FY19 Second Quarter
Genesco Inc. FY19 Q2 Earnings Summary Results and Guidance September 7, 2018
Safe Harbor Statement Thispresentationcontainsforward-lookingstatements,includingthoseregardingtheperformanceoutlookfortheCompanyanditsindividualbusinesses (including,withoutlimitation,sales,expenses,marginsandearnings)andallotherstatementsnotaddressingsolelyhistoricalfactsorpresentconditions. Actualresultscouldvarymateriallyfromtheexpectationsreflectedinthesestatements.Anumberoffactorscouldcausedifferences.Theseinclude adjustmentstoestimatesandprojectionsreflectedinforward-lookingstatements,includingthelevelandtimingofpromotionalactivitynecessarytomaintain inventoriesatappropriatelevels;theCompany'sabilitytocompletethesaleoftheLidsSportsGroupbusinessonacceptabletermsandthetimingofanysale transaction;theimpositionoftariffsonimportedproductsorthedisallowanceoftaxdeductionsonimportedproducts;disruptionsinproductsupplyor distribution;unfavorabletrendsinfuelcosts,foreignexchangerates,foreignlaborandmaterialcosts,andotherfactorsaffectingthecostofproducts;the effectsoftheBritishdecisiontoexittheEuropeanUnion,includingpotentialeffectsonconsumerdemand,currencyexchangerates,andthesupplychain;the effectivenessoftheCompany'somnichannelinitiatives;costsassociatedwithchangesinminimumwageandovertimerequirements;costsassociatedwith wagepressureassociatedwithafullemploymentenvironmentintheU.S.andtheU.K.;weaknessintheconsumereconomyandretailindustry;competitionin theCompany'smarkets,includingonlineandincludingcompetitionfromsomeoftheCompany’svendorsinboththelicensedsportsandbrandedfootwear markets;fashiontrendsthataffectthesalesorproductmarginsoftheCompany'sretailproductofferings;weaknessinshoppingmalltrafficandchallengesto theviabilityofmallswheretheCompanyoperatesstores,relatedtoplannedclosingsofdepartmentstoresorotherfactors;risksrelatedtothepotentialfor terroristevents,especiallyinmallsandshoppingdistricts;theeffectsoftheimplementationoffederaltaxreformontheestimatedtaxratereflectedincertain forward-lookingstatements;changesinbuyingpatternsbysignificantwholesalecustomers;bankruptciesordeteriorationinfinancialconditionofsignificant wholesalecustomersortheinabilityofwholesalecustomersorconsumerstoobtaincredit;theCompany'sabilitytocontinuetocompleteandintegrate acquisitions,expanditsbusinessanddiversifyitsproductbase;changesinthetimingofholidaysorintheonsetofseasonalweatheraffectingperiod-to-period salescomparisons;andtheperformanceofathleticteams,theparticipantsinmajorsportingeventssuchastheNBAfinals,SuperBowlandWorldSeries, developmentswithrespecttocertainindividualathletes,andothersports-relatedeventsorchangesthatmayaffectperiod-to-periodcomparisonsinthe Company'sLidsSportsGroupretailbusinesses.AdditionalfactorsthatcouldaffecttheCompany'sprospectsandcausedifferencesfromexpectationsinclude theabilitytobuild,open,staffandsupportadditionalretailstoresandtorenewleasesforexistingstoresandcontroloccupancycosts,andtoconductrequired remodelingorrefurbishmentonscheduleandatexpectedexpenselevels;deteriorationintheperformanceofindividualbusinessesoroftheCompany's marketvaluerelativetoitsbookvalue,resultinginimpairmentsoffixedassetsorintangibleassetsorotheradversefinancialconsequencesandthetimingand amountofsuchimpairmentsorotherconsequences;unexpectedchangestothemarketfortheCompany'sshares;variationsfromexpectedpension-related