Significant Accounting Policies | Significant Accounting Policies Basis of Presentation Reverse Recapitalization: On December 15, 2021, (the “Closing Date”), the Company consummated the previously announced Business Combination pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement (“Business Combination Agreement”) dated as of July 1, 2021, by and among Bowlero Corp. prior to the Closing Date (“Old Bowlero”) and Isos Acquisition Corporation (“Isos”). Notwithstanding the legal form of the Business Combination pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, the Business Combination is accounted for as a reverse recapitalization. Under this method of accounting, Isos is treated as the acquired company and Old Bowlero is treated as the acquirer for accounting and financial statement reporting purposes. Old Bowlero has been determined to be the accounting acquirer based on evaluation of the following facts and circumstances: • Old Bowlero’s existing stockholders have the greatest voting interest in the Company; • Old Bowlero’s existing stockholders have the ability to control decisions regarding election and removal of directors and officers of the Company; • Old Bowlero comprises the ongoing operations of the Company; • Old Bowlero’s relevant measures, such as assets, revenues, cash flows and earnings, are higher than Isos’; and • Old Bowlero’s existing senior management is the senior management of the Company. As a result of Old Bowlero being the accounting acquirer, the financial reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) by the Company subsequent to the Business Combination are prepared as if Old Bowlero is the predecessor and legal successor to the Company. The historical operations of Old Bowlero are deemed to be those of the Company. Thus, the financial statements included in this report reflect (i) the historical operating results of Old Bowlero prior to the Business Combination, (ii) the combined results of the Old Bowlero and Isos following the Business Combination on December 15, 2021, (iii) the assets and liabilities of Old Bowlero at their historical cost and (iv) the Company’s post-merger equity structure for all periods presented. The recapitalization of the number of shares of common stock and preferred stock attributable to the purchase of Bowlero Corp. in connection with the Business Combination is reflected retroactively to the earliest period presented and is utilized for calculating earnings per share in all prior periods presented. No step-up basis of intangible assets or goodwill was recorded in the Business Combination transaction consistent with the treatment of the transaction as a reverse recapitalization of Isos. In connection with the Business Combination, Isos changed its name to Bowlero Corp. The Company’s Class A common stock became listed on the NYSE under the symbol BOWL and warrants to purchase the Class A common stock became listed on the NYSE under the symbol BOWL.WS in lieu of the Isos ordinary shares and Isos’s warrants, respectively. Isos’ units automatically separated into the Isos ordinary shares and Isos’ warrants and ceased trading separately on the NYSE following the Closing Date. Prior to the Business Combination, Isos neither engaged in any operations nor generated any revenue. Until the Business Combination, based on Isos’ business activities, it was a shell company as defined under the Exchange Act. The consolidated assets, liabilities and results of operations prior to the reverse recapitalization are those of the Company, thus the shares and corresponding capital amounts and losses per share, prior to the reverse recapitalization, have been retroactively restated based on shares reflecting the exchange ratio of 24.841 established in the Business Combination Agreement. Principles of Consolidation: The consolidated financial statements and related notes include the accounts of Bowlero Corp. and the subsidiaries it controls. Control is determined based on ownership rights or, when applicable, based on whether the Company is considered to be the primary beneficiary of a variable interest entity. The Company’s interest in 20% to 50% owned companies that are not controlled are accounted for using the equity method, unless the Company does not sufficiently influence the management of the investee. All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. Fiscal Year: The Company reports on a fiscal year ending on the Sunday closest to June 30th with each quarter generally comprising thirteen weeks. Fiscal year 2023 contained fifty-two weeks and ended on July 2, 2023. Fiscal year 2022 contained fifty-three weeks and ended on July 3, 2022, and the 53rd week fell within the fourth quarter. Fiscal year 2021 contained fifty-two weeks and ended on June 27, 2021. Reclassification: Certain amounts reported within our prior year consolidated balance sheet have been reclassified to conform to current year presentation. Accounts payable and Accrued expenses were presented separately within our prior year consolidated balance sheet. Accounts payable and Accrued expenses are now presented in aggregate as Accounts payable and accrued expenses. Use of Estimates: The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the balance sheets, statement of operations and accompanying notes. Significant estimates made by management include, but are not limited to, cash flow projections; the fair value of assets and liabilities in acquisitions; derivatives with hedge accounting; stock based compensation; depreciation and impairment of long-lived assets; carrying amount and recoverability analyses of property and equipment, assets held for sale, goodwill and other intangible assets; valuation of deferred tax assets and liabilities and income tax uncertainties; and reserves for litigation, claims and self-insurance costs. