EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS | 32. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS The Company maintains defined benefit pension plans for Telesat Canada employees (“Canadian Pension Plans”). In October 2013, the Company ceased to allow new employees to join certain defined benefit plans, except under certain circumstances, and commenced a defined contribution pension plan for new employees. On completion of the Transaction, the Company also took over the defined benefit pension plans for certain former employees of Loral (“US Pension Plans”). Under the US Pension Plans, certain former Loral employees hired prior to July 1, 2006 contributed until November 18, 2021 in order to receive enhanced pension benefits. In addition to the pension plans, the Company provides certain health care and life insurance benefits for some of Telesat Canada’s retired employees and their dependents (“Canadian Other Post -employment -as-you-go The Company also provides medical coverage for certain of its retired employees and dependents including certain retired Loral employees (“US Other Post -employment -employment The Company’s funding policy is to make contributions to its defined benefit pension funds based on actuarial cost methods as permitted and required by pension regulatory bodies. Contributions reflect actuarial assumptions concerning future investment returns, salary projections and future service benefits. Plan assets are represented primarily by equity securities, fixed income instruments and short -term The defined benefit plans typically expose the Company to actuarial risks such as investment risk, interest rate risk, longevity risk and salary risk. Investment risk is managed by specifying allowable investment types, setting diversification strategies and determining target asset allocations. The investment objectives of the fund are to optimize the return on investments, taking into account the risks associated with the securities for the protection of the pension benefits of the members of the plan. As part of the risk management process, for Canadian Plans, the Investment Committee establishes a Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures which includes a diversification strategy and processes to manage foreign currency, credit and other risks. Given the long -term The funding policy, for the US Pension Plans, is to fund the qualified pension plan in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and regulations thereon. Plan assets are generally invested in equity, fixed income and other investments. The expected long -term A decrease in interest rate will increase the plan liability. However, it will be partially offset by an increase in the return on fixed income instruments. The present value of the plan liabilities is calculated by reference to the best estimates of the mortality and the future salaries of plan participants. Accordingly, an increase in life expectancy or salary will increase the plan liability. Assets -liability -term For Canadian Pension Plans, the pension expense for 2022 was determined based on membership data as at December 31, 2021. The accrued benefit obligation as at December 31, 2022 was determined based on the membership data as at December 31, 2021, and extrapolated one year based on December 31, 2022 assumptions. For US Pension Plans, the pension expense for 2022 was determined based on membership data as at December 31, 2021. The accrued benefit obligation as at December 31, 2022 was determined based on the membership data as at December 31, 2021, and extrapolated one year based on December 31, 2022 assumptions. For Canadian Post -employment -employment -employment The most recent valuation of the pension plans for funding purposes was as of December 31, 2021. Valuations will be performed for the pension plans as of December 31, 2022. The expenses included on the consolidated statements of income and the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss) were as follows: For the year ended December 31, 2022 Pension Plans Other Post-employment Canadian US Total Canadian US Total Consolidated statements of income (loss) Operating expenses $ 6,337 $ 540 $ 6,877 $ 710 $ — $ 710 Interest expense (income) $ (799 ) $ 533 $ (266 ) $ 731 $ 123 $ 854 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss) Actuarial (gains) losses on employee benefit plans $ (19,560 ) $ (7,348 ) $ (26,908 ) $ (5,346 ) $ (1,028 ) $ (6,374 ) For the year ended December 31, 2021 Pension Plans Other Post-employment Canadian US Total Canadian US Total Consolidated statements of income (loss) Operating expenses $ 7,893 $ 74 $ 7,967 $ 166 $ — $ 166 Interest expense $ 743 $ 53 $ 796 $ 552 $ 92 $ 644 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss) Actuarial (gains) losses on employee benefit plans $ (55,582 ) $ (798 ) $ (56,380 ) $ 987 $ (29 ) $ 958 For the year ended December 31, 2020 Canadian Pension Plans Other Post-employment Canadian US Total Consolidated statements of income (loss) Operating expenses $ 7,188 $ 145 $ — $ 145 Interest expense $ 423 $ 618 $ 128 $ 746 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss) Actuarial losses on employee benefit plans $ 11,390 $ 1,686 $ 617 $ 2,303 The Company made contributions of $2.6 million for various defined contribution arrangements during 2022 (December 31, 2021 — $2.4 million). The balance sheet obligations, distributed between pension and other post -employment As at December 31, 2022 2021 Included in other long-term liabilities Pension benefits $ 11,117 $ 17,927 Other post-employment benefits 21,745 27,294 Accrued benefit liabilities (Note 23) $ 32,862 $ 45,221 Included in other long-term assets Pension benefits (Note 15) $ 47,312 $ 30,105 The amounts recognized in the balance sheets and the funded statuses of the benefit plans were as follows: Pension Plans Other Post-employment As at December 31, 2022 Canadian US Total Canadian US Total Present value of funded obligations $ 275,581 $ 58,835 $ 334,416 $ — $ — $ — Fair value of plan assets (324,069 ) (47,718 ) (371,787 ) — — — (48,488 ) 11,117 (37,371 ) — — — Present value of unfunded obligations 1,176 — 1,176 17,888 3,857 21,745 (Pension benefits) accrued benefit liabilities $ (47,312 ) $ 11,117 $ (36,195 ) $ 17,888 $ 3,857 $ 21,745 Pension Plans Other Post-employment As at December 31, 2021 Canadian US Total Canadian US Total Present value of funded obligations $ 348,526 $ 72,906 $ 421,432 $ — $ — $ — Fair value of plan assets (379,740 ) (54,979 ) (434,719 ) — — — (31,214 ) 17,927 (13,287 ) — — — Present value of unfunded obligations 1,109 — 1,109 22,429 4,865 27,294 (Pension benefits) accrued benefit liabilities $ (30,105 ) $ 17,927 $ (12,178 ) $ 22,429 $ 4,865 $ 27,294 The changes in the benefit obligations and in the fair value of plan assets were as follows: Pension Plans Other Post-employment As at December 31, 2022 Canadian US Total Canadian US Total Change in benefits obligations Benefit obligation, January 1, 2022 $ 349,635 $ 72,906 $ 422,541 $ 22,429 $ 4,865 $ 27,294 Current service cost 5,902 540 6,442 710 — 710 Interest expense 11,238 2,108 13,346 731 123 854 Remeasurements Actuarial gains arising from plan experience 9,258 (123 ) 9,135 — (111 ) (111 ) Actuarial gains from change in demographic assumptions — — — — — — Actuarial gains from changes in financial assumptions (86,378 ) (18,751 ) (105,129 ) (5,346 ) (917 ) (6,263 ) Benefits paid (14,073 ) (3,116 ) (17,189 ) (636 ) (437 ) (1,073 ) Contributions by plan participants 935 — 935 — — — Foreign exchange & other 240 5,271 5,511 — 334 334 Benefit obligation, December 31, 2022 276,757 58,835 335,592 17,888 3,857 21,745 Change in fair value of plan assets Fair value of plan assets, January 1, 2022 (379,740 ) (54,979 ) (434,719 ) — — — Contributions by plan participants (935 ) — (935 ) — — — Contributions by employer (3,348 ) (1,807 ) (5,155 ) (636 ) (437 ) (1,073 ) Interest income (12,037 ) (1,575 ) (13,612 ) — — — Benefits paid 14,073 3,116 17,189 636 437 1,073 Remeasurements Return on plan assets, excluding interest income 57,560 11,526 69,086 — — — Administrative costs 435 — 435 — — — Foreign exchange & other (77 ) (3,999 ) (4,076 ) — — — Fair value of plan assets, December 31, 2022 (324,069 ) (47,718 ) (371,787 ) — — — (Pension benefits) accrued benefit liabilities, December 31, 2022 $ (47,312 ) $ 11,117 $ (36,195 ) $ 17,888 $ 3,857 $ 21,745 Pension Plans Other Post-employment As at December 31, 2021 Canadian US Total Canadian US Total Change in benefits obligations Benefit obligation, January 1, 2021 $ 376,455 $ — $ 376,455 $ 21,403 $ 4,511 $ 25,914 Initial balance from transaction — 74,113 74,113 — 646 646 Current service cost 7,462 74 7,536 166 — 166 Interest expense 9,872 235 10,107 552 92 644 Remeasurements Actuarial gains arising from plan experience (556 ) (70 ) (626 ) 4,895 246 5,141 Actuarial gains from change in demographic assumptions — — — — (1 ) (1 ) Actuarial gains from changes in financial assumptions (33,099 ) (942 ) (34,041 ) (3,908 ) (274 ) (4,182 ) Benefits paid (11,067 ) (488 ) (11,555 ) (590 ) (388 ) (978 ) Contributions by plan participants 1,001 1 1,002 — — — Foreign exchange & other (433 ) (17 ) (450 ) (89 ) 33 (56 ) Benefit