chargescausedbyconditionsinthefinancialmarkets;costsandreputationalharmasaresultofdisruptionsintheCompany’sbusinessorinformation technologysystemseitherbysecuritybreachesandincidentsorbypotentialproblemsassociatedwiththeimplementationofneworupgradedsystems;the Company'sabilitytoexecuteitscost-reductioninitiativesandtoachieveacceptablelevelsofexpenseinachangingretailenvironment;andthecostand outcomeoflitigation,investigationsandenvironmentalmattersinvolvingtheCompany.Additionalfactorsarecitedinthe"RiskFactors,""LegalProceedings" and"Management'sDiscussionandAnalysisofFinancialConditionandResultsofOperations"sectionsof,andelsewherein,ourSECfilings,copiesofwhich maybeobtainedfromtheSECwebsite, www.sec.gov,orbycontactingtheinvestorrelationsdepartmentofGenescoviaourwebsite,www.genesco.com. ManyofthefactorsthatwilldeterminetheoutcomeofthesubjectmatterofthisreleasearebeyondGenesco'sabilitytocontrolorpredict.Genescoundertakes noobligationtoreleasepubliclytheresultsofanyrevisionstotheseforward-lookingstatementsthatmaybemadetoreflecteventsorcircumstancesafterthe datehereofortoreflecttheoccurrenceofunanticipatedevents.Forward-lookingstatementsreflecttheexpectationsoftheCompanyatthetimetheyare made.TheCompanydisclaimsanyobligationtoupdatesuchstatements.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures TheCompanyreportsconsolidatedfinancialresultsinaccordancewithgenerally acceptedaccountingprinciples(“GAAP”).However,tosupplementtheseconsolidated financialresultstheCompany’spresentationincludescertainnon-GAAPfinancial measuressuchasearningsandearningspershare.Thissupplementalinformation shouldnotbeconsideredinisolationasasubstituteforrelatedGAAPmeasures.The Companybelievesthatdisclosureofearningsandearningspersharefromcontinuing operationsadjustedfortheitemsnotreflectedinthepreviouslyannouncedexpectations willbemeaningfultoinvestors,especiallyinlightoftheimpactofsuchitemsonthe results.Reconciliationsofthenon-GAAPsupplementalinformationtothecomparable GAAPmeasurescanbefoundintheAppendix.
Key Earnings Highlights Q2 FY19 Three Months Ended Three Months Ended August 4, 2018 July 29, 2017 GCO Net Sales Change 6% (1)% Comparable Sales 3% 0% Gross Margin % 49.2% 49.7% Selling and Admin. Expenses % 48.8% 50.0% Operating Income (Loss) % (1) GAAP 0.2% (0.3)% Non-GAAP 0.4% (0.3)% Earnings (Loss) per Diluted Share (1) GAAP $0.01 $(0.20) Non-GAAP $0.04 $(0.10) (1) See GAAP to Non-GAAP adjustments in appendix. 5
Key Earnings Highlights FY19 YTD Six Months Ended Six Months Ended August 4, 2018 July 29, 2017 GCO Net Sales Change 3% (1)% Comparable Sales 1% 0% Gross Margin % 49.5% 49.6% Selling and Admin. Expenses % 49.4% 49.6% Operating Income (Loss) % (1) GAAP 0.0% 0.1% Non-GAAP 0.2% 0.1% Earnings (Loss) per Diluted Share (1) GAAP $(0.11) $(0.15) Non-GAAP $(0.02) $(0.05) (1) See GAAP to Non-GAAP adjustments in appendix. 6
Comparable Sales Q2 FY19 Three Months Ended Aug. 4, July 29, 2018 2017 Journeys Group 10% 1% Schuh Group (7)% 3% Lids Sports Group (5)% (2)% Johnston & Murphy Group 8% (1)% Total Comparable Sales 3% 0% Same Store Sales 2% (2)% Comparable Direct Sales 7% 30% 7
Sales by Segment Q2 FY19 and FY18 Net Sales $654.0 million Net Sales $617.0 million FY19 2% FY18 2% 10% Journeys Group 11% Journeys Group Schuh Group Schuh Group 42% 47% Lids Sports Group Lids Sports Group 26% 29% Johnston & Murphy Johnston & Murphy Group Group Licensed Brands Licensed Brands 15% 16% 8
