LOANS RECEIVABLE, NET | LOANS RECEIVABLE, NET Loans receivable are summarized as follows: December 31, December 31, (In thousands) Commercial and industrial $ 925,641 $ 729,385 Multifamily 967,521 821,801 Commercial real estate 335,133 369,429 Construction and land development 37,696 31,539 Total commercial portfolio 2,265,991 1,952,154 Residential real estate lending 1,371,779 1,063,682 Consumer and other 463,999 291,818 Total retail portfolio 1,835,778 1,355,500 Total loans receivable 4,101,769 3,307,654 Net deferred loan origination costs 4,233 4,570 Total loans receivable, net of deferred loan origination costs (fees) 4,106,002 3,312,224 Allowance for loan losses (45,031) (35,866) Total loans receivable, net $ 4,060,971 $ 3,276,358 Lending Risk The principal business of the Company is lending in commercial and industrial loans, multifamily mortgage loans, commercial real estate loans, construction and land development loans, residential real estate mortgage loans, and consumer and other loans. The Company considers its primary lending area to be the states of New York, and California, and Washington, D.C. A substantial portion of the Company’s loans are secured by real estate in these areas. Accordingly, the ultimate collectability of the loan portfolio is susceptible to changes in market and economic conditions in this region. Commercial and Industrial Loans Loans in this classification are made to businesses and include term loans, lines of credit, and senior secured loans to corporations. Generally, these loans are secured by assets of the business and repayment is expected from the cash flows of the business. A weakened economy, and resultant decreased consumer and/or business spending, will have an effect on the credit quality in this loan class. Multifamily Mortgage Loans Loans in this classification include income producing residential investment properties of five or more families. Loans are made to established owners with a proven and demonstrable record of strong performance. Repayment is derived generally from the rental income generated from the property and may be supplemented by the owners’ personal cash flow. Credit risk arises with an increase in vacancy rates, property mismanagement and the predominance of non-recourse loans that are customary in the industry. Commercial Real Estate Loans Loans in this classification include income producing investment properties and owner-occupied real estate used for business purposes. The underlying properties are located largely in the Company’s primary market area. The cash flows of the income producing investment properties are adversely impacted by a downturn in the economy as evidenced by increased vacancy rates, which in turn, will have an effect on credit quality. In the case of owner-occupied real estate used for business purposes, a weakened economy and resultant decreased consumer and/or business spending will have an adverse effect on credit quality. Construction and Land Development Loans Loans in this classification primarily include land loans to local individuals, contractors and developers for developing the land for sale or for the purpose of making improvements thereon. Repayment is derived primarily from sale of the lots/units including any pre-sold units. Credit risk is affected by market conditions, time to sell at an adequate price and cost overruns. To a lesser extent, this class includes commercial development projects that the Company finances, which in most cases require interest only during construction, and then convert to permanent financing. Construction delays, cost overruns, market conditions and the availability of permanent financing, to the extent such permanent financing is not being provided by the Bank, all affect the credit risk in this loan class. Residential Real Estate Loans Loans in this classification are generally secured by owner-occupied residential real estate and repayment is dependent on the credit quality of the individual borrower. Loans in this class are secured by both first liens and second