contracts, and transactions at Joby Aviation must be made in writing, signed by an authorized Company representative, and approved in advance and in writing by the Legal Team. We rely on Joby Aviation’s assets to support our work every day and achieve our business objectives. We use Joby Aviation’s assets only for ethical and legal purposes that benefit the Company and in accordance with our policies. We do not use the Company’s property to engage in illegal, unethical, or improper activities of any kind. Vandalizing or mistreating Company property is prohibited. Use of the Company’s assets for personal gain is also prohibited.
B. Maintaining Accurate Records. Company records, regardless of format or storage location, reflect the Company’s business transactions, decisions, operations, and other activities. This includes not only materials created by our employees and contractors, but materials produced by third parties on behalf of Joby Aviation. Business necessity and certain federal, state and local laws require the Company to retain certain records, usually for a specific amount of time. You must follow the Company’s record retention policies. Joby Aviation prohibits the illegal, unethical, inappropriate, or unauthorized destruction of any records. We never change, conceal, falsify, or destroy any record with the intent to impede or obstruct any company purpose or legal or government proceeding.
Company records are critical for internal decision-making and reporting to government agencies. All reports to regulatory authorities must be complete, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable. When records are affected by a lawsuit or internal or government investigation, be sure to strictly follow any instructions from the Legal Team.
C. Securing Our Data Every Day. We expect all employees, contractors, consultants, temporary, and other workers at the Company to maintain a “clean desk” to ensure that confidential or sensitive information about our technologies, employees, intellectual property, customers, and vendors is removed from workstations and locked away at the end of each day or when workstations are not in use. The Information Security Team will secure the Company’s data through various methods, including periodic walk-throughs, video monitoring, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and feedback.
2155 Delaware Street, Suite 225, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 | (831) 201-6700 | (831) 426-5666 FAX | jobyaviation.com | 15