Summary of Significant Accounting Policies | Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Basis of Presentation The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). The balance sheet as of December 31, 2023, included herein, was derived from audited financial statements, but does not include all disclosures required by GAAP. In accordance with the rules and regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), the Company has omitted certain footnote disclosures that would substantially duplicate the disclosures contained in its annual audited consolidated financial statements. Therefore, these condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year-ended December 31, 2023 as filed with the SEC. Furthermore, the condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company, our subsidiaries, and three immaterial variable interest entities in which we are the primary beneficiary. All intercompany transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. Noncontrolling interest is presented within the equity section of the condensed consolidated balance sheets. We have no components of other comprehensive income (loss), and accordingly, comprehensive income (loss) is the same as the net income (loss) for all periods presented. Use of Estimates The preparation of the condensed consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and judgments that affect the amounts reported in the condensed consolidated financial statements. Our significant estimates include, but are not limited to, the determination of medical expenses payable; the impact of risk adjustment provisions related to our Medicare contracts; collectability of receivables; valuation of related impairment recognition of long-lived assets, including goodwill and intangible assets; equity-based compensation expense; and contingent liabilities. Estimates and judgments are based upon historical information and on various other assumptions that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could differ materially from those estimates and the impact of any change in estimates is included in earnings in the period in which the estimate is adjusted. Segments We have determined that our chief executive officer is the chief operating decision maker (“CODM”) who regularly reviews financial operating results on a consolidated basis for purposes of allocating resources and evaluating financial performance. We operate and manage the business as one reportable segment and one operating segment, which is to provide healthcare services to our seniors. Factors used in determining the reportable segment include the nature of operating activities, our organizational and reporting structure, and the type of information reviewed by the CODM to allocate resources and evaluate financial performance. All of our assets are located in the United States. Fair Value Measurements Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Our current assets and current liabilities approximate fair value because of the short-term nature of these financial instruments. Financial instruments measured at fair value on a recurring basis were based upon a three-tier hierarchy as follows: Level 1 - Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities Level 2 - Other inputs that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, for substantially the full term of the asset or liability Level 3 - Unobservable inputs that reflect management’s best estimate of what market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability at the measurement date The fair value of cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash and U.S. Treasury bills was determined based on Level 1 inputs. The fair value of certificate of deposits, which are recorded in other assets in the condensed consolidated balance sheets, was determined based on Level 2 inputs. There were no assets or liabilities measured at fair value using Level 3 inputs as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Our long-term debt was reported at carrying value. Revenue and Accounts Receivable Earned premium revenue consisted of premium revenue and capitation revenue for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 were as follows: Three Months Ended Six Months Ended 2024 2023 2024 2023 Premium $ 673,532 $ 424,704 $ 1,293,254 $ 824,444 Capitation 562 32,173 2,396 67,245 Total $ 674,094 $ 456,877 $ 1,295,650 $ 891,689 Premium revenue is derived monthly from the federal government based on our contracts with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”). In accordance with these arrangements, we assume the responsibility for the outcomes and the economic risk of funding our members’ health care, supplemental benefits and related administration costs. We recognize premium revenue in the month that members are entitled to receive health care services, and premiums collected in advance are deferred. The monthly reimbursement includes a fixed payment per member per month (“PMPM”), which is adjusted based on certain risk factors derived from medical diagnoses and conditions of our members. The adjustments are estimated by projecting the ultimate annual premium and are recognized ratably during the year, with adjustments each period to reflect changes in the estimated ultimate premium. Premiums are also recorded net of estimated uncollectible amounts and retroactive membership adjustments. Capitation revenue consists primarily of capitated fees for medical care services provided by us under arrangements with third-party payors. In 2023, capitation revenue consisted primarily of revenue from CMS related to our participation in the CMS "ACO Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health Model” or “ACO REACH” model, as discussed below. Under those arrangements with