liens. The overall health of the economy, including unemployment rates and housing prices, can have an effect on the credit quality in this loan class. Consumer and Other Loans Loans in this classification may be either secured or unsecured. Residential solar loans compose the majority of this portfolio, with student loans and other consumer products composing the remainder. Repayment is dependent on the credit quality of the individual borrower and, if applicable, sale of the collateral securing the loan. Therefore, the overall health of the economy, including unemployment rates and housing prices, will have an effect on the credit quality in this loan class. The following table presents information regarding the quality of the Company’s loans as of December 31, 2022: 30-89 Days Non- 90 Days or Total Past Current Total Loans (In thousands) Commercial and industrial $ 27 $ 9,629 $ — $ 9,656 $ 915,985 $ 925,641 Multifamily — 3,828 — 3,828 963,693 967,521 Commercial real estate 11,718 4,851 — 16,569 318,564 335,133 Construction and land development 16,426 — — 16,426 21,270 37,696 Total commercial portfolio 28,171 18,308 — 46,479 2,219,512 2,265,991 Residential real estate lending 1,185 1,807 — 2,992 1,368,787 1,371,779 Consumer and other 3,545 1,584 — 5,129 458,870 463,999 Total retail portfolio 4,730 3,391 — 8,121 1,827,657 1,835,778 $ 32,901 $ 21,699 $ — $ 54,600 $ 4,047,169 $ 4,101,769 The following table presents information regarding the quality of the Company’s loans as of December 31, 2021: 30-89 Days Past Due Non- Accrual 90 Days or More Delinquent and Still Accruing Interest Total Past Due Current Total Loans Receivable (In thousands) Commercial and industrial $ — $ 8,313 $ — $ 8,313 $ 721,072 $ 729,385 Multifamily 13,537 2,907 — 16,444 805,357 821,801 Commercial real estate 21,599 4,054 — 25,653 343,776 369,429 Construction and land development 26,482 — — 26,482 5,057 31,539 Total commercial portfolio 61,618 15,274 — 76,892 1,875,262 1,952,154 Residential real estate lending 4,811 12,525 — 17,336 1,046,346 1,063,682 Consumer and other 1,590 420 — 2,010 289,808 291,818 Total retail portfolio 6,401 12,945 — 19,346 1,336,154 1,355,500 $ 68,019 $ 28,219 $ — $ 96,238 $ 3,211,416 $ 3,307,654 The Company has certain non-performing loans included in the balance of Loans held for sale on the Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition. There were $6.9 million and $1.0 million such loans as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021, respectively. For a loan modification to be considered a TDR in accordance with ASC 310-40, both of the following conditions must be met: the borrower is experiencing financial difficulty, and the creditor has granted a concession (except for an “insignificant delay in payment”, defined as six months or less). Loans modified as TDRs are placed on nonaccrual status until the Company determines that future collection of principal and interest is reasonably assured, which generally requires that the borrower demonstrate performance according to the restructured terms for a period of at least six months. The Company’s TDRs primarily involve rate reductions, forbearance of arrears or extension of maturity. TDRs are included in total impaired loans as of the respective date. The following table presents information regarding the Company’s TDRs as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021: December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 (In thousands) Accruing Nonaccrual Total Accruing Nonaccrual Total Commercial and industrial $ 3,503 $ 9,629 $ 13,132 $ 4,052 $ 8,313 $ 12,365 Commercial real estate — 2,900 2,900 — 3,166 3,166 Construction and land development 2,424 — 2,424 7,476 — 7,476 Residential real estate lending 175 973 1,148 13,469 2,018 15,487 $ 6,102 $ 13,502 $ 19,604 $ 24,997 $ 13,497 $ 38,494 The financial effects of TDRs granted for the year ended December 31, 2022 are as follows: Weighted Average Interest Rate (In thousands) Number Recorded Pre-Modification Post-Modification Charge-off Commercial and industrial 