dMY Technology Group III – IonQ dMY Technology III Roadshow Highlights, March 7, 2021
Now, please turn to Slide Number 12. In 2015, Chris and Jungsang wrote a seminal paper on how to build a scalable quantum computer. Famed investor Harry Weller from NEA read the paper and thought it read like a business plan, and approached Chris and Jungsang to form a company. IonQ is that company.
As part of the Company’s founding, a deal was reached with both universities to exclusively license, royalty free, the work of both founders going backwards in time and forward until 2026. In exchange, the two universities own about 1% of the Company today. Soon after, NEA, Google Ventures, and Amazon lead the first round, and the Company was off and running.
The Company is extremely capital efficient, having built six generations of quantum computers over five years with only $50 million. During this time, the Company has started an impressive patent portfolio to protect its technology.
Turning to Slide Number 13. You can see we have the who’s who of the quantum world as advisors, including Dave Wineland, and in addition, Jagdeep Singh from QuantumScape, who was an early advisor to the Company, and now advising us on the SPAC process.
Now, to Slide 15. What is all the fuss about quantum? Well, despite decades of steady improvement, classical computation, we’ll never have the capability to solve many of the grand challenges that face mankind. Simply put, we need a new computational capability to power innovation for the next hundred years, and the answer is quantum computing.
On Slide 16, you can see many of the problems that are expected to be the low-hanging fruit for quantum computers. However, we’re talking about a more powerful computer, and it’s likely that every industry that uses a computer today will want a quantum computer in the future. In this sense, the market for quantum seems almost infinite.
Turning to Slide 17. We believe we’re at the dawn of the quantum age, a time where quantum computers will unlock the secrets of nature, power new drug discoveries, design better batteries for electric cars, improve materials in a process for carbon capture, more efficient airplanes, and a robust stable electricity grid, and so much more. But we’re not alone in this belief. We compete with nation states, and the world’s largest tech companies, all who share our belief that quantum will power our future.
On Slide 19, you can see that IonQ is leading in every important aspect of quantum computing, with the most usable qubits, the building blocks for quantum computers, the highest quantum volume, a benchmark created by IBM, the best error correction, and in fact, the only company to show error correction working, a clear path to scale, as our systems shrink in each generation, the only commercial system running at room temperature, the only quantum computers on two major cloud vendors, with major support from leading vendors, and a number of firsts where customer applications can only run on IonQ hardware, such as our recent experience with Dow Chemical.
Slide Number 20 highlights the three phases of maturity of the quantum market. The expected financial impact, and the key to unlock each pot of gold.
The first phase, the phase we’re in today, is called the NSError (phon). In this phase, it’s all about having low gate errors. The lower the gate error, the larger the quantum program you can run. That’s what quantum volume largely measures. It’s uncontroversial to say that ion traps have the lowest error rates bar none. That’s why IonQ is winning this first phase.
ViaVid has made considerable efforts to provide an accurate transcription. There may be material errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the reporting of the substance of the conference call. This transcript is being made available for information purposes only.
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