third-party payors, we receive a PMPM payment for a defined member population, and we are responsible for providing health care services to the member population over the contract period. We are solely responsible for the cost of health care services related to the member population and in some cases, we are financially responsible for the supplemental benefits provided by us to the members. We act as a principal in arranging for and controlling the services provided by our provider network and we are at risk for arranging and providing health care services. The premium and capitation payments we receive monthly from CMS for our members are determined from our annual bid or similarly from third-party payors under our capitation arrangement. These payments represent revenues for providing health care coverage, including Medicare Part D benefits. Under the Medicare Part D program, our members and the members of the third-party payors receive standard drug benefits. We may also provide enhanced benefits at our own expense. We recognize premium or capitation revenue for providing this insurance coverage in the month that members are entitled to receive health care services and any premium or capitation collected in advance is deferred. Our CMS payment related to Medicare Part D is subject to risk sharing through the Medicare Part D risk corridor provisions. We also participate in the CMS ACO REACH program, formerly the Direct Contracting Model ("DCE"). CMS serves as the claim adjudicator for institutional and specialists care, and directly pays for such fee for service claims. The ACO REACH entity ("ACO") is responsible for the cost of health care services related to the patient population attributed to the ACO by participating in 100% savings/losses via the risk share model and in some cases, are financially responsible for the supplemental benefits provided to the patients. In 2024, we entered into a management services and risk management agreement with a third-party healthcare company. The third party will be responsible for arranging and controlling the health care services provided to the ACO members, and for providing certain management and support services with respect to ACO operations. The third party will also assume specified upside and downside financial risk relative to the ACO’s performance. As a result of this arrangement, revenue is recorded on a net basis within other revenue on the condensed consolidated statement of operations for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024. Revenue recognized by the ACO for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 was $(744) and $241, respectively. Prior to 2024, the ACO acted as a principal in arranging for and controlling services provided directly by their contracts with primary care physicians, as well as services provided by preferred institutional care providers and specialists. Capitation payments for the ACO program were determined from an annual benchmark established by CMS. These payments, which were adjusted for variable considerations, represented revenue for providing health care services, including primary care as well as institutional and specialist care. The ACO recognized capitation revenue for providing these services in the period in which the performance obligations were satisfied by transferring services to the members. Revenue recognized by the ACO for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 was $30,113 and $62,227, respectively. Interest income earned on our cash deposits and short-term investments is included within other revenue on the condensed consolidated statements of operations. Interest income for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 was $5,602 and $11,045, respectively. Interest income for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 was $4,727 and $8,444, respectively. Revenue Adjustments Payments by CMS to health plans are determined via a competitive bidding process with CMS and are based upon the cost of care in a local market and the average utilization of services by the member enrolled. These payments are subject to periodic adjustments under CMS’ “risk adjustment model,” which compensates health plans based on the health severity and certain demographic factors of each individual member. Members diagnosed with certain conditions are paid at a higher monthly payment than members who are healthier. Under this risk adjustment model, CMS calculates the risk adjustment payment using diagnosis data from hospital inpatient, hospital outpatient, and physician treatment settings. The Company and health care providers collect, capture, and submit the necessary and available diagnosis data to CMS within prescribed deadlines. Both premium and capitation revenues (including Medicare Part D) are subject to adjustments under the risk adjustment model. Throughout the year, we estimate risk adjustment payments based upon the diagnosis data submitted and expected to be submitted to CMS. Those estimated risk adjustment payments are recorded as an adjustment to premium and capitation revenue. Our risk adjustment data is also subject to review by the government, including audit by regulators. Our recognized premium revenue for our Medicare Advantage Plans in California, North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida are each subject to a minimum annual medical loss ratio (“MLR”) of 85%. The MLR represents medical costs as a percentage of premium revenue. The Code of Federal Regulations defines what constitutes medical costs and premium revenue, including certain additional expenses related to improving the quality of care provided, and the exclusion of certain taxes and fees, in each case as permitted or required by CMS and applicable regulatory requirements. If the minimum MLR