Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated statements of fina
- Consolidated statements of comp
- Consolidated statements of chan
- Consolidated statements of cash
- Reconciliation of movements of
- Overview of the Company
- Basis of preparation
- Significant accounting policies
- Property, plant and equipment
- Intangible Assets
- Goodwill
- Contract costs
- Other investments
- Trade receivables
- Loan receivables
- Other current assets
- Cash, cash equivalents and rest
- Share capital
- Treasury shares
- Lease liabilities
- Deferred tax liabilities
- Other payables
- Deferred income
- Warrant liabilities
- Revenue
- Cost of revenue
- Marketing and sales
- General and administrative
- Net finance costs
- Income Tax expense
- Business Combinations
- Significant related party trans
- Financial risk management
- Operating segment
- Earnings per share
- Reverse merger
- Subsequent events
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Property, Plant and Equipment (
- Intangible Assets (Tables)
- Contract Costs (Tables)
- Trade Receivables (Tables)
- Loan Receivables (Tables)
- Other Current Assets (Tables)
- Cash, Cash Equivalents and Re_2
- Lease Liabilities (Tables)
- Deferred Tax Liabilities (Table
- Other Payables (Tables)
- Deferred Income (Tables)
- Warrant Liabilities (Tables)
- Revenue (Tables)
- Cost of Revenue (Tables)
- Marketing and Sales (Tables)
- General and Administrative (Tab
- Net Finance Costs (Tables)
- Income Tax Expense (Tables)
- Business Combinations (Tables)
- Significant Related Party Tra_2
- Financial Risk Management (Tabl
- Operating Segment (Tables)
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Reverse Merger (Tables)
- Basis of Preparation - Addition
- Significant Accounting Polici_3
- Property, Plant and Equipment -
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Intangible Assets - Summary of
- Intangible Assets - Additional
- Goodwill - Additional Informati
- Contract costs - Summary of Cap
- Contract Costs - Summary of Mov
- Contract Costs - Summary of M_2
- Contract Costs - Additional Inf
- Other Investments - Additional
- Trade Receivables - Summary of
- Trade Receivables - Additional
- Trade Receivables - Summary o_2
- Loan Receivables - Summary of L
- Loan Receivables - Additional I
- Loan Receivables - Summary of M
- Other Current Assets - Summary
- Cash, Cash Equivalents and Re_3
- Cash, Cash Equivalents and Re_4
- Share Capital - Additional Info
- Treasury Shares - Additional In
- Lease Liabilities - Summary of
- Lease Liabilities - Additional
- Lease Liabilities - Summary o_2
- Deferred Tax Liabilities - Summ
- Deferred Tax Liabilities - Su_2
- Other Payables - Summary of Oth
- Deferred Income - Summary of De
- Deferred Income - Additional In
- Warrant Liabilities - Additiona
- Warrant Liabilities - Summary o
- Warrant Liabilities - Summary_2
- Revenue - Schedule of Revenue A
- Revenue - Additional Informatio
- Revenue - Summary of Informatio
- Revenue - Summary of Significan
- Cost of Revenue - Summary of Co
- Marketing and Sales - Summary o
- General and Administrative - Su
- General and Administrative - Ad
- Net Finance Costs - Summary of
- Income Tax Expense - Schedule o
- Income Tax Expense - Schedule_2
- Business Combinations - Additio
- Business Combinations - Summary
- Business Combinations - Summa_2
- Business Combinations - Summa_3
- Business Combinations - Summa_4
- Business Combinations - Summa_5
- Business Combinations - Summa_6
- Significant Related Party Tra_3
- Significant Related Party Tra_4
- Financial Risk Management - Add
- Financial Risk Management - Sch
- Financial Risk Management - S_2
- Financial Risk Management - S_3
- Financial Risk Management - S_4
- Financial Risk Management - Sum
- Financial Risk Management - S_5
- Operating Segment - Additional
- Operating Segment - Summary of
- Earnings Per Share - Additional
- Earnings Per Share - Summary of
- Reverse Merger - Additional Inf
- Reverse Merger - Summary of Net