Sales by Segment YTD FY19 and FY18 Net Sales $1.299 billion Net Sales $1.260 billion FY19 3% FY18 4% 11% Journeys Group 11% Journeys Group Schuh Group Schuh Group 43% 47% Lids Sports Group Lids Sports Group 25% 28% Johnston & Murphy Johnston & Murphy Group Group Licensed Brands Licensed Brands 14% 14% 9
Adjusted Operating Income by Segment Q2 FY19 (1) $ in millions Three Months Ended Aug. 4, 2018 Three Months Ended July 29, 2017 Oper Inc Adj Oper Oper Inc Adj Oper (Loss) Adjust Inc (Loss) (Loss) Adjust Inc (Loss) Journeys Group $ 7.7 $ - $ 7.7 $ (2.2) $ 0.3 $ (1.9) Schuh Group 1.1 - 1.1 4.5 - 4.5 Lids Sports Group 1.2 - 1.2 3.0 - 3.0 Johnston & Murphy Group 0.9 - 0.9 1.5 - 1.5 Licensed Brands (0.4) - (0.4) (1.0) - (1.0) Corporate and Other (9.1) 1.0 (8.0) (7.9) 0.1 (7.8) Total Operating Income (Loss) $ 1.4 $ 1.0 $ 2.4 $ (2.0) $ 0.4 $ (1.6) (1) See GAAP to Non-GAAP adjustments in appendix. 10
Adjusted Operating Income by Segment YTD FY19 (1) $ in millions Six Months Ended Aug. 4, 2018 Six Months Ended July 29, 2017 Oper Inc Adj Oper Oper Inc Adj Oper (Loss) Adjust Inc (Loss) (Loss) Adjust Inc (Loss) Journeys Group $ 21.3 $ - $ 21.3 $ 5.3 $ 0.3 $ 5.6 Schuh Group (4.6) - (4.6) 3.9 - 3.9 Lids Sports Group (4.2) - (4.2) 1.3 - 1.3 Johnston & Murphy Group 5.9 - 5.9 5.4 - 5.4 Licensed Brands (0.1) - (0.1) 1.2 - 1.2 Corporate and Other (18.9) 2.6 (16.3) (16.1) 0.2 (16.0) Total Operating Income (Loss) $ (0.5) $ 2.6 $ 2.1 $ 0.8 $ 0.5 $ 1.3 (1) See GAAP to Non-GAAP adjustments in appendix. 11
Inventory/Sales Change by Segment Q2 FY19 $ in millions Aug. 4, 2018 Q2 FY19 Segment Inventory/Sales Inventory Sales Journeys Group -11% 18% Schuh Group (1) 5% -2% Lids Sports Group -14% -7% Johnston & Murphy Group 6% 6% Licensed Brands -36% 4% Total $ 607 $ 654 % Change from prior year -9% 6% (1) On a constant currency basis. 12
Retail Stores Summary Q2 FY19 May 5, Aug. 4, 2018 Open Close 2018 Journeys Group 1,221 3 9 1,215 Journeys stores (U.S.) 891 3 5 889 Journeys stores (Canada) 46 - - 46 Journeys Kidz stores 245 - 4 241 Little Burgundy 39 - - 39 Schuh Group 136 - 1 135 Lids Sports Group 1,141 5 21 1,125 Lids hat stores (U.S.) 726 1 5 722 Lids hat stores (Canada) 114 - 1 113 Locker Room stores (U.S.) 130 - 2 128 Locker Room stores (Canada) 29 - - 29 Clubhouse stores 20 - 4 16 Locker Room by Lids (Macy's) 122 4 9 117 Johnston & Murphy Group 182 - - 182 Total Stores 2,680 8 31 2,657 13
Retail Square Footage Q2 FY19 Square feet in thousands July 29, Net Aug. 4, Square Footage: 2017 Change 2018% Change Journeys Group 2,445 (56) 2,389 -2.3% Schuh Group 645 14 659 2.2% Lids Sports Group 1,405 (81) 1,324 -5.8% Johnston & Murphy Group 339 7 346 2.1% Total Square Footage 4,834 (116) 4,718 -2.4% 14
FY19 Outlook(1) Note: See earnings call transcript for important details regarding changes in guidance assumptions Non-GAAP EPS $3.05 -$3.45 per share (1)% to +1% TotalSales (52 weeks TY vs. 53 LY) Comparable Sales +1 to +3% FY19 Note Shiftof large volume back-to-school week out of Q3 into Q2 Gross Margin ~30 basis point improvement SG&A Expense 40 to 60 basis points deleverage Tax Rate ~27.5% FX Hurtsearnings by ~($0.04) CapEx $60 to $65 million 19.5 million AvgShares Outstanding (assumesno repurchases) (1) On a Non-GAAP basis, see GAAP to Non-GAAP adjustments in appendix 15