2 $ 8,171 6.79 % 6.79 % $ — Commercial real estate 4 10,647 3.85 % 3.85 % — 6 $ 18,818 5.13 % 5.13 % $ — The financial effects of TDRs granted for the year ended December 31, 2021 are as follows: Weighted Average Interest Rate (In thousands) Number Recorded Pre-Modification Post-Modification Charge-off Commercial and industrial 1 $ 2,536 6.50 % 4.00 % $ — Construction and land development 2 7,477 4.30 % 4.30 % — 3 $ 10,013 4.86 % 4.22 % $ — The following tables summarize the Company’s loan portfolio by credit quality indicator as of December 31, 2022: (In thousands) Pass Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Total Commercial and industrial $ 893,637 $ 6,983 $ 23,275 $ 1,746 $ 925,641 Multifamily 947,661 13,696 6,164 — 967,521 Commercial real estate 299,953 24,679 10,501 — 335,133 Construction and land development 21,270 14,002 2,424 — 37,696 Residential real estate lending 1,369,972 — 1,807 — 1,371,779 Consumer and other 462,415 — 1,584 — 463,999 Total loans $ 3,994,908 $ 59,360 $ 45,755 $ 1,746 $ 4,101,769 The following tables summarize the Company’s loan portfolio by credit quality indicator as of December 31, 2021: (In thousands) Pass Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Total Commercial and industrial $ 693,312 $ 10,165 $ 25,908 $ — $ 729,385 Multifamily 721,869 48,804 51,128 — 821,801 Commercial real estate 295,261 13,947 60,221 — 369,429 Construction and land development 24,063 — 7,476 — 31,539 Residential real estate lending 1,050,865 292 12,525 — 1,063,682 Consumer and other 291,398 — 420 — 291,818 Total loans $ 3,076,768 $ 73,208 $ 157,678 $ — $ 3,307,654 The above classifications follow regulatory guidelines and can be generally described as follows: • pass loans are of satisfactory quality; • special mention loans have a potential weakness or risk that may result in the deterioration of future repayment; • substandard loans are inadequately protected by the current net worth and paying capacity of the borrower or of the collateral pledged (these loans have a well-defined weakness, and there is a distinct possibility that the Company will sustain some loss); and • doubtful loans, based on existing circumstances, have weaknesses that make collection or liquidation in full highly questionable and improbable. In addition, consumer and residential loans are classified utilizing an inter-agency methodology that incorporates the extent of delinquency. Assigned risk rating grades are continuously updated as new information is obtained. The following table provides information regarding the methods used to evaluate the Company’s loans for impairment by portfolio, and the Company’s allowance by portfolio based upon the method of evaluating loan impairment as of December 31, 2022: (In thousands) Commercial and Industrial Multifamily Commercial Real Estate Construction and Land Development Residential Real Estate Lending Consumer and Other Total Loans: Individually evaluated for impairment $ 14,716 $ 3,828 $ 4,851 $ 2,424 $ 1,982 $ — $ 27,801 Collectively evaluated for impairment 910,925 963,693 330,282 35,272 1,369,797 463,999 4,073,968 Total loans $ 925,641 $ 967,521 $ 335,133 $ 37,696 $ 1,371,779 $ 463,999 $ 4,101,769 Allowance for loan losses: Individually evaluated for impairment $ 5,433 $ 180 $ — $ — $ 55 $ — $ 5,668 Collectively evaluated for impairment 7,483 6,924 3,627 825 11,283 9,221 39,363 Total allowance for loan losses $ 12,916 $ 7,104 $ 3,627 $ 825 $ 11,338 $ 9,221 $ 45,031 The following table provides information regarding the methods used to evaluate the Company’s loans for impairment by portfolio, and the Company’s allowance by portfolio based upon the method of evaluating loan impairment as of December 31, 2021: (In thousands) Commercial and Industrial Multifamily Commercial Real Estate Construction and Land Development Residential Real Estate Lending Consumer and Other Total Loans: Individually evaluated for impairment $ 12,785 $ 2,907 $ 4,054 $ 7,476 $ 25,994 $ — $ 53,216 Collectively evaluated for impairment 716,600 818,894 365,375 24,063 1,037,688 