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Fair-value Estimates: We have various financial instruments included in our financial statements. Financial instruments are carried in our financial statements at either cost or fair value. We estimate fair value of assets using the following hierarchy using the highest level possible: Level 1: Quoted prices in active markets that are accessible at the measurement date for identical assets and liabilities. Level 2: Observable prices that are based on inputs not quoted on active markets, but are corroborated by market data. Level 3: Unobservable inputs are used when little or no market data is available. Cash and Cash Equivalents: The Company considers all highly liquid investments with a maturity date of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents. The Company had cash equivalents of $166,510 and $88,067 at July 2, 2023 and July 3, 2022, respectively. The Company accepts a range of debit and credit cards, and these transactions are generally transmitted to a bank for reimbursement within 24 hours. The payments due from the banks for these debit and credit card transactions are generally received, or settled, within 24 to 48 hours of the transmission date. The Company considers all debit and credit card transactions that settle in less than seven days to be cash equivalents. Amounts due from the banks for these transactions classified as cash equivalents totaled $9,066 and $8,688 at July 2, 2023 and July 3, 2022, respectively. Marketable Securities: Our investments in marketable equity securities are measured at fair value with the related gains and losses, including unrealized, recognized in other expense. Accounts Receivable: The Company records accounts receivable at the invoiced amount. Accounts receivable do not bear interest unless specified in a formal agreement. An allowance for doubtful accounts is provided based on management’s best estimate of the amount of probable credit losses in the existing accounts receivable. The Company determines the allowance based on a number of factors, including historical write-off experience and its knowledge of specific customer accounts. Past-due balances meeting specific criteria are reviewed individually for collectability. The Company reviews all other balances on a pooled basis. Accounts are written off once collection efforts have been exhausted and the potential for recovery is considered remote. Actual uncollectable accounts could exceed the Company’s estimates, and changes to estimates are accounted for in the period of change. The Company does not have any off-balance sheet credit exposures to its customers. Inventories: Inventory, which includes operational items such as food and beverages, is valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value on a first-in, first-out basis. Prepaid Expenses and Other Current Assets: Prepaid expenses consists primarily of payments made for goods and services to be received in the near future. Prepaid expenses consists of prepaid rents, sales tax, insurance premiums, deposits, and other costs. Other current assets of $ 5,892 and $676 at July 2, 2023 and July 3, 2022, respectively, are included with prepaid expenses on our consolidated balance sheets. Property and Equipment: Property and equipment are recorded at cost. Depreciation is calculated principally on the straight-line method based on the estimated useful lives of individual assets or classes of assets. Leasehold improvements are recorded at cost. Amortization of leasehold improvements is calculated principally on the straight-line method over the lesser of the estimated useful life of the leasehold improvement or the lease term. Renewal periods are included in the lease term when the renewal is determined to be reasonably assured. Internal costs, including compensation and employee benefits for employees directly associated with capital projects, are capitalized and amortized over the estimated useful life of the asset. Estimated useful lives of property and equipment are as follows: Buildings and improvements 2 – 39 years Leasehold improvements lesser of asset’s useful life or lease term (1 month– 15 years) Equipment, furniture, and fixtures 2 – 15 years Expenditures for routine maintenance and repairs that do not improve or extend the life of an asset are expensed as incurred. Improvements are capitalized and amortized over the lesser of the remaining life of the asset or, if applicable, the lease term. Upon retirement or sale of an asset, its cost and related accumulated depreciation are removed from property and equipment and any gain or loss is recognized. The Company’s policy is to capitalize interest cost incurred on debt during the construction of major projects. Interest costs are capitalizable for all assets that require a period of time to get them ready for their intended use (an acquisition period). The amount capitalized in an accounting period is determined by applying the capitalization rate to the