is not met, we are required to remit a portion of the premiums back to the federal government. The amount remitted, if any, is recognized as an adjustment to premium revenues in the condensed consolidated statements of operations. The amounts payable under this provision were immaterial at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Medicare Part D payments are also subject to a federal risk corridor program, which limits a health plan’s overall losses or profit if actual spending for basic Medicare Part D benefits is much higher or lower than what was anticipated. Risk corridor is recorded within premium revenue. The risk corridor provisions compare costs targeted in our bids or third-party payors’ bids to actual prescription drug costs, limited to actual costs that would have been incurred under the standard coverage as defined by CMS. Variances exceeding certain thresholds may result in CMS or third-party payors making additional payments to us or require us to refund a portion of the premiums we received. We estimate and recognize an adjustment to premium revenue related to these provisions based upon pharmacy claims experience. We record a receivable or payable at the contract level and classify the amount as current or long-term in our condensed consolidated balance sheet based on the timing of expected settlement. Variable consideration estimates related to ACO contract revenue are based on the most likely outcome method and that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognized would not occur. Receivables, including risk adjusted premium due from the government or through third-party payors, pharmacy rebates, and other receivables, are shown net of allowances for credit losses and retroactive membership adjustments. Property and Equipment—Net Depreciation expense is computed using the straight-line method generally based on the following estimated useful lives: Description Estimated Service Lives (years) Computer and equipment 5 Office equipment and furniture 5-7 Software 3-5 Leasehold improvements 15 (or lease term, if shorter) Depreciation expense related to property and equipment used to service our members or at our clinics are included within medical expenses in the condensed consolidated statements of operations. Medical Expenses Medical expenses include claim payments, capitation payments, pharmacy costs net of rebates, allocations of certain centralized expenses, internal care delivery expenses and various other costs incurred to provide health insurance coverage and care to members, as well as estimates of future payments to hospitals and others for medical care and other supplemental benefits provided. We have contracts with a network of hospitals, physicians, and other providers and compensate those providers and ancillary organizations based on contractual arrangements or CMS Medicare compensation guidelines. We pay these contracting providers either through fee-for-service arrangement in which the provider is paid negotiated rates for specific services provided or a capitation payment, which represent monthly contractual fees disbursed for each member regardless of medical services provided to the member. We are responsible for the entirety of the cost of health care services related to the member population, in addition to supplemental benefits provided by us to our seniors. In 2023, we also recorded claims expenses related to our institutional and specialist care related to our ACO program with CMS as we acted as the principal in the transaction. As discussed above, beginning in 2024, claims expense related to the ACO program is netted against ACO revenue as we act as the agent in these transactions. Capitation-related expenses are recorded on an accrual basis during the coverage period. Expenses related to fee-for-service contracts are recorded in the period in which the related services are dispensed. Pharmacy costs represent payments for members’ prescription drug benefits, net of rebates from drug manufacturers. Receivables for such pharmacy rebates are included in accounts receivable in the condensed consolidated balance sheet. In August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act ("IRA") was signed into law. The law intends to increase tax revenue and reduce Medicare costs through lower prescription drug prices, inflation rebates, and capping annual Medicare Part D out of pocket expenses. The provisions of the law are set to take effect over the next seven years. There was no material impact on our consolidated financial statements at June 30, 2024, and we do not anticipate a material impact to operations for the remainder of fiscal year 2024. We are in the process of evaluating the impact the IRA will have on our business for fiscal years beyond 2024. Medical Expenses Payable Medical expenses payable includes estimates of our obligations for medical care services that have been rendered on behalf of our members and the members of the third-party payors, but for which claims have either not yet been received or processed, loss adjustment expense reserve for the expected costs of settling these claims, and for liabilities related to physician, hospital, and other medical cost disputes. We develop estimates for medical expenses incurred but not yet paid (“IBNP”), which includes an estimate for claims incurred but not reported (“IBNR”) and a payable for adjudicated claims. IBNR is estimated using an actuarial process that is consistently applied and centrally controlled. Medical expenses payable also includes an estimate for the costs necessary to process unpaid claims at the end of each period. We estimate the IBNR liability using actuarial methods that are commonly used by health insurance actuaries and meet Actuarial Standards of Practice. These actuarial