In addition, regardless of any decision on the potential purchase or sale of any residence in your HOME country, you will continue to be tax equalized back to your country of origin.
HOME Country Car / Auto Sale:
You have the option to return your Clarios vehicle or to purchase it in accordance with the LATAM Car Policy terms and conditions.
You will be reimbursed for losses incurred in selling or relinquishing the lease on your personal car based on the limits defined within the policy. You will be responsible for selling your car and/or canceling your lease. The company will not pay the costs associated with the shipment of a personal vehicle to or from the foreign location or the costs to store any vehicle in the HOME country.
Cultural Orientation/ Language Lessons:
To prepare you for living and working in the HOST location, the company will provide a cultural orientation and/or language services through appropriate vendors coordinated by the company’s selected relocation management company.
Pre-Move Trip:
You will be entitled to a pre-move trip to the assignment location for up to six days. Where possible, the trip should be scheduled in conjunction with a business trip to minimize expenses. The primary purpose of such a trip will be for you, and the Company to make a final assessment regarding the assignment and where possible, to arrange for HOST housing. You will be reimbursed for airfare, lodging, meals, & incidentals in accordance with the business travel policy, but reimbursement must be requested through the Company’s relocation management company.
Destination & Settling-In Services:
The Company provides support to find and settle into your new HOST location, as coordinated by the relocation management company. These services begin before your assignment and includes support in finding appropriate schooling, as applicable.
Relocation Travel:
You will be reimbursed for the costs of air travel to your HOST location. You will be reimbursed for Economy Class airfare, extra baggage fees, lodging, meals, & incidentals for up to 48 hours of travel, in accordance with the policy, but reimbursement must be requested through the company’s relocation management company.
Temporary Living:
You are eligible for Temporary Living to support the transition to your HOST location housing. This Temporary living may be used for up to 90 days at the HOST location, and up until your HOST housing is available or your household goods shipment arrives. All efforts should be made to move into permanent accommodations as quickly as possible. Temporary living, where possible, should be coordinated and paid directly by the relocation management company. Where not possible, you will be reimbursed hotels, laundry/ valet, and normal gratuities.
While in Temporary Living, or until the HOST transportation has been provided/ obtained, you will also be eligible for a rental car for up to 90 days until your HOST country transportation has been provided.
Certain confidential information contained in this document, marked by [**], has been redacted in compliance with Regulation S-K Item 601(a)(6).
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Clarios | | Page 4 of 7 | | June 2022 |