| FF301 Page 5 of 9 v 1.0.2 (E). Other Movements in Issued Share 1. Class of shares issuable (Note 5 and 6) WVR ordinary shares Type of shares A Shares issuable to be listed on SEHK (Note 1, 5 and 6) Yes Stock code of shares issuable (if listed on SEHK) (Note 1, 5 and 6) 02076 Type of Issue At price (if applicable) Currency Amount Issue and allotment date (Note 5 and 6) General Meeting approval date (if applicable) No. of new shares of issuer issued during the month pursuant thereto (E) No. of new shares of issuer which may be issued pursuant thereto as at close of the month 1). Repurchase of shares 05 July 2023 14 December 2022 -1,442,852 2). Other (Please specify) Conversion of Class B ordinary shares to Class A ordinary shares 05 July 2023 1,200,000 2. Class of shares issuable (Note 5 and 6) WVR ordinary shares Type of shares B Shares issuable to be listed on SEHK (Note 1, 5 and 6) No Stock code of shares issuable (if listed on SEHK) (Note 1, 5 and 6) 02076 Type of Issue At price (if applicable) Currency Amount Issue and allotment date (Note 5 and 6) General Meeting approval date (if applicable) No. of new shares of issuer issued during the month pursuant thereto (E) No. of new shares of issuer which may be issued pursuant thereto as at close of the month 1). Other (Please specify) Conversion of Class B ordinary shares to Class A ordinary shares 05 July 2023 -1,200,000 Total E (WVR ordinary shares A): -242,852 Total E (WVR ordinary shares B): -1,200,000 Remarks: 1) The 1,442,852 Class A ordinary shares that are represented by a total of 721,426 ADSs repurchased on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on May 26, 30 and 31, 2023 were cancelled on July 5, 2023. 2) Class A: 2) & Class B: 1) Subsequent to the cancellation of the repurchased of 1,442,852 Class A ordinary shares on July 5, 2023, 1,200,000 Class B ordinary shares were converted to Class A ordinary shares on a one-to-one ratio pursuant to Rule 8A.21 of the Listing Rules. Total increase / decrease (-) in WVR ordinary shares A during the month (i.e. Total of A to E) -122,772 |