methods consider factors, such as cost trends and completion factors that are assessed based on historical data for payment patterns, product mix, seasonality, utilization of health care services, and other relevant factors. Each period, we re-examine previously established IBNR estimates based on actual claim submissions and other changes in facts and circumstances. As the IBNR estimates recorded in prior periods develop, we adjust the amount of the estimates and include the changes in estimates in medical expenses in the period in which the change is identified. Actuarial Standards of Practice generally require that the IBNP estimates be adequate to cover obligations under moderately adverse conditions. Moderately adverse conditions are situations in which the actual claims are expected to be higher than the otherwise estimated value of such claims at the time of estimate. In many situations, the claims amount ultimately settled will be different than the estimate that satisfies the Actuarial Standards of Practice. We include in our IBNP an estimate for medical claims liability under moderately adverse conditions, which represents the risk of adverse deviation of the estimates in our actuarial method of reserving. We believe that medical expenses payable is adequate to cover future claims payments required. However, such estimates are based on knowledge of current events and anticipated future events. Therefore, the actual liability could differ materially from the amounts provided. We reassess the profitability of contracts for providing coverage to members when current operating results or forecasts indicate probable future losses. A premium deficiency reserve is established in current operations to the extent that the sum of expected future costs, claim adjustment expenses, and maintenance costs exceed related future premiums under contracts without consideration of investment income. For purposes of determining premium deficiencies, contracts are grouped in a manner consistent with the method of acquiring, servicing, and measuring the profitability of such contracts. Losses recognized as a premium deficiency result in a beneficial effect in subsequent periods as operating losses under these contracts are charged to the liability previously established. Part D Subsidies We also receive advance payments each month from CMS related to Catastrophic Reinsurance, Coverage Gap Discount, and the Low-Income Member Cost Sharing Subsidy (“Subsidies”). Reinsurance subsidies represent funding from CMS for our portion of prescription drug costs, which exceed the member’s out-of-pocket threshold or the catastrophic coverage level. Low-income cost subsidies represent funding from CMS for all or a portion of the deductible, the coinsurance and co-payment amounts above the out-of-pocket threshold for low-income beneficiaries. Additionally, the Health Care Reform Law mandates consumer discounts of 75% on brand-name prescription drugs for Part D plan participants in the coverage gap. The majority of the discounts are funded by the pharmaceutical manufacturers, while we fund a smaller portion and administer the application of the total discount. These Subsidies represent cost reimbursements under the Medicare Part D program and are recorded as deposits or payables. These Subsidies received in excess of, or less than, actual subsidized benefits paid are refundable to or recoverable from CMS through an annual reconciliation process following the end of the contract year. Shared Risk Reserve Arrangements We established a fund (also referred to as “a pool”) for risk and profit-sharing with various independent physician associations (“IPAs”). The pool enables us and our IPAs to share in the financial responsibility and/or upside associated with providing covered medical expenses to our members. The risk pool is based on a contractually agreed upon medical budget, typically based upon a percentage of revenue. If actual medical expenses are less than the budgeted amount, this results in a surplus. Conversely, if actual medical expenses are greater than the budgeted amount, this results in a deficit. We will distribute the surplus, or a portion thereof, to each IPA based upon contractual terms. Deficits are charged to shared risk providers’ risk pool as per the contractual term and evaluated for collectability at each reporting period. We record risk-sharing receivables and payables on a gross basis on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. Throughout the year, we evaluate expected losses on risk-sharing receivables and record the resulting expected losses to the reserve. We systematically build and release reserves based on adequacy and its assessment of expected losses on a monthly basis. Credit loss associated with risk share deficit receivables are recorded within medical expense in the condensed consolidated statements of operations. As of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we recorded a valuation allowance for substantially all of the risk-sharing receivable balance due to collection risk related to the balance. The risk-sharing payable is included within medical expenses payable on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. Concentrations of Credit Risk Financial instruments that potentially subject us to concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of cash deposits and current and restricted investments with financial institutions. Accounts at each financial institution are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) up to certain limits. At June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, there was $362,396 and $316,977, respectively, in excess of FDIC-insured limits. Equity-Based Compensation Equity-based compensation expense is measured and recognized