Agreement Number HR00112230007
Know-How: All information including, but not limited to discoveries, formulas, materials, inventions, processes, ideas, approaches, concepts, techniques, methods, software, programs, documentation, procedures, firmware, hardware, technical data, specifications, devices, apparatus and machines.
Made: Any invention means the conception or first actual reduction to practice of such invention.
Party: Includes the Government (represented by DARPA), or the Performer, or both.
Performer: Zapata Computing, Inc. (Zapata)
Practical application: To manufacture, in the case of a composition of product; to practice, in the case of a process or method, or to operate, in the case of a machine or system; and, in each case, under such conditions as to establish that the invention is capable of being utilized and that its benefits are, to the extent permitted by law or Government regulations, available to the public on reasonable terms.
Program: Research and development being conducted by the Performer, as set forth in Article I., paragraph C.
Property: Any tangible personal property other than property actually consumed during the execution of work under this agreement.
Subject Invention: Any invention conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the performance of work under this Agreement.
Technology: Discoveries, innovations, Know-How and inventions, whether patentable or not, including computer software, recognized under U.S. law as intellectual creations to which rights of ownership accrue, including, but not limited to, patents, trade secrets, and copyrights developed under this Agreement.
Unlimited Rights: Rights to use, duplicate, release, or disclose, Data in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purposes whatsoever, and to have or permit others to do so.
1. Zapata Computing, Inc. (hereafter “the Performer”) shall perform a coordinated research and development program (“Program”) designed to develop BENCH-Q: The Modular Platform for Fault-Tolerant Resource Estimation. The research shall be carried out in accordance with the Task Description Document (“TDD”) incorporated in this Agreement as Attachment 1. The Performer shall submit or otherwise provide all documentation required by Attachment 2, Report Requirements.
2. The Performer shall be paid a fixed amount for each milestone accomplished in accordance with the Schedule of Milestones and Payments set forth in Attachment 3 and the procedures of Article V. The Schedule of Milestones and Payments may be revised or updated in accordance with Article III. The Performer shall provide cost share as set forth in Attachments 3.
3. The Government funding is estimated to represent approximately 94% of the overall amount necessary to accomplish the TDD. The Performer shall provide any remaining funding necessary to accomplish the TDD.
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