Exhibit 99.2

The Weather Intelligence Platform for Global Climate Security December 2021

Proprietary and Confidential 2 About This Presentation This Presentation is being provided for informational purposes only and has been prepared to assist interested parties solely in their capacities as potential investors and is provided solely for the purpose of allowing interested parties to make their o wn evaluation with respect to the proposed business combination (the “Business Combination”) between The Tomorrow Companies Inc. (together with its subsidiarie s, the “Company” or “ Tomorrow.io ”) and Pine Technology Acquisition Corp. (“PTAC” or the “SPAC”). Neither this Presentation, nor any of the information contained herein, is intended to be used by the recipient for any other purpose or distributed to any third party without the ex press written consent of the Company. The information contained herein has not been independently verified does not purport t o b e all - inclusive and none of PTAC, the Company or their respective affiliates nor any of its or their control persons, officers, directors, employees or r epr esentatives makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, and no reliance should be made as to the accuracy, comp let eness or reliability of the information contained in this Presentation. None of PTAC, the Company, or their respective affiliates nor any of its or their co ntrol persons, officers, directors, employees or representatives shall have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherw ise ) for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this Presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with this Presentation. The contents herein a re not to be construed as legal, business or tax advice, and the recipient should consult his, her or its own attorney, business ad visor and tax advisor as to legal, business and tax advice. The information contained in this Presentation should be considered in the context of the circumstan ces prevailing at the time and has not been, and will not be updated to reflect material developments which may occur after the d at e of this document. Important Information for Investors and Securityholders This Presentation is not a proxy statement or solicitation of a proxy, consent or authorization with respect to any securitie s o r in respect of the Business Combination and does not constitute an offer to sell, buy or exchange or the solicitation of an off er to sell, buy or exchange any securities or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, nor shall there be any sale, purchase, or exchang e o f securities or solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. In connection with the proposed Business Combination between PTAC and Tomorrow.io , PTAC will file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) a registration statement on Form S - 4 which will in clude PTAC’s prospectus and proxy statement (the “Proxy Statement/Prospectus”). PTAC plans to mail the definitive Proxy Statement/Prospectus to its stockholders in connection with t he Business Combination once available. INVESTORS AND SECURITYHOLDERS OF PTAC ARE URGED TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS A ND OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS FILED OR TO BE FILED WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMP ORT ANT INFORMATION ABOUT PTAC, TOMORROW.IO, THE BUSINESS COMBINATION AND RELATED MATTERS. Investors and security holders will be able to obtain free copies of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus (when available) and other document s f iled with the SEC by PTAC through the website maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov . In addition, investors and security holders will be able to obtain free copies of the documents filed with the SEC by directing a request to PTAC. Participants in the Solicitation PTAC, Tomorrow.io and certain of their respective directors, executive officers and employees may be considered to be participants in the solic it ation of proxies in connection with the Business Combination. Information regarding the persons who may, under the rules of t he SEC, be deemed participants in the solicitation of the stockholders of PTAC in connection with the Business Combination, including a des cription of their respective direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be included in the Proxy S tat ement/Prospectus described above when it is filed with the SEC. Additional information regarding PTAC’s directors and executive officers can also be found in PTA C’s final prospectus dated March 10, 2021 relating to its initial public offering (the “PTAC Final Prospectus”). These docume nts are available free of charge as described above. Forward - Looking Statements Certain statements, estimates, targets and projections in this Presentation may be considered “forward - looking statements” withi n the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual r esu lts may differ from their expectations, estimates and projections and consequently, you should not rely on these forward - looking statements as predictions of future events or future performance of PTAC or the Company. For example, projections of future EBITDA and projected satell it e launch, statements regarding anticipated growth in the industry in which the Company operates and anticipated growth in demand for the Company’s pr oducts, projections of the Company’s future technological capabilities, product offerings, financial results, Revenue, Gross Mar gin, capital expenditures, unlevered free cash flow, and other metrics, and any statements related to the satisfaction of closing conditions to the Busi nes s Combination and the timing of the completion of the Business Combination are forward - looking statements. In some cases, you ca n identify forward - looking statements through the use of words or phrases such as “pro forma”, “may”, “should”, “could”, “might”, “possible”, “project”, “s trive”, “budget”, “forecast”, “intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “predict”, “potential”, “believe”, “will likely result”, “e xpe ct”, “continue”, “will”, “anticipate”, “seek”, “estimate”, “intend”, “plan”, “projection”, “would” and “outlook”, or the negative version of those words or phrases or other co mparable words or phrases of a future or forward-looking nature. These forward - looking statements are not historical facts and a re based upon estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by PTAC and its management, and the Company and its management, as the case may be , are inherently uncertain. Such forward - looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors which could c ause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward - looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (1) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of negotiations an d a ny subsequent definitive agreements with respect to the Business Combination; (2) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against PTA C, the Company, the combined company or others following the announcement of the Business Combination and any definitive agre eme nts with respect thereto; (3) the inability to complete the Business Combination due to the failure to obtain approval of the stockholders of PTA C or the Company, to obtain financing to complete the Business Combination or to satisfy other conditions to closing; (4) cha nge s to the proposed structure of the Business Combination that may be required or appropriate as a result of applicable laws or regulations or as a condition to o bta ining regulatory approval of the Business Combination; (5) the ability to meet stock exchange listing standards following the co nsummation of the Business Combination; (6) the risk that the Business Combination disrupts current plans and operations of PTAC or the Company as a res ult of the announcement and consummation of the Business Combination; (7) the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of th e Business Combination, which may be affected by, among other things, competition, the ability of the combined company to grow and manage growth prof ita bly, maintain relationships with customers and retain its management and key employees; (8) costs related to the Business Com bin ation; (9) changes in applicable laws or regulations and delays in obtaining, adverse conditions contained in, or the inability to obtain regulator y a pprovals required to complete the Business Combination; (10) the possibility that the Company or the combined company may be adv ersely affected by other economic, business, regulatory, and/or competitive factors; (11) the Company’s estimates of expenses and profitability and un der lying assumptions with respect to stockholder redemptions; (12) the evolution of the markets in which the Company competes; ( 13) the ability of the Company to implement its strategic initiatives and continue to innovate its existing services; (14) the ability of the Company to def end its intellectual property and satisfy regulatory requirements; (15) the impact of the COVID - 19 pandemic on the Company’s busine ss; (16) the Company’s expected capital requirements and ability to raise financing in the future; (17) the projected financial information, anticipated grow th rate, and market opportunity of the Company; (18) the Company’s success in retaining or recruiting, or changes required in, i ts officers, key employees or directors following the completion of the Business Combination; (19) PTAC’s officers and directors allocating their time to other busin ess es and potentially having conflicts of interest with the Company’s business or in approving the Business Combination; (20) th e C ompany’s ability to achieve or maintain profitability; (21) the Company’s ability to effectively sell and market its products; (22) the Company’s ability to de velop, test and validate its technology; (23) any delay in the Company’s growth plan or development of its satellite systems; (2 4) the safety of the Company’s space infrastructure; (25) level of product service or product failure that could lead customers to use competitors’ services; and (26 ) risks associated with international expansion; and other risks and uncertainties set forth in the section entitled “Risk Fa cto rs” and “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward - Looking Statements” in the PTAC Final Prospectus and other risks and uncertainties indicated from the time to time in th e Company’s quarterly reports on Form 10 - Q and the Proxy Statement/Prospectus (when available), including those set forth under “Risk Factors” therein, or as otherwise indicated from time to time in other documents filed or to be filed with the SEC by PTAC. Disclaimer