based on the grant date fair value of the awards. The grant date fair value of stock options is estimated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. The grant date fair value of restricted stock units (“RSUs”) and restricted stock awards (“RSAs”) is estimated based on the fair value of our underlying common stock on the date of grant. The Black-Scholes option pricing model requires the use of highly subjective assumptions, including the award’s expected term, the fair value of the underlying common stock, the expected volatility of the price of the common stock, risk-free interest rates, and the expected dividend yield of the common stock. The assumptions used to determine the fair value of the stock-based awards are management’s best estimates and involve inherent uncertainties and the application of judgment. The expected term represents the period the stock-based awards are expected to be outstanding. As we do not have sufficient historical experience for determining the expected term of the stock option awards granted, we utilize the simplified method available under U.S. GAAP. As we do not have a substantial trading history, volatility assumptions were developed using a combination of the Company's historical volatility and the historical volatilities of a set of peer companies, adjusted for debt-equity leverage. Equity-based compensation expense for awards with service-based vesting only is recognized on a graded vesting schedule over the requisite service period of the awards, which is generally four years. Equity-based compensation expense for RSU awards with performance-based vesting is recognized over the requisite service period on a graded vesting schedule and is only recognized when the Company concludes that it is probable that the performance condition(s) will be achieved. At each reporting period, the Company reassesses the probability of achieving the performance criteria. Determining whether the performance criteria will be achieved involves judgment, and the estimate of share-based compensation expense may be revised periodically based on changes in the probability of achieving the performance criteria. Revisions are reflected in the period in which the estimate is changed. We account for forfeitures as they occur. Equity-based compensation is recorded within selling, general and administrative expenses, and medical expenses based on the function of the applicable employee and non-employee. Noncontrolling interest In October 2022, the Company acquired a subsidiary and recorded a noncontrolling interest for the portion of equity ownership not attributable to Alignment Healthcare, Inc. The noncontrolling interest in the subsidiary was initially recognized at estimated fair value on October 1, 2022 and is presented within total equity in the Company's condensed consolidated balance sheet. The net (income) loss attributable to this noncontrolling interest was $(7) and $47, respectively, for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024. The net loss attributable to this noncontrolling interest was $17 and $104, respectively, for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023. Net Loss per Share Net loss per share is calculated based on net loss attributable to Alignment Healthcare, Inc.'s stockholders. The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted net loss per share for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023: Three Months Ended Six Months Ended 2024 2023 2024 2023 Numerator: Net loss $ (24,003) $ (28,494) $ (70,578) $ (65,865) Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests (7) 17 47 104 Net loss attributable to Alignment Healthcare, Inc. $ (24,010) $ (28,477) $ (70,531) $ (65,761) Denominator: Total weighted-average common shares outstanding - basic and diluted 191,431,917 188,496,252 190,514,927 188,029,447 Less: Restricted shares of common stock (540,130) (2,504,792) (566,202) (3,468,795) Total weighted-average common shares outstanding, net of restricted shares of common stock - basic and diluted 190,891,787 185,991,460 189,948,725 184,560,652 Net loss per share: Net loss per share - basic and diluted $ (0.13) $ (0.15) $ (0.37) $ (0.36) Basic net loss per share is the same as diluted net loss per share for periods presented as the inclusion of all potentially dilutive shares would have been anti-dilutive. In addition to the restricted shares of common stock, we also excluded the following potential common shares, presented based on amounts outstanding at each period end, from the computation of diluted net loss per share as of June 30, 2024 and 2023: June 30, 2024 2023 Stock options 8,949,589 10,566,529 Restricted stock units 22,196,478 10,145,593 Total 31,146,067 20,712,122 Recent Accounting Pronouncements Issued In November 2023, the FASB issued a new accounting standard around segment disclosures. The new standard requires a public entity to disclose significant segment expenses and other segment items on an annual and interim basis and provide, in interim periods, all disclosures about a reportable segment’s profit or loss and assets that are currently required annually. Additionally, it requires a public entity to disclose the title and position of the Chief Operating Decision Maker. The ASU does not change how a public entity identifies its operating segments, aggregates them, or applies the quantitative thresholds to determine its reportable segments. The new standard is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024, with early adoption permitted. A public entity should apply the amendments in this ASU retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the financial statements. We expect this ASU to only impact our disclosures with no impacts to our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition. |