tNN0*L'S runc26,2012 T.i r.nr. Andr4ca ksFin inioLdrnnovi4.oo 534 gr.adway,suitc 1205, NY, Ny 1001? Te| 21t 965.7S55 r&r,in.ov d.os Rei otl€i., Em.lovn.nt 0e* Mt. Andreev-(aspri, hrovid li.. {the Conpany l 15 plci5.n 1o off€r yo! the sosition oi cont.olle., this letter embo.i.,::t. (erm5 of.!r alae. ot.mploym.nr lo you. As, a.ntroler Vou will repo* lo Mr. l:m!s Wenbc.s, ,. r!.h othet perJln rs rh! Ccmp,.t nay rllri8.rlefiob riha to trnc. Your anreal!8€ sabry wirl be j1t5,000 pc.yea.t;ne Ann$l srseS.lrry l, {hi.h will be paid sehi-monthry ln &crdrnce wnh the comprnv's nornil payroll efeeCrres anC *itite subj<.1 lo rpori.able wilhho ding suhj..!l.rh€ ngnine fud rc.epr.nc€ olihlr Cri.a you qiLlallo be.nr!r.d ro rc.ci!. . i]r.rt of !p r.:he lFcu of$10,0t!lrcnlhous.nd!sD;.55,000{Fi!cTh.u$nduso) of rhlr toi.l, rJ:l bcbbfdon pe4omar.e i:.ini agrced !9on gorl!, !5 set fonh on x quart.rly bi;jt 5t your nanager, ri! w'tt be elisibleand payao,e evenlyplrqudn$ (31,250 perqlarr.r- S5,ao0 {Flvcthousafd USO)!tr|i!illrl. wilt b. lrscd 6n.ompany lih6n.ial so.rs,.s r€t lonh on an !.nr.lbn!1r by rhe cto,.d wittbo clrebtc and p.y.ble .8nr.lly. T]j*bo!€ bo.u6 3]r!{ur. and rho pedors..ce qoals sh:tl l. r.viewcd a.d !y bc modiiied ,nd .dllsrcd by rh€ Company- l,!!! !e.de to join !5, it will li{ ,e.omfrended {o rhe Company': t6.d cr Oir€cloa (rle "8orr.t"J tiaryou !.3.rn:.d a sto.h.puo. ro purchase 20,00csha.es of the aq4t.nv's c.5Fon 3:o.l( ltha "oprion,lJt. p.i.. p.r shere equal to the t.n msrker vrl!. per share or th. Compaav's .dmfr.r !to.k on th€ ,!1! ot erant, as detersih.d bt the 6q!rd. The ara.t ol the optio. wil be 3ubject to the aosrd s Jppr..;rt lr. opll..5 willveel durinC a penod of four i4ivears, wirh 15% orthi Otllons vestin3 lpon eNplririon ol.re year fr.. the Conmencement oare and the reori.ine 75% v.sll.E rnrabry on : qlrn$lv bens over the loliowng lhree Vears the.€afler. subj..! r. your.onrlnued 5€qr.e lvrh rh! C.6lrn.y thr.ush.ach appll..ble v.rlhg d!1.. T1r. Option will b{ subj.ct to r other ierms and condn,o.s sel lonh i. r!! Codpanv5 ciolrl rn.enlive S,rare Pl3n,.t d.y b€ ,n lor.e llom tim! ro time, and the app:i.able srek oFtion a6r..m.nlto be er*$!d int bohv4enlorardlheCampaiy.ltiiher.byclrrlii.dtl;tyoushrlLbe 30rely rospon!ible to,n, rr:,irbrlity in rc5pecr ctrhe option 3.3nred bv rhe conprny,ltr.tr eierc se, sate, Ar an enrtrloyecrlrlre cddpary. yr! will be elBible lo p.a:.ip.re rn rht.nrioyee benen: prn3c!(c.rry ..d hcre.fter m.inlained b! r,:. aomta.y Of Be.e.al ltplicabilit, to o:tgr €hrtoyees ot tie Conpan, ir.l!crl8. withoul lmltdtior, m.dica and dentallcneli'r. Yo!.lreuld n6t. th,r tha Complit noydodifv or terdinale befetils fror llnle ro tm! * it deem, noc€ss.rv.r:ppropriare. As an csllotee of tl,r Cohp.ry, ro! qill be entitled t. rh..e 13) vrccks !, annual FTo (prjd 1;me ofil p-"f yesr{1S rllC workin8 dayt, whi.n dDllbeacc.kd r.tablvdunn!rhcve,r A! i. efrplo\,.. .a tle Cohpdny, yor viil be epe.ted rD abide bv all .onrrnv rules, Doli.i.r :nd pro.edurrt rti, oahi .t.nproyfent i! condlio^ed up.n volr ere.luon ol rnd.omptirnce wirh,:lr!