Proprietary and Confidential 3 Disclaimer Continued Financial Data and Use of Projections The financial information and operating metrics contained in this Presentation are unaudited and do not conform to Regulation S - X. Such information and data may not be included in, may be adjusted in or may be presented differently in the registration s tat ement to be filed by PTAC relating to the Business Combination, the proxy statement or prospectus contained therein, or any other proxy statement, regi str ation statement or prospectus to be filed by the Company with the SEC. This Presentation contains projected financial information for the Company with respect to certain financial results for the Com pany. Neither PTAC’s nor the Company’s independent auditors have audited, studied, reviewed, compiled or performed any proced ure s with respect to the projections for the purpose of their inclusion in this Presentation, and accordingly, they did not express an opinion or prov ide any other form of assurance with respect thereto for the purpose of this Presentation. These projections are forward - looking st atements for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as being necessarily indicative of future results or as historical results. The assumption s a nd estimates underlying such projections are inherently uncertain and subject to a wide variety of significant business, econ omi c, competitive and other risks and uncertainties. Such projections are based on assumptions, estimates and judgements that have been made with currently availab le information. See “Forward - Looking Statements” above and “Risk Factors” below. Actual results may differ materially from the re sults contemplated by the projections contained in this Presentation, and the inclusion of such information in this Presentation, should not be reg ard ed as a representation by any person that the results reflected in such projections will be achieved. Since the financial pro jec tions cover multiple years, such projections by their nature become less reliable with each successive year. Industry and Market Data Unless otherwise indicated, information contained in this Presentation concerning the Company's industry, competitive positio n a nd the markets in which it operates is based on information from independent industry and research organizations, other third - pa rty sources and management estimates. Management estimates are derived from publicly available information released by independent industry a nal ysts and other third-party sources, as well as data from the Company's internal research, and are based on assumptions made b y t he Company upon reviewing such data, and the Company's experience in, and knowledge of, such industry and markets, which the Company believes to be reasonable. While the Company believes that such third party information is reliable, the Company has not independently ve ri fied, and makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of, such third party information, and the Company has not ascertained the u nde rlying economic assumptions relied upon therein. In addition, projections, assumptions and estimates of the future performanc e o f the industry in which the Company operates and the Company's future performance are necessarily subject to uncertainty and risk due to a variety of fac tor s, including those described above. These and other factors could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in the estimates made by independent parties and by the Company. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information conta ine d in the Presentation. Non - GAAP Financial Measures This Presentation contains certain measures not recognized by U.S. GAAP to evaluate the performance of the Company. These ter ms do not have any standardized meaning prescribed within U.S. GAAP and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures pres ent ed by other companies. Terms such as “EBITDA”, “Free Cash Flow” and others are financial measures utilized by the Company that are not de fin ed by U.S. GAAP. As there is no generally accepted method of calculating these financial measures, they may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other companies. Readers are encouraged to consider these financial measures in the context of the Company’s resu lts under U.S. GAAP, as provided in the Company’s financial statements. The principal limitation of these Non - GAAP financial measur es is that they exclude significant expenses and revenue that are required by U.S. GAAP to be recorded in the Company’s financial statements. Cautionary Note Regarding Preliminary Estimated Data This Presentation contains preliminary estimated financial data for the Company’s third quarter ended September 30, 2021 (the “P reliminary Estimates”). The Preliminary Estimates are subject to change and are not necessarily indicative of the Company’s a ctu al financial performance for such period. Readers are cautioned that actual results may differ materially from the Preliminary Estimates and, accordingly, sh ould not place undue reliance on the Preliminary Estimates. The Preliminary Estimates are based on assumptions, estimates and ju dgments that have been made with currently available information. Such assumptions, estimates and judgments are inherently uncertain and are subject to a wide variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Preliminary Estimates . The inclusion of the Preliminary Estimates is not and should not be regarded as a representation by any person that the Preliminary Estimates will be achieved . T he Preliminary Estimates are subject to the closing of the quarter and finalization of accounting procedures, and should not be viewed as a substitute for full quarterly financial statements prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Neither the Company’s independent auditors nor any othe r p erson has compiled, examined or performed any procedures with respect to the Preliminary Estimates and no such person has exp res sed any opinion or other form of assurance on the Preliminary Estimates or their achievability, or assumes any responsibility for the Preliminar y E stimates. Trademarks The trademarks, service marks, trade names and copyrights included herein are the property of the owners thereof and are used fo r reference purposes only. Such use should not be construed as an endorsement of the products or services of the Company. Conflict Disclosure PJT Partners LP (“PJT”) is acting as exclusive financial advisor to the Company in connection with the business combination a nd will receive compensation in connection therewith. PTAC has also engaged PJT to act as co - placement agent for which PJT will rec eive fees and expense reimbursements in connection therewith. The Company and PTAC have each signed agreements with PJT acknowledging PJT’s roles a s b oth financial advisor to the Company in connection with the Business Combination and as co - placement agent to PTAC in connection with the PIPE and waiving any potential conflicts in connection with such dual roles.