obligation, December 31, 2021 349,635 72,906 422,541 22,429 4,865 27,294 Change in fair value of plan assets Fair value of plan assets, January 1, 2021 (354,385 ) — (354,385 ) — — — Initial balance from Transaction — (55,511 ) (55,511 ) — — — Contributions by plan participants (1,001 ) (1 ) (1,002 ) — — — Contributions by employer (4,796 ) — (4,796 ) (590 ) (388 ) (978 ) Interest income (9,129 ) (182 ) (9,311 ) — — — Benefits paid 11,067 488 11,555 590 388 978 Remeasurements Return on plan assets, excluding interest income (21,927 ) 214 (21,713 ) — — — Administrative costs 431 — 431 — — — Foreign exchange & other — 13 13 — — — Fair value of plan assets, December 31, 2021 (379,740 ) (54,979 ) (434,719 ) — — — (Pension benefits) accrued benefit liabilities, December 31, 2021 $ (30,105 ) $ 17,927 $ (12,178 ) $ 22,429 $ 4,865 $ 27,294 For the Canadian Pension Plans, the weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation and weighted average duration of the current service cost as at December 31, 2022 are 13 years and 19 years, respectively. For the Canadian Other Post -employment The estimated future benefit payments for the defined benefit pension plans and other post -employment Pension Other Post-employment Benefit Plans 2023 $ 16,608 $ 1,112 2024 $ 17,675 $ 1,125 2025 $ 18,501 $ 1,291 2026 $ 19,554 $ 1,319 2027 $ 20,408 $ 1,410 2028 to 2032 $ 110,450 $ 7,334 Benefit payments include obligations to 2032 only as obligations beyond this date are not quantifiable. The fair value of the plan assets were allocated as follows between the various types of investments: Canadian Pension Plans As at December 31, 2022 2021 Equity securities Canada 22.5 % 22.8 % United States 13.7 % 19.3 % International (other than United States) 15.5 % 13.5 % Emerging markets 5.0 % — Fixed income instruments Canada 40.6 % 42.3 % Cash and cash equivalents 2.7 % 2.1 % US Pension Plans As at December 31, 2022 2021 Equity securities United States 24.2 % 33.4 % International 20.6 % 22.8 % Fixed income instruments United States 32.2 % 29.9 % Canada 0.5 % 0.4 % International 7.1 % 4.8 % Other investments United States 10.5 % 4.4 % International 4.9 % 4.3 % Plan assets are valued at the measurement date of December 31 each year. The following are the significant assumptions adopted in measuring the Company’s pension and other benefit obligations: Pension plans Canadian US As at December 31, 2022 2021 2022 2021 Actuarial benefit obligation Discount rate 3.20 % 3.20 % 5.30 % 2.85 % Benefit costs for the year ended Discount rate 3.40 % 2.80 % 2.85 % 2.75 % Future salary growth 2.50 % 2.50 % N/A N/A Other Post-employment Benefit Plans Canadian US As at December 31, 2022 2021 2022 2021 Benefit costs for the year ended Discount rate 3.40% 3.20% 2.50% to 2.85% 2.00% to 2.75% Health care cost trend rate 4.04% to 6.04% 3.49% to 5.49% N/A N/A Other medical trend rates 4.00% to 5.11% 4.00% to 4.56% N/A N/A For certain Canadian Post -retirement Sensitivity of assumptions The calculation of the defined benefit obligation is sensitive to the assumptions set out above. The following table summarizes how the impact on the defined benefit obligation as at December 31, 2022 and 2021 would have increased or decreased as a result of the change in the respective assumptions by one percent. Pension plans Canadian US As at December 31, 2022 1% increase 1% decrease 1% increase 1% decrease Discount rate $ (30,894 ) $ 38,220 $ (5,577 ) $ 6,641 Future salary growth $ 4,875 $ (4,024 ) N/A N/A Canadian US As at December 31, 2021 1% increase 1% decrease 1% increase 1% decrease Discount rate $ (45,732 ) $ 58,488 $ (8,418 ) $ 10,317 Future salary growth $ 8,606 $ (6,839 ) N/A N/A Other Post-employment Benefit Plans Canadian US As at December 31, 2022 1% increase 1% decrease 1% increase 1% decrease Discount rate $ (2,008 ) $ 2,477 $ (261 ) $ 296 Medical and dental trend rates $ 1,654 $ (1,392 ) N/A N/A Canadian US As at December 31, 2021 1% increase 1% decrease 1% increase 1% decrease Discount rate $ (2,961 ) $ 3,734 $ (408 ) $ 474 Medical and dental trend rates $ 2,216 $ (1,826 ) N/A N/A The above sensitivities are hypothetical and should be used with caution. Changes in amounts based on a one percent variation in assumptions generally cannot be extrapolated because the relationship of the change in assumption to the change in amounts may not be linear. The sensitivities have been calculated independently of changes in other key variables. Changes in one factor may result in changes in another, which could amplify or reduce certain sensitivities. The Company expects to make contributions of $3.6 |