291,818 3,254,438 Total loans $ 729,385 $ 821,801 $ 369,429 $ 31,539 $ 1,063,682 $ 291,818 $ 3,307,654 Allowance for loan losses: Individually evaluated for impairment $ 4,350 $ — $ — $ — $ 755 $ — $ 5,105 Collectively evaluated for impairment 6,302 4,760 7,273 405 8,253 3,768 30,761 Total allowance for loan losses $ 10,652 $ 4,760 $ 7,273 $ 405 $ 9,008 $ 3,768 $ 35,866 The activities in the allowance by portfolio for the year ended December 31, 2022 are as follows: (In thousands) Commercial and Industrial Multifamily Commercial Real Estate Construction and Land Development Residential Real Estate Lending Consumer and Other Total Allowance for loan losses: Beginning balance $ 10,652 $ 4,760 $ 7,273 $ 405 $ 9,008 $ 3,768 $ 35,866 Provision for (recovery of) loan losses 1,990 2,760 (3,646) 807 2,978 10,113 15,002 Charge-offs — (416) — (389) (2,448) (5,143) (8,396) Recoveries 274 — — 2 1,800 483 2,559 Ending Balance $ 12,916 $ 7,104 $ 3,627 $ 825 $ 11,338 $ 9,221 $ 45,031 The activities in the allowance by portfolio for the year ended December 31, 2021 are as follows: (In thousands) Commercial and Industrial Multifamily Commercial Real Estate Construction and Land Development Residential Real Estate Lending Consumer and Other Total Allowance for loan losses: Beginning balance $ 9,065 $ 10,324 $ 6,213 $ 2,077 $ 12,330 $ 1,580 $ 41,589 Provision for (recovery of) loan losses 2,179 (1,483) 1,374 (1,675) (5,409) 4,727 (287) Charge-offs (813) (4,081) (314) — (1,081) (2,699) (8,988) Recoveries 221 — — 3 3,168 160 3,552 Ending Balance $ 10,652 $ 4,760 $ 7,273 $ 405 $ 9,008 $ 3,768 $ 35,866 The activities in the allowance by portfolio for the year ended December 31, 2020 are as follows: (In thousands) Commercial and Industrial Multifamily Commercial Real Estate Construction and Land Development Residential Real Estate Lending Consumer and Other Total Allowance for loan losses: Beginning balance $ 11,126 $ 5,210 $ 2,492 $ 808 $ 14,149 $ 62 $ 33,847 Provision for (recovery of) loan losses 9,175 5,114 7,508 2,238 (2,302) 3,058 24,791 Charge-offs (11,293) — (3,787) (970) (492) (1,691) (18,233) Recoveries 57 — — 1 975 151 1,184 Ending Balance $ 9,065 $ 10,324 $ 6,213 $ 2,077 $ 12,330 $ 1,580 $ 41,589 The following is additional information regarding the Company’s impaired loans and the allowance related to such loans as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021: December 31, 2022 (In thousands) Recorded Average Unpaid Related Loans without a related allowance: Residential real estate lending $ 764 $ 5,636 $ 1,761 $ — Multifamily 334 167 334 — Construction and land development 2,424 4,950 7,476 — Commercial real estate 4,851 4,453 5,023 — Commercial and industrial 3,791 1,896 3,881 — 12,164 17,102 18,475 — Loans with a related allowance: Residential real estate lending 1,218 8,352 1,278 55 Multifamily 3,494 3,201 3,494 180 Commercial and industrial 10,925 11,855 11,975 5,433 15,637 23,408 16,747 5,668 Total impaired loans: Residential real estate lending 1,982 13,988 3,039 55 Multifamily 3,828 3,368 3,828 180 Construction and land development 2,424 4,950 7,476 — Commercial real estate 4,851 4,453 5,023 — Commercial and industrial 14,716 13,751 15,856 5,433 $ 27,801 $ 40,510 $ 35,222 $ 5,668 December 31, 2021 (In thousands) Recorded Investment Average Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Loans without a related allowance: Residential real estate lending $ 10,507 $ 15,666 $ 11,896 $ — Construction and land development 7,476 9,330 7,476 — Commercial real estate 4,054 3,744 4,953 — 22,037 28,740 24,325 — Loans with a related allowance: Residential real estate lending 15,487 18,120 19,306 755 Multifamily 2,907 6,241 8,024 — Commercial and industrial 12,785 13,746 13,207 4,350 31,179 38,107 40,537 5,105 Total impaired loans: Residential real estate lending 25,994 33,786 31,202 755 Multifamily 2,907 6,241 8,024 — Construction and land development 7,476 9,330 7,476 — Commercial real estate 4,054 3,744 4,953 — Commercial and industrial 12,785 13,746 13,207 4,350 $ 53,216 $ 66,847 $ 64,862 $ 5,105 |