Proprietary and Confidential 4 Risk Factors The below list of risk factors related to the ongoing business of Tomorrow.io has been prepared solely in connection with the pr ivate placement transaction and potential investors therein. It is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider these uncert ain ties together with the disclosures contained in future documents filed or furnished by the SPAC with the SEC, together with the information in the SPAC and Tomo rro w.io ’ s Ɇ financial statements and related notes. You should perform your own due diligence and consult your own financial and legal ad vis ors prior to making an investment in the SPAC. Additional risks will be included in documents filed with the SEC with respect to the business and se curities of the parties to the business combination and may differ significantly from, and be more extensive than, those pres ent ed below. The following risks, risks not currently known or believed to be material, or other difficulties arising in the future, could ad versely affect Tomorrow.io ’ s and the combined company ’ s business, financial condition, and results of operations; make it more difficult to evaluate our prospects or predict future results; harm our reputation or customer confidence; slow or stop our growth; cause us to lose existing custom ers or fail to attract new customers or expand into new markets; eliminate product development or other operations; prevent us fr om achieving market acceptance; expose us to claims and associated liabilities; or affect the trading price of the combined company ’ s securities: ● We have a history of losses, expect to incur losses in the future, and may never achieve or maintain profitability. ● We may not continue to grow at or near our historical rates and may fail to manage any growth or scale effectively in any giv en industry vertical or generally. ● The market for weather intelligence, space - generated data, and technology spending generally may not develop further, develop mo re slowly, or develop in a way that we do not expect. ● The space market is saturated. Launch capacity is limited and regulatory and licensing requirements are extensive. We have no t y et launched satellites and may experience significant setbacks preparing for or during our planned missions. ● We do not have experience executing space missions. Our radar, antenna, and other space technology, along with planned orbits , d ata transmission and analysis, and other operations, are in development stages and are untested. We have experienced and may con tinue to experience delays, and our technology may not be operational. ● We may be unable to satisfactorily procure, develop, integrate or deploy new solutions or enhancements to our existing techno log y. The requirements for R&D, third - party inputs, facilities, capital improvements, or other costs may increase sharply. We have changed course in the past and may continue to encounter unexpected obstacles. We do not yet have vendors for certain portions of our radar, an tenna and other space infrastructure, and may not be able to obtain supply on a timely manner to meet our desired launch time lin e or at all. For certain equipment, we may need to rely on single sources of supply, which adds additional risk. ● Even if we are able to launch a satellite, we will be subject to the risk that the satellite will fail, its performance will deg rade or the satellite will experience an anomaly, or that it will malfunction or have a useful life that is shorter than anti cip ated, among other risks. ● We will be subject to significant regulation associated with our maintenance of a satellite including approvals, licenses, no tif ications or other compliance measures from such entities as the Federal Communications Commission, the International Telecomm uni cations Union, the Department of Defense, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and/or the National Aeronautics and Sp ace Administration, and we may not be able to comply in a cost - efficient manner or at all. ● Real or perceived shortcomings or errors in our platform, customer support services, product roadmap or standard contract ter ms may make us unable to attract, adapt to or satisfy demands of customers in a manner that is timely and cost - effective. ● We rely upon third - party providers of cloud infrastructure which could malfunction, experience limitations on capacity or other interference, or be subject to price increases which adversely impact the profitability of our services. ● Our commercial contracts may in some cases be terminated at any time for convenience, require indemnification of the counterp art y, subject us to uncapped liability, include exclusivity arrangements, require audits of our financial and compliance records , o r contain other unique, cumbersome or unfavorable provisions. ● We sell to individual consumers, small businesses, large enterprises, government, and international customers. Varying compli anc e undertakings, skills, and associated resources are required. Sales and renewal cycles can be long, expensive and unpredicta ble . ● We may become subject to legal proceedings in which adverse litigation judgments or settlements resulting from these proceedi ngs could distract our management, expose us to monetary damages or limit our ability to operate our business. ● We may be unable to successfully and timely expand, deploy and motivate our marketing and sales organization. ● We rely on the performance of highly skilled personnel, including our management and other key employees, and a critical mass of existing employees.

Proprietary and Confidential 5 Risk Factors Continued ● If we cannot maintain our company culture as we grow, we could lose the innovation, teamwork, passion, and focus that we beli eve contribute to our success. ● Execution of the Business Combination or other acquisitions of companies or technologies, as well as integration of such acqu isi tions, could divert our management’s attention, result in additional dilution to our equity holders, otherwise negatively imp act our business and operations, and fail to deliver anticipated efficiencies. We recently completed the acquisition of Remote Sensing Solutions, In c. and may encounter difficulties in the integration and may not realize the benefits we expect from the acquisition. ● If we do not adequately protect our technology and data and protect and maintain our intellectual property rights therein and th ereto, including in government or other contracts, our business could be negatively impacted. There can be no assurance that we will be able to enforce any of our patents. We may also rely on third - party intellectual property which may become unavailable or not cost - effi cient. ● Our use of open source software could make us, among other things, vulnerable to the release of our proprietary source code o r c laims that we are violating the intellectual property rights of others. ● We may experience a security breach or unauthorized access to our systems, platforms, or data resulting in disruption, loss o r u nauthorized access to our platform, services, and data. In addition, our software could have or may become infected with und ete cted defects, errors or bugs that we fail to detect, which could damage our reputation with customers and harm our business. ● We collect, use, and process certain third - party data (including weather - related data provided by governments), employee data, a nd other proprietary or confidential data; if such data is corrupted, inaccurate, or no longer available to us for any reason , i ncluding due to U.S. national security, cyber crime, our inability to comply with related applicable law or use terms, or other reasons, our busin ess could be negatively impacted. ● We rely on certain vendors to provide us with data, infrastructure, software, development, and other products or services; a fai lure to maintain these contracts would adversely affect our business. ● Changes in laws or our failure to comply with any laws and regulations to which our business is subject (including the extens ive and evolving U.S. and international privacy and data protection laws) may adversely affect our business and results of operat io ns. ● Any reliance on U.S. government contracts exposes us to significant risks, and any significant deterioration in our relations hip with the U.S. government or failure to comply with those contracts would adversely affect our business. ● Our key business measures are likely to fluctuate quarterly, seasonally, and/or based on recognition of revenue over the life of a contract, making it difficult to project future results. ● The COVID - 19 pandemic and actions taken to mitigate the impact of the COVID - 19 pandemic could continue to negatively affect many aspects of our business, including our financial condition and results of operations. ● We expect to face intense competition from better capitalized competitors and may not be able to compete successfully with cu rre nt or future competitors. ● Our international operations and planned expansion create increased economic risks, the potential for adverse sales, value - added , or other tax consequences, risks related to fluctuations in currency exchange rates, risks related to corrupt practices and ex port control, and other legal compliance and business risks. ● There can be no assurance that the Business Combination will achieve our objectives of providing the company with sufficient cap ital. We may require substantial additional funding, and there can be no assurance that we will be able to obtain such funds on attractive terms or at all, and you may experience dilution as a result. ● We may be unprepared to be, and do not have a history as, a public company. We do not have a history of managing internal con tro ls or stock exchange listing requirements. The obligations associated with being a public company will involve significant e xpe nses and will require significant resources and management attention, which may divert from our business operations. ● Our results of operations and financial condition could be negatively impacted by changes in accounting principles. ● We may be exposed to unknown or contingent liabilities and may be required to take write - downs or write - offs, restructuring and impairment or other charges. ● Our ability to use our net operating loss carryforwards and certain other tax attributes may be limited, including in connect ion with a change in ownership. ● We depend on third parties to launch payloads into space and any delay could have a material adverse impact on our financial con dition and results of operations. ● We may rely on a limited number of suppliers for certain raw materials and supplied components. ● The success of our business and growth plan depends on our ability to effectively launch satellites into space, which is subj ect to many uncertainties, some of which are out beyond our control. ● Failures in our technology infrastructure could damage our business, reputation and brand and substantially harm our business an d results of operations. ● We have government customers, which subjects us to risks including early termination, audits, investigations, sanctions and p ena lties. ● Any acquisitions, partnerships or joint ventures that we enter into could disrupt our operations. ● Our operating results may fluctuate significantly, which makes our future operating results difficult to predict and could ca use our operating results to fall below expectations or any guidance we may provide. ● We may be subject to environmental regulation and may incur substantial costs. ● Changes in tax laws or regulations may increase tax uncertainty and adversely affect results of our operations and our effect ive tax rate.

