you know, how do you tap that knowledge in those individuals? How do you bring that out? I guess that’s a management skill you acquire along the way, but I mean, am I right? I mean, it seems to me, unless you really are able to build those types of relationships, trust what’s involved, you know, it’ll be topic, obviously. Because it’s management, as you said, I’ll tell you, you know, as a story, when I joined the company, the prior CFO had just left and my controller said, you know, Puneet He didn’t even know our team members names. And that stuck with me. I was like, Well, okay, maybe I would have actually done the same mistake, you know, if you actually hadn’t pointed out to me. So that’s not to take. That’s not to show I’m better. I made a conscious effort to memorize every team members names, I went to LinkedIn and figured out, you know, if they actually had a LinkedIn profile, what they’re done, and I made it a point, to do a team lunch once a once a month, right? where I’d call all of them by name, and make sure I shook everybody’s hands, in the whole departments, right? little things like that. show people that you actually care and not just the people at the bottom their bosses notice their boss’s boss’s boss notice. I think the second thing is, don’t be afraid to engage, respect, but always engage. Don’t assume I wouldn’t. If I went and looked back, ever basically say, look, these guys, let them do this stuff, and I will do this stuff. It’s all my stuff. So if you don’t know, just ask, they may think you’re stupid for a little while. But you know, in two weeks, they won’t.
Is there a, we always ask our guests to reflect a little bit on the personal side, this might be something a characteristic, you have a habit you have part of a daily routine that you have, this is something that maybe a family member would point out to us first. But is there something you do that you think over time as helped you stand and even keel has, you know, contributed to your life at large professionally and personally, anything? You know, I invest my own money. I don’t have a financial advisor. And I have been to every one of Warren Buffett’s shareholder meetings in the last 10 years. The not the last, not the last one. I mean, that was hard. But, you know, I think it’s helped me as a CFO, understand companies just reading 10 Ks and Q’s, which is, you know, I think that’s the best way to know a company, by the way. Just read annual reports. My wife thought I was funny when she when she was like, that’s what you do for a hobby. You read annual reports. Like it interesting. It shows you how different business models operate. There’s no better way to know the company. That’s Tommy, that’s what he reads 10 K’s for fun. That’s what I picked that I don’t you know, when you when you have a smart idol like that, and he’s really an idol for me, right? You don’t have to, you know, you can just copy, you don’t have to think.
Well, is there we always like to ask if there’s a book you’d like to recommend to our listeners.
Okay, Warren Buffett’s shareholders. They’ve compiled it as a book. There’s actually two of them out. One of them is actually a summary. Both are available on Amazon. There’s not a plug, I’m not getting anything. But I’ve held those both of those books were on my shelf. One is called lead lead letters from Warren Buffett’s letters, right? It’s literally all the letters for the last 30 years. And then once, if you don’t want to read a 300 page, you know, kind of like all the letters going back way, way back to the 60s, you can read it in summary format.
Excellent. I have to say, I’m a little shocked. I don’t think we’ve had that recommended before. It seems like such an obvious and good choice for us. But I don’t recall it ever being selected for us. So thank you for that. And I’m afraid Puneet we’re up to our final question, which is where we ask you to look forward is a little tricky, given all of what lays ahead. But over the next 12 months, what are your priorities as a finance leader?
You know, as a private equity held company, we have been very commercially focused. That’s been my focus. But I think I have to balance that we have to balance that out now. We have to maintain our focus on revenue, profit profitability, we can’t let go on that focus. But we also want a little bit of a compliance focus here. There’s a lot of work to be done in maturing our internal processes so that you know, we look like the most solid public publicly listed company our size. Yeah. Which is where our goal should be and it’s going to be a lot of work. A lot of grunt work.
Puneet Pamnani. Thank you for joining us on CFO thought leader. Thank you for having me. It’s been a privilege.