Exhibit 14
Athlon Acquisition Corp.
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct and our company values represent the standards by which we all must operate. All employees of Athlon Acquisition Corp. or any subsidiary of Athlon Acquisition Corp. (collectively, “Athlon”), as well as Athlon’s officers and Board members, must abide by this Code of Conduct. We also expect Athlon’s contractors, consultants, suppliers, and agents to abide by our Code of Conduct in connection with their work for Athlon.
We operate with honesty and integrity. We are open, transparent, and honest. We keep our commitments to each other, to our customers, and to our partners. We endeavor to communicate with our customers, partners, fellow employees, and suppliers in an honest and unambiguous way, and to avoid making any misstatements of fact, making misleading or exaggerated communications, or creating false impressions. We may make mistakes, but we quickly admit and correct them.
We treat others fairly and respectfully. We foster a respectful work environment free from any form of discrimination, harassment, and intimidation. We provide equal opportunity in all aspects of employment. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, violence, or threatening behavior of any kind. We treat everyone—fellow employees, customers, partners, and other stakeholders—with dignity and respect.
We uphold human rights. We respect human rights, provide fair working conditions, and prohibit the use of any forced, compulsory, or child labor by or for Athlon.
We are responsible and law abiding. We follow the law. This includes all applicable international, national, and local laws, rules, and regulations. We report wrongdoing, including fraud or illegal acts, if we encounter it.
We prohibit bribery. Athlon’s policy against bribery is clear—we never make or accept bribes to advance our business. A bribe is something of value that is offered or given to improperly influence a decision. Bribes often consist of money, but they could also be disguised as gifts, trips, entertainment, charitable donations, favors, or jobs. We do not offer or give anything of value for an improper or corrupt purpose, whether in dealings with a government official or the private sector, and regardless of the norms of local custom.
We avoid conflicts of interest. We have a responsibility to make sound business decisions strictly on the basis of Athlon’s best interests without regard to our personal interests. A conflict of interest can occur when our personal activities, investments, or associations compromise our judgment or ability to act in the best interest of Athlon. We avoid conflicts of
Athlon Acquisition Corp.
Code of Conduct
(as of , 2021)