accumulated expenditures for the asset during the period. The capitalization rate used is based on the rates applicable to borrowings outstanding during the construction period. Leases under ASC 842: The Company determines if a contract is or contains a lease at contract inception or on the modification date of an existing contract. The Company has leasing arrangements that contain both lease and non-lease components. Our lease components primarily include the building and land for bowling entertainment centers, and our non-lease components primarily include common area maintenance and utilities for these real estate leases. We account for both the lease and non-lease components as a single component for all classes of underlying assets. The Company has three master lease agreements with a single landlord covering over 200 bowling centers. Two of those master leases contain initial terms ending in 2047 with 8 renewal options for 10 years each. The third master lease contains an initial term ending in 2044 with 8 renewal options for 10 years each. The master lease agreements contain restrictions and covenants such as the following: a. Requirements to comply with certain covenants, which, if not met, would require the Company to maintain cash security or provide letters of credit in favor of the landlord in amounts up to 1 year in rent, depending on the circumstances. b. Options that allow the landlord to purchase and lease back the bowling equipment at each site in the event that certain requirements are not met c. Certain restrictions on investments, payments, and acquisitions, in the event predefined financial metrics aren’t met Right-of-use (“ROU”) assets and lease liabilities are recognized at the commencement date of the lease based on the present value of the future lease payments over the remaining lease term. Only fixed lease payments are included in the lease liability. At the lease commencement, the ROU asset is measured based on the present value of the lease liability plus any initial direct costs and/or prepaid lease payments, and deducting any lease incentives. For business combinations, the right-of-use asset is adjusted based on favorability or unfavorability of acquired leases. The Company’s fixed lease payments primarily include base rent and lease incentives for tenant improvements. Our leases also include the following variable costs: common area maintenance, utilities, real estate taxes, property insurance, variable payments based on a percentage of sales or based on reaching pre-defined sales thresholds. Some leases contain lease payments that depend on indices or fair market value rent. A change in the index or fair market rent rate does not result in the remeasurement of the lease liability or ROU asset. The additional lease payments related to the index or fair market rent rate increases are recognized as variable payments in the period in which they occur. However, if we remeasure the lease payments, then we are required to remeasure the lease payments that depend on an index or a rate by using the index or fair market rent rate in effect on the remeasurement date. Outside of the master leases, the initial lease terms for our real estate leases are generally 10-15 years with renewal options for periods up to five years each. The options to extend are generally not considered reasonably certain at lease commencement, however, the Company reevaluates our leases on a regular basis to determine if recent strategic changes or capital expenditures have resulted in incentives or penalties to renew or not renew a particular lease. Short-term leases with an initial term of 12 months or less are not recorded on the balance sheet. In determining the present value of lease payments, the Company utilizes its incremental borrowing rate unless the rate implicit in the lease is readily determinable. For our leases, the rate implicit in the lease is generally not available, so we use the incremental borrowing rate. The incremental borrowing rate represents the estimated interest rate for collateralized borrowings over a similar term in a similar economic environment at the commencement date or modification date for a lease. To calculate the incremental borrowing rate, the Company considers both the credit notching and recovery rate methods and makes adjustments based on benchmarking to our debt instruments. Operating lease costs are recorded as rent expense, which are primarily included within Cost of Revenues, within the Consolidated Statements of Operations and presented as operating cash outflows within the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. Finance lease costs are recorded as interest expense and amortization expense, which is primarily included within Costs of Revenues within the Consolidated Statements of Operations. Principal payments associated with finance leases are presented as financing cash outflows and cash payments for interest associated with finance leases are presented as operating cash outflows within our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. The current portion of the lease liability is equal to the amount by which the total lease liability will be reduced over the next 12 periods. The Company’s leases do not contain material residual value guarantees. Financing Obligations : When the Company enters into a contract to sell an asset and leases it back from the purchaser under a sale and