| 股权质押协议 Equity Interest Pledge Agreement 本股权质押(下称“本协议”)由以下各方于 2020 年 9 月 30 日在中华人民 共和国(下称“中国”)深圳市签订: This Exclusive Interest Pledge Agreement (this “Agreement”) is executed by and among the following Parties as of September 30, 2020, in Shenzhen, the People’s Republic of China (“China” or the “PRC”): 甲方: 易佳特(深圳)电子科技有限公司(下称“质权人”),一家依照中 国法律设立和存在的外商独资公司,注册地址为深圳市南山区蛇口街道 渔一社区后海大道 1021 号 BC 座 C405-Y2; Party A: Eigate (Shenzhen)Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the “Pledgee”), a wholly foreign-owned enterprise, organized and existing under the laws of the PRC, with its registered address at C405-Y2, BC, #1021 Houhai Avenue, Yuyi Community, Shekou Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; 乙方:刘团芳(中国公民,其身份证号码:362429197211134333); 刘宇理(与刘团芳合称“出质人”)(中国公民,其身份证号码: 362429198206154350) Party B: TuanfangLiu(aChinesecitizenwithIdentificationNo.: 362429197211134333) Yuli Liu (collectively with Tuanfang Liu, hereinafter the “Pledgors”) (a Chinese citizen with Identification No.: 362429198206154350) 丙方: 深圳易佳特科技有限公司,一家依照中国法律设立和存在的有限责任 公司,注册地址为中国广东省深圳市宝安区沙井街道建安路 14 号 B3 栋 1-4 层。 Party C: Shenzhen Yi Jia Technology Co., Ltd., a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the PRC, with its registered address at 1-4F, Building B3, No.14 Jian'an Road, Shajing Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China. 在本协议中,质权人、出质人和丙方以下各称“一方”,合称“各方”。 In this Agreement, each of the Pledgee, the Pledgors and Party C shall be hereinafter referred to as a “Party” individually, and as the “Parties” collectively. 鉴于: Whereas: 1.出质人是中国公民,在本协议签署日,持有丙方百分之一百的股权,代表丙 方注册资本人民币五十万元(RMB500,000)。丙方是一家在中国深圳市注册 成立的有限责任公司。丙方有意在此确认出质人和质权人在本协议下的权利 和义务并提供必要的协助登记该质权; The Pledgors are citizens of China who as of the date hereof holds 100% of the equity interests of Party C, representing RMB500,000 in the registered capital of |