2.4.5 You are prohibited from any act to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the SDK Interface, or change the content, functions, logic, interface or any other aspect of the SDK Interface, or use the SDK Interface or services for purposes other than those stipulated in this Agreement.
2.4.6 You must not engage in or facilitate (including but not limited to facilitating such acts of Users) any and all acts that violate laws or regulations, including but not limited to:
(1) Acts that are against the basic principles under the Constitution;
(2) Acts that endanger national security, leak any national secret, subvert state power or undermine national unity;
(3) Acts that harm national honors and interests;
(4) Acts that stir up ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination and undermine harmony among the ethnic groups;
(5) Acts that harm the national policies on religions and propagate cults and superstition;
(6) Acts of spreading rumors, disrupting social order and destabilizing society;
(7) Acts of disseminating obscenity, pornography or any content concerning gambling, violence, homicide or terror, or instigating crimes;
(8) Acts of insulting or slandering other person, or infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of other person;
(9) Acts that infringe on other’s intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legitimate rights;
(10) Acts of maliciously fabricating stories or concealing facts to mislead or deceive other person;
(11) Acts of publishing, transmitting, and disseminating improper advertising information and spam; and
(12) Other acts prohibited by laws or regulations.
2.4.7 You must not engage in or facilitate (including but not limited to facilitating such acts of Users), any and all acts including but not limited to:
(1) Deleting, concealing or altering any patent, copyright, trademark or other ownership statement displayed or contained in the Service;
(2) Disrupting or attempting to disrupt in any way the normal operation of any product, any part or any function of Tencent, or making, releasing or spreading the above-mentioned tools and methods;
(3) Using any trademark or logo of Tencent or any variation, abbreviation or adaptation thereof without the written permission of Tencent, except as necessary to display the Promotional Content;