Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Unaudited Interim Condensed Con
- Unaudited Interim Condensed C_2
- Unaudited Interim Condensed C_3
- Unaudited Interim Condensed C_4
- Unaudited Interim Condensed C_5
- Basis of preparation
- Group structure
- Segment reporting
- Revenues from contracts with cu
- Operating expenses
- Other income and expenses, net
- Finance income_(expenses) and f
- Intangible assets
- Leases (right of use assets and
- Property, plant and equipment
- Impairment testing
- Financial Instruments
- Inventories
- Trade receivables
- Other assets
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Equity
- Borrowings
- Contract liabilities
- Refund liabilities
- Provisions
- Other liabilities
- Contractual obligations
- Cash Flow information
- Contingencies and Litigations
- Related party transaction
- Events after the reporting peri
- Group structure (Tables)
- Segment reporting (Tables)
- Revenues from contracts with _2
- Operating expenses (Tables)
- Other income and expenses, net
- Finance income_(expenses) and_2
- Impairment testing (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Trade receivables (Tables)
- Other assets (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Equity (Tables)
- Contract liabilities (Tables)
- Refund liabilities (Tables)
- Provisions (Tables)
- Other liabilities (Tables)
- Contractual obligations (Tables
- Cash Flow information (Tables)
- Related party transaction (Tabl
- Basis of preparation (Details N
- List of direct or indirect inte
- Schedule of income statement by
- Revenue from contracts with cus
- Schedule of disaggregated reven
- Segment reporting (Details Narr
- Schedule of type of goods or se
- Schedule of commercialized prod
- Schedule of operating expenses
- Revenues from contracts with _3
- Operating expenses (Details Nar
- Other income and expenses, ne_2
- Other income and expenses, ne_3
- Schedule of finance income_(exp
- Finance income_(expenses) and_3
- Intangible assets (Details Narr
- Leases (right of use assets a_2
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Schedule of sensitivity analysi
- Impairment testing (Details Nar
- Schedule of Inventories (Detail
- Write-down provisions related t
- Financial Instruments (Details
- Inventories (Details Narrative)
- Trade receivables include the f
- Trade receivables (Details Narr
- Other assets include the follow
- Cash, cash equivalents and shor
- Ordinary shares and the convert
- Cash and cash equivalents (Deta
- Schedule of other reserves (Det
- Equity (Details Narrative)
- Development of contract liabili
- Borrowings (Details Narrative)
- Contract liabilities (Details N
- Development of refund liabiliti
- Refund liabilities (Details Nar
- Provisions for employee commitm
- Other provisions (Details)
- Schedule of other liabilities (
- Provisions (Details Narrative)
- The following tables disclose a
- The following table shows the a
- Schedule of key management comp
- Contingencies and Litigations (
- Schedule of rendering of servic
- Related party transaction (Deta
- Events after the reporting pe_2