| 335708 01TRPF Fold Fold AR1 Interim Financial Statements – Mark this box if you would like to receive Interim Financial Statements and accompanying Management’s Discussion and Analysis by mail. Annual Financial Statements – Mark this box if you would like to receive the Annual Financial Statements and accompanying Management’s Discussion and Analysis by mail. If you are not mailing back your proxy, you may register online to receive the above financial report(s) by mail at www.computershare.com/mailinglist. Signature of Proxyholder I/We authorize you to act in accordance with my/our instructions set out above. I/We hereby revoke any proxy previously given with respect to the Meeting. If no voting instructions are indicated above, and the proxy appoints the Management Nominees, this proxy will be voted as recommended by Management. MM / DD / YY Date Signature(s) I/We being holder(s) of securities of Telesat Corporation (the “Corporation”) hereby appoint: Daniel Goldberg, or failing this person, Christopher DiFrancesco (the “Management Nominees”) Appointment of Proxyholder Print the name of the person you are appointing if this person is someone other than the Management Nominees listed herein. OR as my/our proxyholder with full power of substitution and to attend, act and to vote for and on behalf of the holder in accordance with the following direction (or if no directions have been given, as the proxyholder sees fit) and on all other matters that may properly come before the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Corporation to be held online at https://meetnow.global/MDXQDQW on June 1, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time, and at any adjournment or postponement thereof. VOTING RECOMMENDATIONS ARE INDICATED BY HIGHLIGHTED TEXT OVER THE BOXES. Note: If completing the appointment box above YOU MUST go to http://www.computershare.com/telesat and provide Computershare with the name and email address of the person you are appointing. Computershare will use this information ONLY to provide the appointee with an invite code to gain entry to the online meeting. 1. Election of Directors 01. Mélanie Bernier For Withhold 05. Richard Fadden 02. Michael Boychuk For Withhold 06. Daniel S. Goldberg 03. Jason A. Caloras For Withhold 07. Henry (Hank) Intven 2. Appointment of Auditors Appointment of Deloitte LLP Chartered Professional Accountants as Auditors of the Corporation for the ensuing year and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration. For Withhold 09. Guthrie Stewart 10. Michael B. Targoff Information Circular – Mark this box if you would like to receive the Information Circular by mail for the next securityholders’ meeting. 04. Jane Craighead For Withhold 08. Dr. Mark H. Rachesky Residency Status Declaration of Canadian Status Pursuant to the Articles of Telesat Corporation and formation documents of Telesat Partnership LP, the Class A Common Shares of Telesat Corporation and the Class A Units of Telesat Partnership LP, as applicable, may only be beneficially owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by Canadians (as defined in the Investment Canada Act and as set forth below). The undersigned certifies that it has made reasonable inquiries as to the Canadian status of the registered holder and the beneficial owner of the shares represented by this proxy and has read the definitions set out below so as to make an accurate Declaration of Canadian status. The undersigned hereby certifies that the shares or units represented by this proxy are (check one box based on the definitions set out below): owned and controlled by a Canadian owned and controlled by a Non-Canadian Definitions: For purposes of this Proxy, the following definitions and interpretations shall apply: “Canadian” means, as defined in the Investment Canada Act, (a) a Canadian citizen; (b) a permanent resident within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) who has been ordinarily resident in Canada for not more than one year after the time at which he or she first became eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship; (c) a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial or local, or an agency thereof; or (d) an entity that is Canadian-controlled, as determined under subsection 26(1) or (2) of the Investment Canada Act and in respect of which there has been no determination made under any of subsections 26(2.1), (2.11) and (2.31) of the Investment Canada Act or declaration made under subsection 26(2.2) or (2.32) of the Investment Canada Act. “Canadian-controlled” means, for purposes of the definition of Canadian and as set forth in Section 26(1) or (2) of the Investment Canada Act, (1) subject to subsections 26(2.1) to (2.2), (2.31) and (2.32) of the Investment Canada Act, (a) where one Canadian or two or more members of a voting group who are Canadians own a majority of the voting interests of an entity, it is a Canadian-controlled entity; (b) where paragraph (a) does not apply and one non-Canadian or two or more members of a voting group who are non-Canadians own a majority of the voting interests of an entity, it is not a Canadian-controlled entity; (c) where paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply and a majority of the voting interests of an entity are owned by Canadians and it can be established that the entity is not controlled in fact through the ownership of its voting interests by one non-Canadian or by a voting group in which a member or members who are non-Canadians own one-half or more of those voting interests of the entity owned by the voting group, it is a Canadian- controlled entity; and (d) where paragraphs (a) to (c) do not apply and less than a majority of the voting interests of an entity are owned by Canadians, it is presumed not to be a Canadian-controlled entity unless the contrary can be established by showing that i the entity is controlled in fact through the ownership of its voting interests by one Canadian or by a voting group in which a member or members who are Canadians own a majority of those voting interests of the entity owned by the voting group, or ii. in the case of an entity that is a corporation or limited partnership, the entity is not controlled in fact through the ownership of its voting interests and two-thirds of the members of its board of directors or, in the case of a limited partnership, two-thirds of its general partners, are Canadians. (2) Subject to subsections 26(2.1) to (2.2), (2.31) and (2.32) of the Investment Canada Act, if it can be established that a trust is not controlled in fact through the ownership of its voting interests, subsection (1) does not apply, and the trust is a Canadian-controlled entity if two-thirds of its trustees are Canadians. (3) Where two persons own equally all of the voting shares of a corporation and at least one of them is non-Canadian, the corporation is not a Canadian controlled entity. “control” means control in any manner that results in control in fact, whether directly through the ownership of securities or indirectly through a trust, an agreement or arrangement, the ownership of any body corporate or otherwise. “entity” means a corporation, partnership, trust or joint venture. “Non-Canadian” means a person who is not a Canadian for purposes of the Investment Canada Act. “permanent resident” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), namely a person who has acquired permanent resident status and has not subsequently lost that status. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE THE RESIDENCY DECLARATION OR IF IT IS DETERMINED BY TELESAT CORPORATION, TELESAT PARTNERSHIP LP OR THEIR TRANSFER AGENT THAT YOU INCORRECTLY INDICATED (THROUGH INADVERTENCE OR OTHERWISE) THAT YOU ARE CANADIAN, YOU WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A PERSON THAT IS A NON-CANADIAN HOLDER TQSQ |