leaseback transaction, we must determine whether control of the asset has transferred. In cases whereby control has not transferred, we continue to recognize the underlying asset within Property and equipment, net within the Consolidated Balance Sheets, which is then depreciated over the shorter of the remaining useful life or lease term. Additionally, a financial liability is recognized and referred to as a financing obligation and is accounted for similarly to debt or finance leases. The Company recognizes interest expense related to a financing obligation under the effective interest method. Variable payments are recorded as interest expense as incurred. Principal payments associated with financing obligations are presented as financing cash outflows and interest payments associated with financing obligations are presented as operating cash outflows within our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. The current portion of the liability is equal to the amount by which the total liability will be reduced over the next 12 periods. Tenant Improvement Incentives — The Company has leasehold improvement allowances of $14,254 as of July 3, 2022 from landlords recorded as liabilities in other current liabilities and other long-term liabilities and amortized as a reduction of rent expense over the life of the lease prior to the adoption of the new lease accounting standard. Effective as of the adoption date of the new lease accounting standard, the remaining balance of this liability was reclassified into the ROU asset. Internal Use Software: We capitalize qualifying software costs incurred during the “application development stage” when the preliminary project stage has been completed, management has authorized the project, and it is probable that the project will be completed. The estimated useful life of internal-use software is between three Costs related to the development or purchase of internal-use software are capitalized and depreciated over the estimated useful life of the software. Costs that are capitalized include external direct costs of materials and services to develop or obtain the software, interest, and internal costs, including compensation and employee benefits for employees directly associated with a software development project. As of July 2, 2023 and July 3, 2022, the Company has recognized internal use software, net of amortization, of $17,914 and $11,423, respectively. The following table shows amortization related to internal use software for each reporting period: Fiscal Year Ended July 2, 2023 July 3, 2022 June 27, 2021 Amortization expense $ 3,019 $ 3,298 $ 2,400 Goodwill and Intangible Assets: Goodwill is recognized for the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed of businesses acquired. Indefinite-lived intangible assets include liquor licenses and the Bowlero and Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) trade names. The cost of purchasing liquor licenses in quota controlled states are capitalized as indefinite lived intangible assets. Because the number of liquor licenses in a quota controlled state are based on the population count, the values ascribed to these liquor licenses are primarily dependent on the supply and demand in the particular jurisdictions in which they are issued. Liquor licenses are an intangible asset which are not assigned a useful life and not amortized. Bowlero is the corporate name of the Company and the brand name associated with many of the Company’s bowling centers. Professional Bowlers Association is the brand name of the entity owned by the Company associated with the main sanctioning body for ten-pin bowling. The fair value of the trade names stems from the customer appeal and revenue streams derived from these brands. Finite-lived intangible assets primarily include AMF and other acquired trade names, customer relationships and management contracts, which have remaining useful lives ranging from 1 to 8 years. Finite-lived intangible assets are amortized based on the pattern in which the economic benefits are used or on a straight-line basis. Impairment of Goodwill, Intangible and Long-Lived Assets: Goodwill is tested at least annually for impairment at the reporting unit level. The Company has determined it has one reporting unit, operating a bowling entertainment business. We perform our annual impairment testing on the first day of our fiscal fourth quarter of each year. When evaluating goodwill and tradenames for impairment, the Company first performs a qualitative assessment to determine whether it is more likely than not that its reporting unit or tradenames are impaired. For fiscal 2023, the Company performed a qualitative assessment of goodwill and concluded it was not more likely than not that the fair value of the reporting unit was less than its carrying value. There were no impairment charges for goodwill or indefinite-lived intangible assets, excluding liquor licenses, recorded in fiscal years 2023, 2022 and 2021. For long-lived assets (such as property and equipment, ROU assets and other definite-lived intangibles), an impairment is indicated whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset or asset group’s carrying value may not be recoverable. An asset group may not be recoverable if the total estimated undiscounted cash flows associated with the use and eventual disposition of the asset group is less than its carrying value. If