FY19 Comparable Sales Guidance Actual Actual GuidanceGuidanceGuidance Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY19 Journeys Group 6% 10% 6 - 10% 1 - 4% 5 - 7% Lids Sports Group (7)% (5)% (3) - 1% (1) - 4% (4) - (1)% Schuh Group (13)% (7)% (7) - (5)% (6) - (4)% (8) - (7)% Johnston & Murphy Group 7% 8% 4 - 5% 2 - 4% 5 - 6% Total Genesco (1)% 3% 2 - 5% 0 - 3% 1 - 3% 16
FY19 Projected Retail Store Count Actual Proj Proj Proj 2018 Open Close 2019 Journeys Group 1,220 21 28 1,213 Journeys stores (U.S.) 893 10 21 882 Journeys stores (Canada) 46 - - 46 Journeys Kidz stores 242 8 6 244 Little Burgundy 39 3 1 41 Schuh Group 134 7 5 136 Lids Sports Group 1,159 19 73 1,105 Lids hat stores (U.S.) 739 9 36 712 Lids hat stores (Canada) 114 3 7 110 Locker Room stores (U.S.) 134 1 14 121 Locker Room stores (Canada) 29 - 2 27 Clubhouse stores 21 - 5 16 Locker Room by Lids (Macy's) 122 6 9 119 Johnston & Murphy Group 181 4 - 185 Total Stores 2,694 51 106 2,639 17
FY19 Projected Capital Spending Projected FY19 CapEx$60 to $65 million 40% New Stores & Remodels 60% Omni-channel, IT, DC & Other 18
Non-GAAP Reconciliation –Q2 FY19 Three Months Ended August 4, 2018 July 29, 2017 Net of Per Share Net of Per Share In Thousands (except per share amounts) Pretax Tax Amounts Pretax Tax Amounts Earnings (loss) from continuing operations, as reported $ 167 $ 0.01 $ (3,875) $ (0.20) Pretax adjustments: Impairment charges $ 928 5 91 0.03 $ 58 44 - Other legal matters 614 4 29 0.02 - - - Gain on Hurricane Maria (503) (369) (0.02) - - - Acquisition transition expenses - - - 2 88 199 0.01 Total adjustments $ 1,039 6 51 0.03 $ 346 243 0.01 Tax impact for share-based awards 4 52 0.02 2,167 0.11 Other tax items (460) (0.02) (520) (0.02) Adjusted earnings (loss) from continuing operations (1) and (2) $ 810 $ 0.04 $ (1,985) $ (0.10) (1) The adjusted tax rate for the second quarter of Fiscal 2019 is 37.6% including a FIN 48 discrete item of less than $0.1 million. The adjusted tax rate for the second quarter of Fiscal 2018 is 31.9% including a FIN 48 discrete item of less than $0.1 million. (2) EPS reflects 19.4 million and 19.2 million share count for Fiscal 2019 and 2018, respectively, which includes common stock equivalents in only Fiscal 2019. 20
Non-GAAP Reconciliation –YTD FY19 Six Months Ended August 4, 2018 July 29, 2017 Net of Per Share Net of Per Share In Thousands (except per share amounts) Pretax Tax Amounts Pretax Tax Amounts Earnings (loss) from continuing operations, as reported $ (2,141) $ ( 0.11) $ (2,878) $ (0.15) Pretax adjustments: Impairment charges $ 2,202 1,652 0.08 $ 177 122 - Other legal matters 992 744 0.04 - - - Gain on Hurricane Maria (603) (452) (0.02) - - - Acquisition transition expenses - - - 288 199 0.01 Total adjustments $ 2,591 1,944 0.10 $ 465 321 0.01 Tax impact for share-based awards 452 0.02 2,167 0.11 Other tax items (585) (0.03) (496) (0.02) Adjusted earnings (loss) from continuing operations (1) and (2) $ (330) $ ( 0.02) $ (886) $ (0.05) (1) The adjusted tax rate for the first six months of Fiscal 2019 is 618% including a FIN 48 discrete item of less than $0.1 million. The adjusted tax rate for the first six months of Fiscal 2018 is 24.7% including a FIN 48 discrete item of less than $0.1 million. (2) EPS reflects 19.3 million and 19.2 million share count for Fiscal 2019 and 2018, respectively, which includes common stock equivalents in both years. 21