Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Statements Of Fina
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- General
- Basis of Preparation of the Fin
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Receivables and Prepaid Expense
- Other Investments
- Fixed Assets, net
- Other Payables
- Capital and Reserves
- Share-based payments
- Research and Development Expens
- Marketing Expenses
- General and Administrative Expe
- Financing Income and Expenses
- Income Tax
- Subsidiaries
- Contingent Liabilities
- Related and Interested Parties
- Leases
- Employee Benefits
- Loss per Share
- Agreements, Guarantees and Lien
- Financial Instruments
- Subsequent Event
- Significant Accounting Polici_2
- Basis of Preparation of the F_2
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tabl
- Receivables and Prepaid Expen_2
- Other Investments (Tables)
- Fixed Assets, net (Tables)
- Other Payables (Tables)
- Capital and Reserves (Tables)
- Share-based payments (Tables)
- Research and Development Expe_2
- Marketing Expenses (Tables)
- General and Administrative Ex_2
- Financing Income and Expenses (
- Subsidiaries (Tables)
- Related and Interested Parties
- Leases (Tables)
- Loss per Share (Tables)
- General (Narrative) (Details)
- Basis of Preparation of the F_3
- Significant Accounting Polici_3
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Deta
- Receivables and Prepaid Expen_3
- Other Investments (Details)
- Other Investments (Details 1)
- Other Investments (Parenthetica
- Other Investments (Narrative) (
- Fixed Assets, net (Details)
- Fixed Assets, net (Narrative) (
- Other Payables (Details)
- Capital and Reserves (Details)
- Capital and Reserves (Narrative
- Share-based payments (Details)
- Share-based payments (Details 1
- Share-based payments (Details 2
- Share-based payments (Narrative
- Research and Development Expe_3
- Marketing Expenses (Details)
- General and Administrative Ex_3
- Financing Income and Expenses_2
- Income Tax (Narrative) (Details
- Subsidiaries (Details)
- Subsidiaries (Parentheticals) (
- Subsidiaries (Details 1)
- Subsidiaries (Details 2)
- Subsidiaries (Details 3)
- Subsidiaries (Narrative) (Detai
- Contingent Liabilities (Narrati
- Related and Interested Partie_2
- Related and Interested Partie_3
- Related and Interested Partie_4
- Leases (Details)
- Leases (Details 1)
- Leases (Details 2)
- Leases (Narrative) (Details)
- Employee Benefits (Narrative) (
- Loss per Share (Details)
- Loss per Share (Narrative) (Det
- Agreements, Guarantees and Li_2
- Subsequent Event (Narrative) (D