the asset group isn’t recoverable and the fair value is less than its carrying value, then an impairment exists and an adjustment is made to write down the asset to its fair value. We estimated the fair value of these assets utilizing either an income approach that projects the total cash flows from use and eventual disposition of the asset group discounted using a risk adjusted discount rate, or a market based approach using orderly liquidation values or broker quotes for sale of similar properties. The following table shows recognized impairment charges related to long-lived assets and liquor license for each reporting period: Fiscal Year Ended July 2, 2023 July 3, 2022 June 27, 2021 Impairment charges $ 1,601 $ 1,548 $ 386 Derivatives: We are exposed to interest rate risk. To manage this risk, we entered into interest rate collar derivative transactions associated with a portion of our outstanding debt. The interest rate collars, which are designated for accounting purposes as cash flow hedges, establish a cap and floor on the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR). The Company's interest rate collars expire on March 31, 2026. For financial derivative instruments that are designated as a cash flow hedge for accounting purposes, the effective portion of the gain or loss on the financial derivative instrument is reported as a component of other comprehensive income and reclassified into earnings in the same line item associated with the forecasted transaction, and in the same period or periods during which the forecasted transaction affects earnings. Gains and losses on the financial derivative representing either hedge ineffectiveness or hedge components excluded from the assessment of effectiveness are recognized in current earnings. The interest rate collar agreements effectively modified our exposure to interest rate risk by converting a portion of our interest payments on floating rate debt to include a cap and floor, thus reducing the impact of interest rate changes on future interest expense. See Note 9 - Debt for more information. Self-Insurance Programs: The Company is self-insured for a portion of its property, general liability, workers’ compensation and certain health care exposures. We also purchase stop-loss insurance coverage through third-party insurers. The undiscounted costs of these self-insurance programs are accrued based upon estimates of settlements and costs for known and anticipated claims. For claims that exceed the deductible amount, the Company records a receivable representing expected recoveries pursuant to the stop-loss coverage and a corresponding gross liability for its legal obligation to the claimant, since the Company is not legally relieved of our obligation to the claimant. The Company recorded gross estimated liabilities of $18,050 and $15,797 at July 2, 2023 and July 3, 2022, respectively, to cover known general liability, health and workers’ compensation claims, and the estimate of claims incurred but not reported. Corresponding stop-loss receivables for expected recoveries of self-insured claims in the amounts of $4,374 and $4,414 were recorded at July 2, 2023 and July 3, 2022, respectively. The short-term portion of the self-insurance liabilities is included in accrued expenses in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. The long-term portion is included in other long-term liabilities in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. The stop-loss receivable is included in other assets. Income Taxes: The Company utilizes the asset and liability approach in accounting for income taxes. We recognize income taxes in each of the jurisdictions in which we have a presence. For each jurisdiction, we estimate the amount of income taxes currently payable or receivable, as well as deferred income tax assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recorded to recognize the expected future tax benefits or costs of events that have been, or will be, reported in different years for financial statement purposes than tax purposes. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined based on the difference between the financial statement and tax bases of assets and liabilities using enacted tax rates in effect for the year in which these items are expected to reverse. We review our deferred tax assets to determine if it is more-likely-than-not that they will be realized. If we determine it is not more-likely-than-not that a deferred tax asset will be realized, we record a valuation allowance to reverse the previously recognized tax benefit. The Company recognizes tax benefits related to uncertain tax positions if we believe it is more likely than not the benefit will be realized. Recognized income tax positions are measured at the largest amount that is greater than 50% likely of being realized. Changes in recognition or measurement are reflected in the period in which a change in judgment occurs. The U.S. federal, and in general, state and local returns are open to examination for the fiscal year ended June 28, 2020 and thereafter. The net operating loss carryforwards starting from the tax year ended December 31, 2004 and certain tax years thereafter are also open to examination. Canada and Mexico income tax returns are open to examination for the tax year ending June 30, 2019 and for the local tax year ended December 31, 2018, respectively. Excise Tax: On August 16, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (the “IRA”) was signed into Federal law. The IRA provides for, among other things, a new U.S. Federal 1% nondeductible excise tax on certain repurchases of stock by publicly-traded U.S. domestic corporations occurring after December 31, 2022. The excise tax is imposed on the repurchasing corporation itself, not its shareholders from which shares are repurchased. The amount of the excise tax is generally 1% of the fair market value of the shares repurchased. For purposes of calculating the excise tax, repurchasing corporations are permitted to net the fair market value of certain stock issuances against the fair market value of stock repurchases during the same taxable year, with certain exceptions. For the fiscal year ended July 2, 2023, we recognized $1,578 in excise tax related to the IRA, which was included in treasury stock due to repurchases and additional paid in capital (“APIC”) for the settlement of preferred stock for cash. Revenue Recognition: The following table presents the Company’s revenue disaggregated by major revenue categories: Fiscal Year Ended July 2, % of revenues July 3, % of revenues June 27, % of revenues Major revenue categories: Bowling $ 518,428 49 % $ 452,349 50 % $ 203,730 52 % Food and beverage 372,607 35 % 321,441 35 % 128,393 32 % Amusement and other 144,208 14 % 118,940 13 % 48,414 12 % Media 23,547 2 % 18,975 2 % 14,697 4 % Total revenues $ 1,058,790 100 % $ 911,705 100 % $ 395,234 100 % Bowling revenue — The Company recognizes revenue for providing bowling services to customers in exchange for consideration that is recognized as revenue on the day that the services are performed. Any prepayments for bowling revenue are recognized as deferred revenue and recognized when earned. Food and beverage revenue — Sales of food and beverages at our bowling centers are recognized at a point-in-time. Amusement and other revenue — Amusement and other revenue includes amounts earned through arcades and other games, as well as other revenue generating sources that contribute to the entertainment experience through events and other activities. Similar to bowling and food and beverage revenue, almost all of our revenue is earned at a point-in-time. Media revenue — The Company earns media revenue from sanctioning official PBA tournaments and licensing media content to our customers, which include television networks and multi-year contracts. The Company considers each tournament as a separate performance obligation because each tournament’s pricing is negotiated separately and represents its stand-alone selling price based on the terms of the contract and the relative nature of the services provided. Media revenue is generated through producing and licensing distribution rights to customers, which is recognized at the point-in-time the Company produces and delivers programming for a respective tournament. Tournament revenue includes sponsorships, entry and host fees. Fees received for sponsorships and tournaments are recognized as deferred revenue until the respective tournament occurs, at which point, the Company recognizes those fees as revenue. Other revenue recognition policies: The Company sells gift and game cards that do not expire. Gift and game card revenue is recognized as gift and game cards or game-play tokens are redeemed by customers. The Company accrues unearned revenue as a liability for the unredeemed tickets that may be redeemed or used in the future. Gift and game card sales are recorded as an unearned gift and game card revenue liability when sold. Unearned gift and game card revenue or deferred revenue is reported in accrued expenses in the consolidated balance sheets and is disclosed in Note 8 - Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses . From time to time, the Company offers discount vouchers through outside vendors. Revenue for these vouchers is recognized as revenue when the voucher is redeemed by the guest or as breakage on a pro-rated basis based on historical redemption patterns. Revenue is recognized for the gross amount paid by customers for purchased vouchers. The fee paid to the outside vendors, in the form of the discount, is recognized in cost of revenues. We recognize this revenue on a gross basis, as we are responsible for providing the service desired by the customer. Costs of Revenues: The Company’s costs of revenues all relate to center operations and are comprised primarily of fixed costs that are not variable or less variable with changes in revenues, and include depreciation, amortization, property taxes, supplies, insurance, fixed rent, and utilities. Variable costs included within costs of revenues primarily comprise labor, food and beverage costs, supplies, prize funds, variable rent, tournament production expenses and amusement costs. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (“SG&A”): SG&A expenses are comprised primarily of employee costs, media and promotional expenses, and depreciation and amortization (excluding those related to our center operations), and other miscellaneous expenses. A portion of SG&A costs are not variable in nature and do not fluctuate significantly with changes in revenue, and include such expenses as depreciation, amortization and certain compensation. Other Operating Expenses: Other operating expenses comprise various costs primarily driven by professional fees and transactional relat |