Proprietary and Confidential 6 Opportunity to Own a Category - Defining Company with a Deep Competitive Moat High Growth SaaS Business Disrupting the Massive Weather Intelligence Market Leading Mission - Critical Solution for Managing Weather - Related Risk and Climate Security ESG Impact Through Democratizing Access to Weather Data and Protecting Global Communities Diversified, Blue - Chip Customer Base with Numerous Potential Use Cases and Leading Retention Overview ● Targeting innovating, digitally - focused services companies with an enterprise value ~ $750 million without excessive leverage ● Management team and Sponsorship with deep operational, M&A and public market expertise ● Proven track record of successfully identifying companies poised for rapid growth, particularly in the InsurTech space ● Combined decades of experience leading billions of dollars of successful investments and M&A transactions Pine’s Investment Thesis for Tomorrow.io Transaction to Increase Access to A Broad Strategic Network and Diversify Customer Base in the Insurance End Market Pine Merger to Accelerate Product Enhancements and Development for Insurance Uses Cases Pine Technology: Differentiated, Operator - led SPAC Partner with Significant Expertise

Proprietary and Confidential 7 Presenters Shimon Elkabetz Chief Executive Officer, Co Founder Pine Technology Acquisition Corp. Valuation Capital Structure Ownership ● Pine Technology Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: PTOC) is a publicly listed SPAC with $ 345 million cash in trust ● Pine will combine with Tomorrow.io, forming a well - capitalized weather intelligence SaaS platform ● Transaction implies a Pro Forma Enterprise Value of $729mm and Pro Forma Cash Balance of $477mm ● Valuation at pricing represents an attractive entry point for investors, relative to growth and comparable companies ● Transaction will be funded by a combination of $345 million of Cash in Trust by Pine and $75 million PIPE ● 58% existing shareholders; 29% SPAC shareholders; 6% PIPE investors and 7% SPAC Sponsors (1) Transaction Highlights Stephen Gregorio Chief Financial Officer Adam Karkowsky Chairman of Pine Technology, President of AmTrust Financial Services Note: Assumes no redemptions from SPAC public holders and no secondary proceeds to existing shareholders. (1) Pro forma share count includes the existing 34.5mm Pine public common shares and 8.6mm Founder Shares, 7.5mm shares from PIPE issuance, and 70.0mm shares to be issued to existing Tomorrow shareholders.

Proprietary and Confidential 8 Tomorrow.io is a high - growth SaaS company with a vertically integrated business model, tackling one of the most important challenges for humanity ● Started operations in 2016 in Boston ● 1st Enterprise Customer in 2018 ● ~120 Enterprise Customers today ● Strategic investors: ● Approximately 175 employees ( 90 in R&D) ● 19X ACV Bookings Growth over last 3 years ● 144% Average Net Dollar Retention (2) ● 28K Developers on the platform (3) ● >2.7M downloads of the app (4) ● Terabytes of data generated every day ● $38.9B and growing TAM With an ESG mission A high growth SaaS company (1) Environmental Significantly improves Climate Science and Weather Forecasting Social Protects communities and saves lives globally Governance Shields Countries, Businesses and Individuals from the impact of Climate Change Tomorrow.io at a Glance Backed by Deep Tech Proprietary Global Weather Data Weather Intelligence SaaS In - House High Resolution Forecasting Models (1) As of November 18, 2021, unless otherwise indicated (2) Based on Enterprise customer ARR. Reflects a 3 - year average from 2018 - 2020 (3) As of November 24, 2021 (4) As of November 21, 2021

Proprietary and Confidential 9 Take Control of Tomorrow, Today Examples of Real Customer Case Studies: “ With Tomorrow.io, we’re providing even more accurate ETAs based on insights from their on - demand forecasts. ” “ This tool was designed with an understanding of the decision - making pressure airport leaders face every day. ” “ Tomorrow.io’s tools tell us exactly when to expect a weather event and when it will pass us. ” “ High - definition, microweather information supports multiple mobility and AV initiatives we can offer via FordPass. ” Aviation: Saving Airline $2M During Single Event Utilities: Energy Conglomerate Avoids Outage During Cyclone Insurance: Helping Prominent Provider Minimize Payouts Sports: Updating Operations Amidst 538% Increase in Weather Events (1) On - Demand: Driving Growth at Largest On - Demand Company Federal: Improving Decision Making for the USAF (1) Boston - area high wind events, from 2017 to 2021

Proprietary and Confidential 10 Recognition Growing Climate change is “ the single biggest risk that exists to the economy today .” Former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson President of the United States Joe Biden “ Climate change is the existential threat to humanity...Unchecked, it is going to actually bake this planet. This is not hyperbole. It’s real. And we have a moral obligation. ” U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for climate John Kerry “ We spent around $100bn recovering from natural disasters just in 2020. ” Climate Security - The Next Economic Frontier 2020 brought... ● $ 210 B in weather disaster losses worldwide ● Record year for hurricanes ● Strongest tropical cyclone to ever hit landfall in world recorded history ● Record wildfire seasons in U.S. and Australia Number of disasters Year Hydrometeorological Total Geophysical Total Number of reported disasters by disaster type CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink “ Climate change is almost invariably the top issue that clients around the world raise with BlackRock. The evidence on climate risk is compelling investors to reassess core assumptions about modern finance. ” Sources: Forbes , Blackrock , CNBC , Economist , Munichre , NCEI , Yale Climate Connections , Fire.ca.gov , Our World in Data,

Proprietary and Confidential 11 “We...are entering a period of consequences.” - Al Gore To enable proactive response in a changing climate, predicting the weather and using Weather Intelligence are becoming more critical than ever before. Managing our Global Climate Security with Weather Intelligence $4tn worth of assets at risk of climate change by 2030 Countries, businesses, and individuals must have systems in place. 215 of world ’ s largest public companies identified $ 970 bn in potential losses with over half expected to materialize over the next 5 years Sources: New York Times , WEF , CDP , cdp.net , Whitehouse.gov President Biden Directs Agencies to Analyze and Mitigate the Risk Climate Change Poses Top Global Risks by Perceived Likelihood 2021

Proprietary and Confidential 12 We believe Climate Security is the new Cyber Security. Weather Intelligence is the key.

