(ii) Rendering of services
The Company performs the service of installing the parts and components that it sells to some of its customers. Installation is not complex or specialised and a high level of integration is not required, therefore the goods and installation are considered separate obligations.
Revenues from this service are recognised over time because the Company’s performance creates an asset controlled by the customers and it has no alternative use for the Company, which has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed up to the reporting date.
Each month the Company invoices the actual stage of completion of the project, measured in units installed in each period, so that at the end of each period the revenue is recognised for the service effectually carried at any time.
The Consolidated Financial Statements include all provisions with respect to which it is estimated that the probability that the obligation will have to be met is greater than the converse situation. Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the consolidated Balance sheet, but information on them is given in the notes, to the extent that they are not considered remote.
Where appropriate, provisions are valued at the actual value of the best possible estimate of the amount necessary to cancel or transfer the obligation, taking into account the information available about the event and its consequences, and recording adjustments that arise from updating of those provisions as a financial expense as it accrues.
The costs incurred, where appropriate, from systems, equipment and installations whose purpose is to minimize the environmental impact whilst carrying out the activity, and/or the protection and improvement of the environment are recorded as investments in property, plant and equipment.
The remaining expenses related to the environment, other than the above, are expensed as incurred. The calculation of potential environmental provisions that may arise, is made according to the best estimate of the provision at the time they are known, and under the assumption that insurance policies will not cover any damage caused.
Employee expenses include all salaries and mandatory or voluntary social obligations accrued at all times, recognizing obligations for extra payments, holidays or variable salaries and their associated expenses.
Except for justifiable cause, companies are obliged to compensate their employees when their services cease.
In the absence of any foreseeable need for irregular termination of employment and given that those employees who retire or voluntarily end their services, do not receive severance payments, severance payments, when they arise, are booked to expenses at the time the decision is taken to terminate the employment.