Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity € in Thousands | EUR (€) | Share capital EUR (€) shares | Share premium EUR (€) | Other reserves EUR (€) | Retained earnings/ (Accumulated deficit) EUR (€) | Profit/ (loss) for the period EUR (€) |
Number of shares issued at beginning of period (in shares) at Dec. 31, 2020 | shares | | 90,970,562 | | | | |
Equity at beginning of period at Dec. 31, 2020 | € 77,422 | € 13,646 | € 244,984 | € 52,342 | € (169,156) | € (64,393) |
Total comprehensive loss | (246,076) | | | (143) | | (245,933) |
Income appropriation | 0 | | | | (64,393) | 64,393 |
Share-based compensation expense: | | | | | | |
Share-based compensation expense, value of services | 1,825 | | | 1,825 | | |
Share-based compensation expense, exercices (in shares) | shares | | 799,450 | | | | |
Share-based compensation expense, exercices | 2,225 | € 120 | 2,105 | | | |
Treasury shares | 209 | | | 209 | | |
Issuance of ordinary shares (in shares) | shares | | 8,145,176 | | | | |
Issuance of ordinary shares | 89,597 | € 1,222 | 88,375 | | | |
Cost of equity transactions, net of tax | (6,761) | | (6,761) | | | |
Number of shares issued at end of period (in shares) at Sep. 30, 2021 | shares | | 99,915,188 | | | | |
Equity at end of period at Sep. 30, 2021 | (81,559) | € 14,987 | 328,703 | 54,234 | (233,549) | (245,933) |
Number of shares issued at beginning of period (in shares) at Dec. 31, 2021 | shares | | 105,239,085 | | | | |
Equity at beginning of period at Dec. 31, 2021 | 170,581 | € 15,786 | 409,258 | 52,512 | (233,549) | (73,425) |
Total comprehensive loss | (100,395) | | | (1,320) | | (99,075) |
Income appropriation | 0 | | | | (73,425) | 73,425 |
Share-based compensation expense: | | | | | | |
Share-based compensation expense, value of services | 599 | | | 599 | | |
Share-based compensation expense, exercices (in shares) | shares | | 2,563,011 | | | | |
Share-based compensation expense, exercices | 3,718 | € 384 | 3,333 | | | |
Treasury shares | 0 | | | | | |
Issuance of ordinary shares (in shares) | shares | | 9,549,761 | | | | |
Issuance of ordinary shares | 90,627 | € 1,432 | 89,195 | | | |
Cost of equity transactions, net of tax | (148) | | (148) | | | |
Number of shares issued at end of period (in shares) at Sep. 30, 2022 | shares | | 117,351,857 | | | | |
Equity at end of period at Sep. 30, 2022 | € 164,983 | € 17,603 | € 501,638 | € 51,791 | € (306,974) | € (99,075) |