Proprietary and Confidential 13 The Problem Existing Providers Technology led by governmental agencies Most countries blind to weather data Businesses reactive, cannot link weather to expected impact and miss reliable data Repackage governmental forecasts - lack of accuracy, resolution, and limited coverage Challenged to overcome multi - vertical weather complexity Services (not scalable software) Raw weather data vs. actionable business insights Sources: Weather.gov, WRD , Business Insider , HBR , WMO 70% of businesses worldwide are adversely affected by abnormal weather 70 % 60% of the globe doesn’t have a single weather radar 60 %

Proprietary and Confidential 14 Proprietary Global Weather Data Weather Intelligence SaaS In - House High Resolution Forecasting Models Tomorrow.io : a vertically integrated Business Intelligence Platform SaaS Company Powered by Proprietary Data and Algorithms Weather of Things

Proprietary and Confidential 15 The Brands People Rely on Most, Rely on Tomorrow.io Sources: Aviation Benefits , Research and Markets ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) , IMarc Group , Insurance Global Market Report , Valuates Reports , Allied Market Research , Grandview Research , IDC , FAA , Science Direct , Transportation.gov , World Bank ( 1 ) Figure includes indoor events, ( 2 ) Reflects information technology market size Transportation ~$6.4T ● Aviation ● Railways ● Shipping ● Utilities ● Power & Renewables ● Oil & Gas, Mining ● Insurance ● Trading ● Sports ● Events ● Broadcasters ● On - Demand ● Drones ● Software Platforms ● Defense ● Met Agencies ● Countries Energy Finance Sport & Venues Technology Federal ~$10.5T ~$4.7T ~$ 1.4 T ( 1 ) ~$5.2T (2) ~$14.5T Market Size by Industry

Proprietary and Confidential 16 Tomorrow.io’s mission is to equip humanity with the weather intelligence needed to adapt and thrive in an era of climate crisis.

Proprietary and Confidential 17 Global distribution of terrestrial radars Lack of Weather Access and Accuracy ● 5 billion live outside radar coverage (1) ● 1 current satellite with precipitation radar exists, lacks data quality ● Government agencies building low - resolution models ● Industry repackages same data - limited government forecasts Source: WMO Today’s forecasts are not optimized to help people, governments, or businesses make operational decisions Sources: (1) WRD and calculation, UN , WMO , MAP: Dot depiction for illustrative purposes only

Proprietary and Confidential 18 Our Goal: World ’ s First Comprehensive Global Weather Data Set Massive improvement in hurricane forecasting, flood alerts, and natural disaster management The Goal of Tomorrow.io’s Satellite Constellation is to Democratize Access to Weather Forecasting High Data Quality 1 Hour Refresh Rates Creating Satellites 330x Less Expensive than NASA’s GPM Deploying Active Radars to Space Collecting Multiple Direct Measurements Sources: WMO , NASA , Washington Post

Proprietary and Confidential 19 Product & Customer Stories

Proprietary and Confidential 20 Differentiated Value for Customers on 3 Different Levels Proprietary Data and Models Business Insights Technology Solutions VS VS Existing Weather Providers: Repackaged governmental data and forecasts lack accuracy and coverage Existing Weather Providers: Non - actionable weather and environmental raw data Configurable SaaS Platform VS Existing Weather Providers: Service companies provide non - scalable consulting services, not software 10x

Proprietary and Confidential 21 Runway A Runway B De - ice with minimal dilution 40% Level 4: High winds activity matrix Snowfall rate 1” - 1.5” per hour Airline Manages Airport and Crew Operations with Tomorrow.io De - ice planes between 10 AM - 11 AM Weather Alert Precipitation 1.5 in/hr Temperature 26 ° F Wind Speed 55 mph April 2019: Storm brings 9.8” of snow, lightning, and 50 MPH winds Airline using Tomorrow.io avoided delays, and saved $2M from this single event All Airlines needed to de - ice but could not, as winds were > 40 MPH Tomorrow.io found pocket of time with < 40 MPH winds Tomorrow.io Customer Case Study

Proprietary and Confidential 22 Utility Company Prevents Power Outages with Tomorrow.io Pre - position maintenance crews at towers A, B, and C at 4 PM Weather Alert May 2020: Largest cyclone ( Amphan ) in 20 years hits India amidst COVID - 19 Tens of millions of people saved from power outages and millions in cost savings Tomorrow.io predicted 3 towers out of 300 at risk of power line damage A utility company pre - positioned maintenance crews at high risk towers Sources: ClimaCon 2021

Proprietary and Confidential 23 Insurance Provider Reduces Claims and Asset Risk with Tomorrow.io Hail will start in 60 minutes. Move car to covered area and check road conditions Weather Intelligence Alert Insurance company receiving hail claims for auto damage ~89% Net Promoter Score1 among customers for provider’s use of platform alerts Started alerting customers before hail to put cars under cover and check road conditions Significant annual cost savings from claim payout reduction and validation alone Sources: ValuePenguin

Proprietary and Confidential 24 Vertically Integrated Architecture CBAM Real - Time Data Layers One Forecast Precip Air Quality Hydrology Weather Models Just - in - time Weather Applications Weather Engine Just - in - time insights User alerts API & User Services Raw weather data Business insights External Data Weather Stations Observations 3rd - party weather models 3rd - party satellite data 3rd - party radars WoT (Weather of Things) Inputs Non - Weather data sources Tomorrow.Space Active Radars Long - term archival object storage Standard object storage Geospatial layers database Data Cache Data Storage and computing Image storage HPC architecture Proprietary for Tomorrow.io Tomorrow.io User Applications Weather Intelligence Platform API Weather by Tomorrow Expected starting October 2022

