Lead Independent Director
William Cox
Ideation House, 1st Floor, 94 Pitts Bay
Road, Pembroke, HM08, Bermuda
Email: bnre.enquiries@brookfield.com
Managing Director, Legal & Regulatory
Lyndsay Hatlelid
Brookfield Place
181 Bay Street, Suite 100
Toronto ON M5J 2T3, Canada
Email: lyndsay.hatlelid@Brookfield.com
Telephone: (416) 359-7868
Regulatory Compliance
Ronald Fisher-Dayn
Brookfield Place New York
250 Vesey Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10281
Email: ronald.fisher-dayn@brookfield.com
Telephone: (212) 978-1763
Brian Canfield
Brookfield Place New York
250 Vesey Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10281
Email: brian.canfield@brookfield.com
Telephone: (212) 978-1737
The company reserves the right to modify, suspend or revoke the Code and any related policies, procedures, and programs at any time. The company also reserves the right to interpret and amend the Code and these policies in its sole discretion. Any amendments to the Code will be disclosed and reported as required by applicable law.
To the extent the company or its subsidiaries employ unionized employees, if the Code conflicts with a collective bargaining agreement governing the waves and/or conditions of employment for unionized employees, the collective bargaining agreement will prevail. If a collective bargaining agreement is silent with respect to an area addressed in the Code, or if the Code supplements a collective bargaining agreement, unionized employees are expected to abide by the Code.
Neither the Code, nor any of the policies referred to herein, confer any rights, privileges or benefits on any employee, create an entitlement to continued employment at the company, establish conditions of employment for the employee, or create an express or implied contract of any kind between employees and the company. In addition, the Code does not modify the employment relationship between employees and the company.
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Code of Business Conduct and Ethics – May 2024 | | | | |