Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Consolidated Group income state
- Consolidated Group statement of
- Consolidated Group statement _2
- Consolidated Group balance shee
- Consolidated Group cash flow st
- Accounting policies
- Segment analysis
- Operating profit
- Net finance costs
- Tax
- Discontinued operations
- Dividends
- Earnings per share
- Employee and key management inf
- Intangible assets_goodwill
- Intangible assets_other
- Right of use assets and leases
- Property, plant and equipment
- Deferred tax assets and liabili
- Inventories
- Trade and other receivables
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Trade and other payables
- Borrowings
- Financial instruments and finan
- Provisions
- Retirement benefit obligations
- Share capital
- Reconciliation of profit to cas
- Acquisitions
- Disposals
- Changes in cash and cash equiva
- Related party transactions
- Contingent liabilities
- Events after reporting period
- List of accounting policies (Po
- Accounting policies (Tables)
- Segment analysis (Tables)
- Operating profit (Tables)
- Net finance costs (Tables)
- Tax (Tables)
- Discontinued operations (Tables
- Dividends (Tables)
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Employee and key management i_2
- Intangible assets_goodwill (Tab
- Intangible assets_other (Tables
- Right of use assets and leases
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_2
- Inventories (Tables)
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Cash flow statement (Tables)
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Borrowings (Tables)
- Financial instruments (Tables)
- Provisions (Tables)
- Retirement benefit obligations
- Share capital (Tables)
- Reconciliation of profit to c_2
- Acquisitions (Tables)
- Disposals (Tables)
- Changes in cash and cash equi_2
- Accounting policies - Narrative
- Accounting policies - Estimated
- Accounting policies - Estimat_2
- Segment analysis - Narrative (D
- Segment analysis - Segment Reve
- Segment analysis - Additional D
- Segment analysis - Reconciliati
- Segment analysis - Other Inform
- Segment analysis - Geographical
- Segment analysis - Additions to
- Segment analysis - Impairment,
- Operating profit (Details)
- Net finance costs (Details)
- Tax - Summary of Tax Charges (D
- Tax - Narrative (Details)
- Tax - Summary of Tax on Items C
- Tax - Summary of Items Credited
- Tax - Summary of Tax Reconcilia
- Discontinued operations (Detail
- Discontinued operations - Narra
- Dividends - Amounts recognized
- Dividends - Narrative (Details)
- Earnings per share (Details)
- Earnings per share - Narrative
- Employee and key management i_3
- Employee and key management i_4
- Employee and key management i_5
- Employee and key management i_6
- Intangible assets_goodwill - Ro
- Intangible assets_goodwill - Al
- Intangible assets_other - Roll
- Intangible assets_other - Narra
- Right of use assets and lease_2
- Right of use assets and lease_3
- Right of use assets and lease_4
- Right of use assets and lease_5
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_3
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_4
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_5
- Inventories (Details)
- Trade and other receivables (De
- Trade and other receivables - N
- Trade and other receivables - L
- Cash flow statement (Details)
- Trade and other payables - Sche
- Trade and other payables (Detai
- Borrowings - Schedule of curren
- Borrowings - Narrative (Details
- Borrowings - Schedule of non cu
- Financial instruments - Summary
- Financial instruments - Narrati
- Financial instruments and fin_2
- Financial instruments and fin_3
- Financial instruments and fin_4
- Financial instruments and fin_5
- Financial instruments and fin_6
- Provisions - Schedule of Change
- Provisions - Current and Non-cu
- Provisions - Narrative (Details
- Retirement benefit obligation_2
- Retirement benefit obligation_3
- Retirement benefit obligation_4
- Retirement benefit obligation_5
- Retirement benefit obligation_6
- Retirement benefit obligation_7
- Retirement benefit obligation_8
- Retirement benefit obligation_9
- Retirement benefit obligatio_10
- Retirement benefit obligatio_11
- Retirement benefit obligatio_12
- Retirement benefit obligatio_13
- Share capital - Ordinary shares
- Share capital - Narrative (Deta
- Share capital - Summary of move
- Share capital - Summary of mo_2
- Share capital - Summary of the
- Reconciliation of profit to c_3
- Acquisitions - Summary of acqui
- Acquisitions - Assets acquired
- Acquisitions - Narrative (Detai
- Acquisitions - Net outflow of c
- Disposals - Narrative (Details)
- Disposals - Loss on Current Per
- Disposals - Net Inflow of Cash
- Changes in cash and cash equi_3
- Changes in cash and cash equi_4
- Related party transactions (Det