Proprietary and Confidential 25 Tomorrow.io GTM

Proprietary and Confidential 26 Tomorrow.io Assistant Your personal weather planner and life companion Tomorrow.io API Tomorrow.io Platform Data and insight integrated into the customer’s software Customizable for every use case and business model SaaS: How We Go - to - Market as a Company > 2.7 M Downloads to date ( 1 ) 28K Developers (2) ~120 Enterprise Customers (1) FOR CONSUMERS FOR DEVELOPERS FOR OPERATIONS & ANALYTICS 27K Ratings ( 1 ) As of November 21 , 2021 ɆɆ ( 2 ) As of November 23 , 2021

Proprietary and Confidential 27 $13.6M ARR at end of Q3 2021 $5.7M ARR at the end of 2020 144% Average Net Dollar Retention (Enterprise) ( 2 ) (1) YTD through November 18, 2021 (2) Based on Enterprise ARR. Reflects a 3 - year average from 2018 - 2020 (1) 2017 - 2021 ACV Growth 2020 - 2021 ARR

Proprietary and Confidential 28 Countries 2 to 71 Enterprise Strategy to Land and Expand 850% ACV Growth in last 3 years Airports 1 to 103 Countries 1 to 28 215% ACV Growth in last 2 years Markets 263 to 10,000 ACV Growth Overtime Geographical Expansion [#Airports] ACV Growth Overtime Geographical Expansion [#Countries] Airline On - Demand Sources: Management

Proprietary and Confidential 29 Revenue Expansion Across Potential Customers Proprietary Radar Data Accelerates Expansion and Upsell Opportunity: Tomorrow.io enterprise customer engagement evolution New Use Cases Expand Locations Stake in Ground Proof of Concept $MM’s per customer $100’s k per customer Demonstrate ROI Embed into Workflows Expand within Organization ● Accuracy ● Frequency ● Oceans and remote locations ● Additional use cases Current Use Cases Future Use Cases • Fleet management and dispatching • Minimize departure delays • Reduce taxi deicing times, fuel burn, crew burn, and timeouts • Improve staff scheduling efficiency and worker safety • Flight planning and optimization • Real time routing over oceans • End - to - end operations • Optimize end - to - end customer experience Sources: Management

Proprietary and Confidential 30 Radar Technology

Proprietary and Confidential 31 Direct precipitation measurements Single most important input in storm forecasting Multiple direct data measurements More weather data parameters 5km pixel resolution High data quality Space - based Global coverage Constellation High data refresh Tomorrow.io’s Active Radar Data NASA GPM GPS - RO Passive MW VS Single research satellite, no replacement planned Highly Differential Data Set With Satellite Constellation Sources: NASA GPM , Spire , GeoOptics , PlanetiQ , Orbital Micro Systems

Proprietary and Confidential 32 Huge Barriers to Replicate Tomorrow.io’s Radar Data Post - Satellite Launch Own Sensor IP ● Acquisition of strategic radar company for team and tech ● Already funded significant development 01 Long Development Time ● 4+ years from concept to launch ● Extensive trade studies and development cycles 02 Expert Data Knowledge ● Hired world’s experts in weather data assimilation ● Former Leaders from Rocket Lab, BlackSky, SRI, NASA JPL 03 Clean Sheet Approach ● Others burdened by significant capital investments in deploying passive sensors with limited value (Spire, GeoOptics, PlanetIQ) 04 Sources: Management

Proprietary and Confidential 33 ESG Impact

Proprietary and Confidential 34 Tomorrow.io investors seek long - term social & environmental impact on a global scale Tomorrow.io is an ESG Investment ● Mitigating consequences of climate change ● Deep technology ● Significant improvements ○ Climate science ○ Weather forecasting ● Protecting global communities ● Saving lives with technology ● Improving food security ● Bridging inequality gap ○ Weather data ○ Weather forecasts ● Innovative product ● Implement scalable systems ● Shield from climate change impact ○ Countries ○ Businesses ○ Individuals Environmental Social Governance

Proprietary and Confidential 35 Revolutionizing climate science with a global radar system Reducing carbon fuel consumption with routing efficiency Monitoring sea level rise Accurate precipitation monitoring on a global scale revolutionizing climate science and weather forecasting Preventing power outages Our Environmental Goals

Proprietary and Confidential 36 Our Social Goals Enabling reliable flood alerts on a global basis Improving supply chain safety on land and sea, in both the developed and the developing world Saving lives by improving hurricane forecasting Managing locust crisis Improving food security in developing countries Improving crop output with reliable weather forecasting

Proprietary and Confidential 37 Our Governance Goals Put systems in place to manage risk with Tomorrow.io’s Weather Intelligence Platform ʆ Analyze the connection between weather, climate risk and business outcomes using AI Better understand tomorrow’s challenges with accurate historical data

Proprietary and Confidential 38 Targeting Use of Proceeds $ 420 m Total Proceeds 3 Primary Areas of Investment Investment in the SaaS platform (R&D, data science, sales and marketing) Deployment of global constellation of active radar Investment Highlights: Path to Accelerate Growth and Rapidly Create a Strong Competitive Moat Potential bolt - on strategic acquisitions

Proprietary and Confidential 39 Proprietary Weather Intelligence Platform ʆ for Climate Security Proven Leadership Team with World - Class Investors Investment Highlights: Tomorrow.io Weather Intelligence for Global Climate Security Unmatched Response To Growing Climate Risk Globally Category Killer with Vertically Integrated Radar Data Established and High - Growth SaaS Business

Proprietary and Confidential 40 The Tomorrow Companies, Inc. Financials

Proprietary and Confidential 41 Strong Unit Economics, for Every $1 Spent in 2020 on S&M, $1 of New ACV was Acquired Established Subscription Software Model with ~100% ARR Projected Growth Over the Next Five Years Exceptional ~19x ACV Bookings Growth since 2018 Pine Merger Expected to Fully Fund Growth Plan and Path to Profitability Pipeline and Existing Book of Business Provides Strong Visibility into 2022+ Forecast Successful Execution of Land and Expand Model, Including 144 % Net Dollar Retention ( 1 ) Robust Gross Margin Projected to Approach 87% in Five Years Tomorrow.io Financial Highlights (1) Based on Enterprise ARR. Reflects a 3 year average from 2018 - 2020.