INNObXS .ra.h.d coniiden\!:li:y, Ion comp.uu.n .nd lntellc.tlrl Properlv AssiSrm..l A8te€nent snicn t(!iret,3toora othe. provkions, the lrslansenl oa palell .iEhb ro tnv l,lv.ntio. nida during vour e6p:oymenlarthPcofrrtnynndno. d,trl.!!reotproprietaryiniormslion llc rko .5k thar, iJ you have not.lrendy done so, tou d6rror. lo lfe Companv anv and ari a€.eenonrJ .rlrr.sro Vblr licr employhent r[:l say a']ect Yoli eliEiblrrYto be emploved bv lhe cdmparyor l; ir lh. mrn.r inwhich you ndy be emplovcd- rt is lhe Coopa.y! !.detsl:nding that anv slch iBrernrcnt! w'l .or prcvent you lrod performirg th. duties oi your p3riaio. dnd lou rep.eeent tha! slch i! the casc. Morcov.r, you r€r€e lhdri dlrin6 the tern oi Yolr ennl.rncrl wilh !h. c.rptnv, vou v l norct'8aein inV oiler emplotment, o.coptri.n,.tns!lti.€, o. oll.r b,.ur.ess a.1iti:v Cl.e.1lt.elated to the busi.c$ in whi.h $e Company is .ow lnlrrlt.l .. be.ooe5 i.!ol!€d dtriie rh. i.tf, !l fi!. enplovm.n:, ro. vllyou encage n arv other a.t v li* rnnt...llicr with vtrrrulgalions to ile att?..t Th s oifer ir 3ubtecl !o y.!i ruahltsion ot ,n 19 lorm and salisla.tory docum€ila1i.r nrte.rj.g vod. idenlilica:i.r ..d rlgh! !o w.,k i. rhe Unil€d Stares orAmerict on vour tirsl dav oi.rpl.v{.n|. Th. r.op!.y .eseruc lhe right ro conduct background investi6rtion3 andlo. r€te.en.e che.b cn alloa irs tor..ai.l empioyces. Yolr iob ottet, therelote, is contlrgenl lpon a cletra... .l su.h a ba.lgtulrd i&..!'srlion rn!/or rete.ence check, jf .ny Tliejob oiaer.$!mer.h edplotment at{vlt. a3 an cmolotee, vo! nav terdintte cmFlovnln1 tt.rv rime, for iny or no .eason, wth 14 days advr.ce norlce 1o the conplnv Thecompt^Ymtvtcrni..l.t.rr cmployment.r anyllne/ for anytr n..etroni wilh or wltho!!.a!s€ rne rc'mr 'd.ondirons ol edploydent sct lonh in thi5 letler lncluding the at wlil" e'.ol.yde.t ardnSem€nt des.ribcd tbove set lo*h rhe teretolyo(r emplols.nt with the companv and slpeEcdes all oli prioi writtcn a.d .rr condrni.aLron w'1h tou reSardinr.frploYhent wrtS lhe cofrp.nv ind..n only be hod'li.d bywr {en l8reeBent slsred b? $e CaO oithe Conpatr. ll vou wirh !o a.c.pt crpl.vment wilh tl€ C,np,.v !nde.lhs tt.mr set olt.b5ve, pl{.se srsn tnd date .hc t.re. ,.! rhe Conld..iia{ rv, Nod.co*p€tidon and intell€clual Propertv a*ilnnent Agreenrinr la iolr.w, prlor to l!!e 27, 2012, ind relurn borh to lanes we iber€it a::anri.n. llv.u adept o r.tler, volr lt.l dsyot.iploymenr i, expe.ted t. be rwo wceks follcwitc ,rop.r .pprovt otwor( n! vl3.&ligrb,r:lv blt no l.t.r &an Augwt 31, 2012 arhe "Commencehert Date"). lrnovid rts.tues the rshr b wlrhdlatt of,er if.ot ii!.ed by yo! b\/ the d3te ifdicated, andlor il ehpioyment wiil ror comme... by aNtvtl li, 2012. rnfo@i.novld.com 984 8iledway, Suil! 1205, Nv, NY !00!2 Ie!lt2_966_7S5S $!tin.olid-coF