discover, discovered, discretionary, dispatch, displayed, disposal, dispose, disproportionate, dispute, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, disruptive, dissatisfaction, distance, distancing, distinction, distinctive, distract, district, disturbance, diverse, diversified, diversion, diversity, divert, doctrine, dollar, domain, domestic, double, downtime, downturn, dramatically, drawn, drew, driven, driver, drop, dropped, drove, Dubai, duly, duration, ease, easier, East, easy, EBITDA, economy, efficacy, efficiency, efficiently, effort, elasticity, electrical, electronic, element, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, eliminating, email, embargoed, embedded, emphasize, employ, employed, employee, employment, enabled, enabling, encounter, encouraged, endeavor, enforce, enforceability, enforced, enforcement, engine, engineering, enjoy, enjoyment, entail, entertain, entry, environmental, equipment, equivalent, erosion, error, escalation, ESPP, essential, essentially, estate, Eurodollar, Europe, European, eventual, eviction, evolution, evolve, evolving, exceptionally, excise, exclusive, exhaustive, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, Expedia, expedient, expend, expended, expenditure, expertise, explain, explained, explicitly, export, exposure, expressed, Extension, extensive, external, externally, extremely, face, faced, facial, facially, facilitate, facility, facing, factor, fail, failed, failing, failure, fairly, false, familiarity, FCPA, feasible, feedback, fewer, fide, figure, film, finite, fire, fixed, flexibility, floor, flow, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuating, fluctuation, focused, food, footage, footnote, forecast, forecasted, forecasting, foreclose, foreclosure, foregone, foresee, foreseeable, formal, formally, formulate, forum, forward, founding, fourth, fractional, fragmented, frame, Francisco, fraud, fraudulent, fraudulently, free, freely, frequency, frequent, frequently, front, fuel, fulfill, fullest, function, functional, functionality, functioning, fundamental, furloughing, furnish, furniture, gas, gathered, GDPR, geographic, geometry, geopolitical, global, globally, GMII, good, greater, grew, grow, growing, grown, guarantee, guaranteed, guest, half, handle, harm, harmed, harmful, headcount, headquarter, headquartered, health, healthy, hearing, heavily, heightened, hesitancy, high, higher, hire, hiring, history, hope, hospitality, hosting, hotel, housekeeping, housing, Houston, human, hurt, hybrid, hygiene, hypothetical, illegal, Immigration, implicit, import, important, impose, imposed, imposition, impossible, improper, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inaccurate, inadequate, inadvertent, inapplicable, incarceration, incentive, incident, incidental, inclusive, incomplete, inconsistent, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, indemnification, indemnified, indemnify, indenture, India, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, induce, infection, inferior, inflation, inflationary, influence, influenced, influencing, infrastructure, infringe, infringement, infringing, inherent, inherently, injury, Inline, innovation, innovative, input, insolvency, inspiring, instability, instance, instigated, intangible, integrate, integrating, integrity, intellectual, intense, intentional, interact, interacting, Interactive, Interbank, intercompany, interior, intermediary, internationally, internet, interpret, interpretation, interpreted, interpretive, interruption, introduce, introduced, introducing, introduction, intuitive, invasion, invention, inventory, investigate, investigation, Investissement, investor, isolation, iv, job, journey, judge, judicial, Jumpstart, justified, kind, Kingdom, kitchen, Label, labor, lack, landlord, language, large, largely, larger, largest, launch, launched, launching, laundering, laundry, lawsuit, laying, lead, leading, led, left, Legacy, legal, Legionella, legislation, legitimate, leisure, lender, length, lengthy, lessee, lesser, lessor, leverage, levy, liable, license, licensed, licensing, lien, lieu, life, line, linen, lingering, lining, Linkbase, litigate, litigation, live, lobby, local, locality, localized, locate, located, location, login, London, longer, LOS, lose, lost, low, lower, lowest, loyalty, macroeconomic, maintenance, managerial, mandated, mandatory, margin, meaningful, media, member, Mental, merge, merged, messaging, metroplex, Mexico, mezzanine, Middle, migrated, milestone, minimal, minimize, minimum, misappropriate, misappropriation, misconduct, mission, misuse, mitigate, mix, Mixed, mobile, moderately, modern, modest, modification, mold, monetary, monitor, Montreal, morale, mortgage, motion, motivate, move, multinational, multiple, music, national, navigate, nearest, necessitate, negligence, neighborhood, network, night, nightly, noise, noncancellable, noncompliance, nonrefundable, North, notification, notify, Notwithstanding, NY, objective, occasionally, occupancy, occupied, occupy, OFAC, offset, Omicron, onboard, onboarding, online, onset, onsite, open, opening, optimally, optimize, optimizing, OTA, OTC, outbreak, outsourced, overnight, oversee, oversight, overstate, owner, ownership, pace, package, Page, parking, partner, partnering, passed, past, patent, pattern, paused, payroll, PCI, peak, peer, penalty, penetration, people, percent, percentage, perception, persistent, person, personal, personally, phased, Philadelphia, phishing, Phoenix, phone, photograph, physical, picture, PIK, PIPEDA, pipeline, pivoted, platform, play, PLC, pledged, PLL, PLP, plumbing, point, policy, political, poorly, popular, popularity, portfolio, posed, post, power, predecessor, predict, predictable, predicted, predicting, preexisting, prepaid, prescribed, presence, preservation, preserve, preserving, President, pressured, prevailing, prevalent, prevent, preventative, prevented, preventing, prevention, primary, printing, prioritized, priority, privacy, problem, proceeding, processor, procure, procurement, produce, product, productivity, profit, profitability, profitable, program, project, projected, prolonged, prominence, prominently, promote, promotional, proof, property, proprietary, prosecution, protect, protectable, protection, prove, province, publicly, publish, published, publishing, quantity, quickly, quotation, radon, ramp, range, ranging, ransomware, rapid, rapidly, reach, reached, reactive, ready, real, rebalance, rebound, rebuilding, recapitalization, recast, recession, recommend, recommendation, recouping, recourse, Recoverability, recoverable, recovery, recruit, recruiting, redesign, referenced, refinance, refinanced, refinancing, refine, reform, refund, refurbish, refuse, region, regional, regularly, reimburse, reimbursement, rejection, relationship, relied, relocating, reluctance, rely, relying, remit, remitted, remote, removal, removed, removing, renamed, renegotiated, renegotiation, renew, renewal, renovation, rent, rental, renting, reopening, repair, repatriate, repatriated, repay, repayment, repeat, replace, reputation, reputational, request, research, resell, residency, residential, resistant, resolution, resolve, resolved, resolving, resource, respond, responded, Responding, response, responsibility, responsible, restart, restore, restrict, restricted, restricting, restrictive, resumed, retention, retrain, retroactively, retrospective, retrospectively, reveal, reverse, revocation, revolutionize, revolving, RevPAR, reward, robbery, role, rolling, rollout, Rollover, room, root, ROU, Russian, sabotage, safe, safety, San, sanctioned, sanitation, Sanjay, satisfactory, scale, scaled, scheduled, Schema, scrutiny, season, seasonal, seasonality, secret, sector, secure, secured, securing, security, selfie, semiannually, senior, sensitive, serve, service, shareholder, shift, shipping, short, shortage, shorter, shown, similarly, simplify, Simplifying, single, situation, size, skilled, slavery, slightly, slower, slowly, small, smaller, social, SOFR, software, SOND, SONDW, sophistication, source, sourced, South, SPAC, specialist, Speculation, spend, spending, split, sporting, spread, square, stability, stabilize, staffing, standalone, standby, stay, staying, steal, stop, storage, store, straight, strategic, strategically, streaming, Street, strength, stringent, struck, structural, structure, struggling, style, sublease, subleased, submission, subscribe, subsidiary, substitute, Subtopic, succeed, successor, sudden, sued, suffer, suffered, suit, sum, superior, supervision, supplied, supply, surety, susceptible, suspect, suspension, switch, switching, symbol, synthetic, tab, tailoring, takeover, talent, talented, Task, taxation, Taxonomy, team, technical, technique, technological, technology, television, temporarily, tenant, terrorism, terrorist, test, testing, thereunder, thereunto, thousand, threatened, ticker, tied, tight, timeline, Title, titled, top, tort, tourism, toxic, track, tracking, tradable, trademark, traditional, traffic, trafficking, train, training, translated, transmission, transmitted, transportation, travel, traveler, trend, turmoil, turn, turnover, type, typhoon, typical, typically, Ukraine, unanticipated, unauthorized, unavailability, unavailable, unclaimed, undergo, undersigned, understand, understanding, understate, underway, undetected, undisclosed, undiscounted, unemployment, unenforceable, unexpected, unfavorable, unforeseen, unhealthy, unilaterally, Union, unionization, unionized, unique, unpaid, unplanned, unpredictability, unpredictable, unprofitable, unproven, unrealized, Unregistered, unrelated, unrest, unsafe, unsatisfactory, unscheduled, unsuccessful, Unused, unvested, unwilling, update, upgrade, upgraded, uptick, USA, usage, user, Utah, vacating, vacation, vaccination, valid, validate, validity, valorem, valuable, vandalism, variability, variable, variant, variation, varied, vary, varying, vast, VAT, vendor, venture, venue, verification, verified, verify, video, VIE, Vietnam, viewed, violate, violation, Virginia, virtually, virtue, visibility, visible, visually, voluntary, vulnerability, vulnerable, Wall, war, warehouse, water, weakening, weather, web, website, week, weekly, weighted, whichever, whistleblower, wholly, wide, widely, WiFi, withheld, withholding, worker, workflow, workforce, world, worldwide, worsened, Worth, write, writing, XBRL, zoning
absence, accrete, accretion, accrue, acting, allotted, amend, annualized, annually, Antitrust, applying, bearing, called, charged, close, codified, Commission, commodity, comprising, compute, Computershare, conditioned, constitute, consult, consummate, consummating, contingently, convert, cooperate, declared, deductible, deem, defer, denominator, deposit, deposited, depository, deviation, dissolve, distributed, effecting, effectuate, enjoining, entirety, evaluated, exempt, expressly, extinguish, federally, formed, Founder, franchise, freestanding, GMIIW, hand, hereinafter, hereof, hundred, identifying, infrequently, inoperative, institution, insured, interpolated, limitation, liquidate, liquidating, loaned, lot, multiplied, mutual, NaN, numerator, occurring, official, organizational, paragraph, participate, piggyback, practicable, principally, proceed, prohibiting, promptly, pursuit, questioning, receipt, reconciled, recovering, redeem, registering, relation, reliance, remeasurement, rendered, resale, reserve, residual, retained, round, rule, secretarial, simultaneously, statute, submitted, survive, taxed, taxing, tender, thereof, threshold, transferred, trustee, unanimously, unexercised, unrecognized, unrestricted, unsecured, vote, waiting, winding, withdrawal
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Exhibit 32.1
18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
In connection with the Quarterly Report of Sonder Holdings Inc. (the “Registrant”) on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2022 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report”), the undersigned certifies, in accordance with Rule 13a-14(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, that to the best of his knowledge:
1.The Report, to which this certification is attached as Exhibit 32.1, fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
2.The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Registrant.
Date: May 13, 2022
By: /s/ Francis Davidson
Francis Davidson
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)