Proprietary and Confidential 42 ARR Revenue Composition Enterprise CAC / New Bookings Per Customer Enterprise LTV / CAC Payback Period Key KPI Projections $13 $33 $91 $242 $523 $ 944 0.3x 2.0 x 3.3x 4.8x 5.0x 4.5x 2021E 2022 E 2023E 2024 E 2025E 2026E 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024 E 2025E 2026 E 111% 107% 111% 117% 118% 104 % 85% 86 % 85% 85% 85% 85% Enterprise GRR % Enterprise NRR % Growth and New Revenue % Deferred, Renewal, and Contract Revenue % 24.1x 3.4 x 2.0x 1.4 x 1.3x 1.5x Sources: Management estimates 14.3x 2.8x 1.4 x 1.1x 1.3 x 1.0x 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 73 % 54% 51 % 53% 61% 68% 27% 46% 49 % 47% 39 % 32% 1.0x

Proprietary and Confidential 43 Projected Summary Income Statement CY 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E ($ in millions) Enterprise $8 $13 $40 $116 $268 $472 Federal 1 9 16 41 96 230 Other 2 5 9 14 24 45 Revenue $11 $28 $65 $172 $389 $747 % Growth 165% 133% 162% 127% 92% Gross Profit $8 $23 $44 $128 $317 $649 % Margin 71% 83% 68% 75% 82% 87% Total Opex $63 $97 $137 $228 $339 $493 % Margin 595% 347% 210% 133% 87% 66% EBITDA ($54) ($69) ($79) ($70) $21 $209 % Margin NM NM NM NM 5% 28% Sources: Management estimates (1) EBITDA calculated as Gross profit – Opex + D&A. (1) ● Revenue growth driven by strength in the Enterprise and Federal segments ○ Increase in average contract value per customer ○ Increase in customer count as new use cases allow for new customer engagements and upselling of existing customers ● Gross Margins increase as economies of scale are achieved ○ Declining customer acquisition costs over time ● Operating Expense as a % of revenue decreases with scale ○ Benefits from operating leverage ○ Offset by increased but controlled marketing spend to drive growth

Proprietary and Confidential 44 Projected Cash Flow Summary Sources: Management estimates. (1) Includes current assets, current liabilities and deferred contract costs. ($17) $109 ($48) 2021E ($62) 2022E ($55) 2023E $ 282 2024E 2025E 2026E ($18) $108 ($49) 2021E ($63) 2022E ($ 56 ) 2023 E $280 2024E 2025E 2026E Free Cash Flow Ex. Satellite Capex Recurring Free Cash Flow Free Cash Flow Bridge CY 2021E 2022E 2023 E 2024E 2025E 2026E ($ in millions) EBITDA (54) (69) (79) (70) 21 209 ( - ) Taxes (0) (0) (0) (0) 0 (39) (+) SBC 3 8 13 23 35 51 (+) Change in NWC (1) 3 (1) 10 29 53 61 Operating Cash Flow (48) (62) (55) (17) 109 282 ( - ) Recurring Capex (0) (0) (1) (1) (1) (2) Free Cash Flow excl. Satellite Capex (49) (63) (56) (18) 108 280 ( - ) Satellite Capex (8) (24) (54) (28) (4) (5) Free Cash Flow (57) (87) (110) (46) 104 276

Proprietary and Confidential 45 Transaction Overview

Proprietary and Confidential 46 Transaction Overview Share Price $10.00 Pro forma shares outstanding ( 4 ) (mm) 120.6 Pro forma equity value ($mm) $1,206 Less: net cash ($mm) (477) Pro forma enterprise value ($mm) $729 $mm Existing Tomorrow Shareholders $700 Existing Cash on Balance Sheet (1) 102 Pine Cash in Trust (2) 345 Additional PIPE Equity (3) 75 Total Sources $1,222 $mm Existing Tomorrow Shareholders $700 Cash to Balance Sheet 477 Illustrative Fees and Expenses 45 Total Uses $1,222 ● Pro forma enterprise value of $729mm, representing a 11.1x 2023E Revenue multiple based on 2023E Revenue of $65mm and a 4.3x 2024E Revenue multiple based on 2024E Revenue of $172mm ● Existing Tomorrow shareholders rolling 100% of their equity and will receive 58% of the pro forma equity Existing Holders SPAC Investors Pipe Investors SPAC Sponsors 63% 24% 7% 6% Valuation: ● Transaction expected to result in $420mm of transaction proceeds to fund growth ● Funded by a combination of $345mm cash in trust account and $75mm in PIPE proceeds Capital Structure: Sources: Uses: Pro Forma Valuation: Pro Forma Ownership: (1) $102mm of existing balance sheet cash as of 9/30/21. (2) Assumes no redemptions by Pine’s existing public shareholders. (3) Assumes 7.5mm shares are issued at $10.00 per share. Includes $27.5mm of commitments from affiliates of the Sponsor. (4) Pro forma share count includes the existing 34.5mm Pine public common shares and 8.6mm Founder Shares, 7.5mm shares from PIPE is suance, and 70.0mm shares to be issued to existing Tomorrow shareholders. 58% 29% 7% 6%

Proprietary and Confidential 47 High Growth SaaS Software High Growth Data & Analytics Peers Tomorrow.io : At the Intersection of High Growth SaaS Software and Enterprise Data Peers

Proprietary and Confidential 48 Peer Operational Benchmarks Note: Market data as of 11/18/21 Source: Capital IQ Tomorrow HIGH GROWTH SAAS SOFTWARE HIGH GROWTH DATA & ANALYTICS PEERS CY2021E - CY2023E Revenue CAGR Median: 31% Tomorrow HIGH GROWTH SAAS SOFTWARE HIGH GROWTH DATA & ANALYTICS PEERS CY2022E Gross Margin Median: 77% Median: 29% Median: 81% 148% 36% 35% 34% 33% 30% 29% 29% 27% 25% 25% 25% 24% 61% 48% 38% 33% 32% 31% 30% 30% 21% 18% 18% 83% 68% 75% 88% 86% 85% 82% 82% 81% 81% 80% 78% 78% 70% 53% 90% 83% 78% 77% 77% 76% 75% 72% 70% 54% 49%

Proprietary and Confidential 49 Peer Trading Benchmark 57x 39x 36x 31x 26x 15x 15x 10x 9x 46x 34x 29x 16x Note: Market data as of 11/18/2021. Source: Company filings, S&P Capital IQ (1) Calculated based on $729mm pro forma enterprise value. Tomorrow HIGH GROWTH SAAS SOFTWARE HIGH GROWTH DATA & ANALYTICS PEERS CY2023E Enterprise Value / Revenue Median: 10.6x 11x (1) Median: 17.9x 4x (1) 17x 14x 10x 8x 6x 6x 19x 11x 9x 4x

Proprietary and Confidential 50 Appendix

Proprietary and Confidential 51 Executive Team Scientific Leadership Luke Peffers , PhD Chief Weather Officer Alan Hawley CRO Osnat Barak Chief People Officer Dan Slagen CMO Shimon Elkabetz CEO, Co Founder Rei Goffer CSO, Co Founder Itai Zlotnik CCO, Co Founder Seasoned Leadership Team Founding Team Leigha Kemmett COO John Springmann , PhD Chief Space Engineer 90 out of 150 Employees in R&D Stanford, MIT, NASA JPL Alums Stephen Gregorio CFO World - Class Investors

