ZeroFox Balance Sheet (unaudited) Apr20 Jul20 Oct20 Jan21 Apr21 Jul21 Oct21 Jal\22 Apr22 Jul22 (donors in thousands) AsJets Current as.s@ts: cash and cash equivalents $ 18,708 $ 19,974 $ 7,682 $ 13,764 $ 9,102 $ 5,234 $ 4,383 $ 10,274 $ 10,110 $ 2,803 Accounts receivable, net 5;428 3,114 7,396 13,082 11,533 11,286 12,415 17,046 12;476 14,210 Deferred contract ausltlon costs 3/)77 2,994 31J89 4,014 3,770 3,770 4,174 4,594 4,918 Prepaid expenses and otherass.ets 1,331 1174 976 1 1579 21184 1A43 !.!276 2404 21859 Total rurrentass.ets 28,544 27,256 19,143 9 26,228 22,474 22/)11 32,770 29,584 24,790 Property and equ prnent, net 355 332 450 446 488 757 748 694 625 609 ca pltallzed software, ne t 847 863 848 799 787 864 926 914 983 1,082 Deferred contractausltlon costs, net of current 4,548 4,752 5/)42 6,505 5,942 5,906 6,421 7,481 6,869 6,854 Acqu red lnta ngible ass ts, net 15,575 14,982 14,294 15,788 14,999 14,210 13,421 12,631 Goodwill 28,625 28,614 1 28,653 34,844 34,366 35,002 35,002 35,002 Otheras.sets 276 280 279 307 258 257 320 319 344 341 Tota l assets $ 34270 $ 33,483 $ 69,962 s 82,932 I $ 76,650 $ 80,890 $ 79,791 $ 91,390 $ 8628 $ 81,309 I Uabllties, rede@mable convertible pr@f@tr@d current I billtles: Accounts payable $ 923 $ 923 $ 1,199 $ 890 $ 945 $ 2,017 $ 2/)16 $ 4,276 $ 4,181 $ 4,333 Contingent cons eratlon related to business 15/)16 7,871 2,687 114 114 Acaued compensation and expenses and other current llablltles 1,686 2,545 2,855 5,060 2,810 4,107 6,179 7,020 3,319 4,302 Current portion of long-term debt 2,796 938 938 5,970 6/)31 6,094 Deferred revenue 11,786 11,506 19/)41 25,8 1 24,758 25,065 27,111 29,532 32,855 36,019 Tota I rurrent llabll s 17,191 14,974 38,111 39,219 1 31,200 32,241 36,358 46,798 46,386 50,748 Deferred revenue, net 1,753 2,032 2,590 3,103 3,822 4,164 3;435 9,299 6,806 6,326 Long term 14,504 19,884 19,958 28,575 28,691 36,299 41,165 4S, S03 52,359 52,327 Warrants 1,217 1,026 1/)27 2,: I 2,837 8,126 9,988 10,709 11,891 7,387 Other lla billtles 368 368 368 Tota l liabilities 34,665 37,916 61,686 74,071 66,918 81,198 91,314 112,309 117;442 116,788 Redeemable convertlbl preferred stock 9881 981981 11519 124390 129,404 132,229 13229 1321229 13229 1381129 Stockholders’ deficit Common stock Add Idona I paId-In capita I 2,517 2,640 2,797 2,975 3,117 3,317 3,561 3,873 4,327 4,829 ACaJmulated deficit (101,534) (105,971) (110,248) (118,381) (122,623) (135,683) (147,133) (156,820) (167/)23) (178,278) ACaJmulated other comprehensive (loss) Income (59) (83) (92) (123) (166) (171) (180) (201) (147) (159) Total stockholders’ deficit !99m61 !10314141 j107243l !11916721 !13215371 !143,7521 j1S3,148J p62M3l !17316081 Totalllablllies, redeemable convertible preferred $ 34,570 $ 33,483 $ 69,962 $ 76,650 $ 80,890 $ 79,791 $ 91,390 $ 86,828 $ 81,309