6. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | 6. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS In terms of related party transactions, Streamline and Glidelogic Corp. share the same ultimate controlling persons – Mr. Dapeng Ma and Mr. Yitian Xue. While they hold majority interest in Streamline, together they own 100% of Star Success Business, LLC, which owns 75% of Glidelogic’s interest. Thus, the related party transactions are as follows: 1) a. b. c. d. Thus, for the nine months ended October 31, 2024, the SLI Note Payable balance increased to $12,671 for a short term. For the nine months ended October 31, 2024, the SLI Note Payable was partially paid on 03/21/2024 with the remaining portion of the nonmonetary exchange invoice amount of $1,416 depicted in the Accounts Receivable section. Furthermore, during this fiscal quarter 2 loan payback payments were made. The first loan payback payment was for $10,589 on October 29, 2024. The second loan payback payment was for $666 on October 31, 2024. These 2 loan payback payments settled the loan in its entirety. The following tables depict the breakdown of the payoff: Note Payable to SLI $12,671 Paid on 03/21/2024 by the remaining portion of the nonmonetary exchange invoice amount from A/R) (1,416) Sub-total of SLI Note Payable as of 04/30/2024 $11,255 Loan Payback Payment made on 10/29/2024 (10,589) Loan Payback Payment made on 10/31/2024 (666) Total SLI Note Payable as of 10/31/2024 $0.00 Date Details Amount Int. Accrue Starting 2024/03/21 Loan to GDLG $3,200.00 2025/02/01 2024/03/21 Loan to GDLG ($1,416.23) 2025/02/01 2024/04/08 Loan to GDLG $1,000.00 2025/02/01 2024/07/11 Loan to GDLG $2,755.00 2025/02/01 2024/07/11 Loan to GDLG $3,000.00 2025/02/01 2024/10/09 Loan to GDLG $666.25 2025/02/01 2024/10/28 Loan to GDLG $2,050.00 2025/02/01 2024/10/29 Loan to GDLG ($10,588.77) 2025/02/01 2024/10/31 Loan to GDLG ($666.25) 2025/02/01 Total Loan Amount as of 10/31/2024 $0.00 It should be noted that on April 30, 2024, the term of the loan was extended to April 30, 2025, through Amendment to the original Loan Agreement between Streamline and GDLG. Based on the amended agreement, regardless of when the loan is received by GDLG, the loan is interest free through January 31, 2025. After that, the simple interest rate of 3% per annum applies. Interest is based on a full year (365 days) consisting of twelve months. Interest will accrue starting February 1, 2025, until repayment of the loan. However, as of October 31, 2024, the balance of this loan is $0. 2) Date Details Amount Int. Accrue Starting 2024/04/30 Loan to GDLG $500.00 2025/02/01 2024/09/16 Loan to GDLG $1,000.00 2025/02/01 2024/10/01 Loan to GDLG $3,000.00 2025/02/01 2024/10/29 Loan to GDLG ($4,500.00) 2025/02/01 Total Loan Amount as of 10/31/2024 $0.00 It should be noted that on April 1, 2024, Glidelogic Corp entered into a Loan Agreement with Dapeng Ma. Based on the agreement, regardless of when the loan is received by GDLG, the loan is interest free through January 31, 2025. After that, the simple interest rate of 3% per annum applies. Interest is based on a full year (365 days) consisting of twelve months. Interest will accrue starting February 1, 2025, until repayment of the loan. However, as of October 31, 2024, the balance of this loan is $0. 3) Date Details Amount Int. Accrue Starting 2 0 4 /04 / 3 0 L oan t o G D G $165.00 2 0 / 0 /01 2 0 4 /05/01 L oan t o G D G $11,865.00 2 0 / 0 /01 2 0 4 /05/20 L oan t o G D G $602.00 2 0 / 0 /01 2 2 /05/20 L oan t o G D L G $500.00 2 25 / 2 /01 2 0 4 /06/12 L oan t o G D G $3,500.00 2 0 / 0 /01 2 0 2 4 /07/03 L oan t o G D L G $500.00 2 0 25 / 0 2 /01 Total L oan Amount a s o f 10 /31 /2024 $17,132.00 It should be noted that on April 1, 2024, Glidelogic Corp entered into a Loan Agreement with Yitian Xue. Based on the agreement, regardless of when the loan is received by GDLG, the loan is interest free through January 31, 2025. After that, the simple interest rate of 3% per annum applies. Interest is based on a full year (365 days) consisting of twelve months. Interest will accrue starting February 1, 2025, until repayment of the loan. As of October 31, 2024, the balance of the loan is still $17,132 as there has been no payments made. 4) Date Details Amount Int. Accrue Starting 2023/10/10 Loan to GDLG $3,000.00 2025/02/01 2023/10/16 Loan to GDLG $2,000.00 2025/02/01 Total Loan Amount as of 10/31/2024 $5,000.00 It should be noted that on April 30, 2024, the term of the loan was extended to April 30, 2025, through Amendment to the original Loan Agreement. Based on the amended agreement, regardless of when the loan is received by GDLG, the loan is interest free through January 31, 2025. After that, the simple interest rate of 3% per annum applies. Interest is based on a full year (365 days) consisting of twelve months. Interest will accrue starting February 1, 2025, until repayment of the loan. As of October 31, 2024, the balance is still $5,000 as there has been no payments made. |