Proprietary and Confidential 52 Total Addressable Market Global Spend on Weather and Climate Services estimated at $89B 1 in 2020, with 8% CAGR 2 By 2030, total spend expected to reach $190B (1) Based on actual data from 2010 through 2014, forecasted using the same CAGR through 2030. Data is from “ Global disparity in the supply of commercial weather and climate information services”, Science Advances (2) Actual CAGR from 2010 - 2014, see Science Advances article above, assumes CAGR stays the same (3) See Tomorrow.io TAM Model Total measured and projected global spend on weather and climate services ($BB) Tomorrow.io’s immediate addressable market (bottom up model) 3 : Enterprise $13.3B SMB $9.8B B2C $0.5B Space Data and Federal $15.3B Total $38.9B

Proprietary and Confidential 53 Projected Operating Expenses CY 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E ($ in millions) S&M $21 $36 $61 $117 $187 $291 R&D 16 23 31 45 64 89 Space 14 22 24 37 45 51 G&A 12 16 21 29 43 62 Total OPEX $63 $97 $137 $228 $339 $493 % Growth -- 54% 41% 66% 48% 46% Memo: % of Total Revenue S&M 200% 129% 93% 68% 48% 39% R&D 152% 82% 47% 26% 16% 12% Space 134% 79% 37% 22% 12% 7% G&M 109% 57% 32% 17% 11% 8% Total OPEX 595% 347% 210% 133% 87% 66% Sources: Management estimates

Proprietary and Confidential 54 Instrument Type Mission & System eng. Payload Design Bus Launch Downlink Raw Data Weather & Climate Models Products for end - users Active Radar Do in - house Do in - house outsourced outsourced outsourced Ultra high value, not selling Highly capable Highly capable GNSS - RO Do in - house Do in - house Do in - house Do in - house Limited quality, sell to everyone Very limited No capabilities GNSS - RO Do in - house Do in - house outsourced outsourced outsourced Sell to everyone No capabilities No capabilities GNSS - RO Do in - house Do in - house outsourced outsourced outsourced Sell to everyone No capabilities No capabilities Passive MW Do in - house Do in - house outsourced outsourced outsourced Low quality, Sell to everyone No capabilities No capabilities This part is NOT our business. Very high setup costs and commoditized with many vendors to choose from Some Value More Value Most Value “Sensor first” companies SaaS Company Data From Space - A New Business Model We are going to space to solve the hardest gap in global weather observations - we focus our energy on the most critical, and most valuable parts of the value chain. From Washington Post: “This aim [using the space data in our own products] contrasts with the business of most, if not all, space companies today that are pursuing weather applications. These firms, such as GeoOptics and Spire , have business models that are based on selling the data for others to use in forecasting the weather, with customers that include federal agencies. However, Tomorrow.io would use its own technology, which already includes proprietary weather modeling, to take advantage of the data it gathers from space.

Proprietary and Confidential 55 ● All commercial constellations use passive instruments only, offering limited value to downstream models, and not breaking into new frontiers ● Majority of them focus on the same type of instrument - GNSS - RO, making this data a commodity ● Tomorrow.io is not settling on “easy” sensors that are already commoditized. We are opening a new frontier of active sensing from small satellites, the golden grail of meteorology tomorrow.space Active Radar GNSS - RO (passive radio) Passive MW Availability today None with high revisit, 2 - 3 missions for science research Commodity (multiple constellations / missions) Commodity (multiple constellations / missions) Difficulty of developing a small - satellite instrument Very hard (we are the first to succeed) Solved problem, many instruments in use Solved problem, many instruments in use Usefulleness A wide variety of meteorological applications - real - time, nowcast, global and regional scale NWP models, climate Almost exclusively for global scale NWPs Almost exclusively for global scale NWPs See Precipitation? Directly, with high sensitivity No Indirectly, limited sensitivity Pixel Resolution 5km NA 10 - arc50km Active Sensors - Much Harder, Much More Powerful We didn’t just settle for an off - the - shelf sensor. We took on the biggest challenge in remote sensing from space

Proprietary and Confidential 56 2020 2019 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Phase 0 Concept, Initial Design Phase 1 R&D, Airborne Demo Phase 2 Space Demonstrations Phase 3 Scale Phase 4 Steady State / Generation 2 Concept Design Prototype Dev Space unit Dev/integration PDR Air test campaign First launches Scale launches 2X 8X 22X Development and Demos Monetization ● Constellation fully operational during 2023, and is expected to keep growing until 2025 ● Steady - state constellation size is planned for 32 satellites ● Work on “Generation 2” will begin in parallel to scale launches Projected Development and Launch Timeline

Proprietary and Confidential 57 Creating a Strong Competitive Moat and Unlocking Growth Pathfinders unlock massive growth potential in anchor customer base 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Today’s Weather Forecasting Limited Radar Data ⇨ Most of the World is Blind 3X the number of precipitation satellites on Orbit ⇩ Step Change in Weather Forecasting Skill Complete Satellite Constellation 32X the number of precipitation satellites on orbit, 1 hour average revisit globall y ⇩ Real - Time Weather Awareness Space - borne Weather Radar Coverage Launch 2 Tomorrow Pathfinders Sources: Management

Proprietary and Confidential 58 Baseline Use Cases Specialized Use Cases • Policyholder weather alerts • Hurricane prediction • Infrastructure monitoring and risk prediction • Policy updates based on weather impact • Restrict products days before storms • Programmatic historical archive • Long - term lightning flash rate forecast • Crop yield volatility index • Wildfire smoke models • Asset risk scoring • Real - time claim validation • Reduced need for site - visits • Fluvial and pluvial flood index model Climate Security for Insurance Weather Intelligence Unlocks Climate Adaptive Products $4T in Assets at Risk by 2030: ● $210B in weather disaster losses worldwide ● Assets at risk as % of GDP to double by 2050, from 2% to 4% Claim Management and Risk Mitigation: ● Historical archive and real - time insights for claim validation ● High - resolution post - event 3D reanalyses ● Notify customers before weather to reduce damages/claims Parametric Insurance With High Resolution: ● Enabling parametric insurance in LATAM, Africa, India and more ● Policy recommendations for specific locations ● Indices with high resolution models ● Business models with inputs matching product granularity ● Minimize risk and provide insurance with more certainty ● Avoid location - based product offerings before/during weather events • New products in data scarce regions Sources: New York Times , WEF , CDP , KPMG , Economist , Swiss Re

Proprietary and Confidential 59 Focused on Mitigating the Risk of Climate Change