How do you get those really independent contractors and tow truck drivers? How do you ensure that they do a good job?
It’s a good question. We work with about 12,000, 13,000 companies or so. Multiple people drive the vehicle, so there’s not one driver per vehicle. It rounds up to about 80,000 drivers across North America.
When we got our first OEM partner, we called him up and said, “Hey, we are selling such OEM partner. We’re going to give you jobs in New York and we’re going to pay you $100 a job.” They go, “No, you’re going to pay us $300 a job.” We’re like, “We’re going to pay you $300 a job.”
Then as we achieve scale, we started to rationalize the economics of the business. We run everyone through a set of qualifications. They have to come through minimum insurance, the background check, and a whole bunch of other things that they have to do, and years of operating history in order to get in the platform.
It’s a strange kind of business, where now that we have the demand, the supply comes along naturally with it. As an example, with the partners that we had, if we were to launch in, say, Germany, we would probably be number three or four in that market if all our partners came with us because of the latent demand we have in the market.
It’s one of these things, like when I was at InterActive Corp, we bought this business called HomeAdvisor. It’s like, if you have jobs coming in, you can get contractors to fulfill the business. This is the same thing. There’s jobs coming in and people need to stay busy. They need to have the trucks rolling or they don’t make any money, so they’re happy to take these jobs from us and then from others.
My understanding was that Otonomo did a lot more than the preventative maintenance alerts, that they were trying to sell information back to the automakers. I think I was on a due diligence call at one time where you talked about, like, “We find these people are not using the CD player, so you don’t need to include the CD player,” or whatever. Is that part of the business going to continue or is it just focused on the roadside assistance and whatnot?
We did some program, some projects with the summary and it’s really helping them to understand how the customers are using the cars internally and externally. For example, whether customers like to drive or to shop, etc.